Dear community...
Martine Elias, Executive Director
Hi everyone,
Last month, I spent some time talking to you about where your hard-earned fundraising dollars go. We mentioned some of the exciting research initiatives in which we’ve been able to invest, thanks to your participation in the Multiple Myeloma March and your support throughout the year.
As you know, Myeloma Canada is fully committed to doing all we can to improve the quality and length of life of people living with myeloma. But what exactly does this mean? It means investing in important research that supports new, breakthrough treatments while advancing the science behind the disease, i.e., research on how myeloma affects the lives of those it impacts.
It means fighting for equity access to drugs and treatments regardless of where you live. It means developing innovative programs and materials, and hosting events that help educate, empower and support anyone affected by myeloma, whether you yourself are living with the disease or supporting someone who is. It means doing all we can to ensure that you, our community, have the tools you need to better understand and manage your lives with myeloma regardless of where you may be in your journey.
In many ways, as your Executive Director, I feel like Myeloma Canada’s Mother Hen (in a good way!) Along with our team, we keep you, your health and safety front and center in all of our decisions, strategies and initiatives. Which brings me to my next point:
And so, we have had to make some difficult decisions. While not easy, we firmly believe it is the right move...

Given the current instability of rising COVID-19 infection rates, we, as an organization, have decided to postpone to early 2022 all previously scheduled national-scale in-person events, i.e., the Support Group Leaders Summit, the Myeloma Canada Scientific Roundtable and the Health eMatters Conference. Once our numbers come back under control, more shots are in arms, advances are made on a Canadian passport, and of course, a third 'booster' vaccine, we prefer to err on the side of caution, to protect the health and well-being of those we represent.
2020 Oshawa Multiple Myeloma March
It is very important to note that this decision does not affect in-person Multiple Myeloma Marches or any other activity that is local or community-based. We leave the choice of holding
in-person gatherings within your area entirely up to you since each province and each region has their own unique reality. Having said that, we are here to support you, as we always have been, in your events regardless of the form they take. Last year’s experience with our Marches showed us how incredibly creative you are.
It really makes no difference if we walk together, in-person, individually, in small groups, or even virtually. What is important is that we walk - or run, cycle, swim, or whatever motivates you to stay active and engaged – and that we don’t give up. Together, we have to continue to work toward raising funds to help forward important life-saving research!
I’d like to take another minute to assure you that, as an organization, we are doing all that we can to continue advocating for the third ‘booster’ vaccine to be approved in Canada for immuno- suppressed and compromised individuals. Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have been steadfast in working with all necessary agencies to do what’s necessary to safeguard your health, including expediting vaccine approvals and dosing intervals across all provinces and territories.
We have come so far so quickly and we remain firm in our resolve to get boosters into your arms as quickly as possible. We’re following the work of the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) very closely. On August 12th, Theresa Tam announced that they are looking at the data now regarding a third booster dose. Should the government(s) not move faster, we will intervene. The data is there, we just need to be patient, as difficult or frustrating as that may be.
In the meantime, continue to take care of yourselves, to stay energized, focused and positive. We’ve come this far together, we can’t let the cloud of COVID-19 get the better of us now! Enjoy the rest of the summer. Get out doors. Walk, hike, enjoy a coffee with a friend on a terrasse or in a park. Reach out to your own personal community for support and encouragement. Join or form a March of your own. Rekindle your mojo. You have the power!
And with that, I wish you and yours a wonderful, safe and relaxing up-coming labour day weekend!

Your donation enables us to better serve the myeloma community.
Thank you for your continued faith in all that we do.
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