July 4, 2022 / 5 Tammuz 5782
We regret to inform you of the death of Sam Goss on Saturday, July 2.

Sam was the husband of Nichola and father of Quin and Johnathan (Nash).

A memorial service will be held at Beth Emet on Tuesday, July 5 at 4:00 pm. You can view the service online.

Shiva will be held Tuesday through Thursday from 7:00 - 9:00 pm at the Goss home (1727 Brummel; Evanston).

May Sam's memory forever be a blessing.
If you would like to make a donation to Beth Emet in memory of Sam, you may do so online, or contact the office. The family will be notified of your contribution.

You can find the family's contact information via MyBethEmet on our website.