March 15, 2023 / 22 Adar 5783
We regret to inform you of the death of Beatrice Safran who died on Monday, March 6.

Beatrice was the mother of member Judy (Ken) Flaxman; grandmother of Abie, Joel, and Seth.

The funeral was held in Israel.

There was no obituary, but you can read more from an article printed in The Jerusalem Post in 2009.

May Beatrice’s memory forever be a blessing.
One of the ways Jewish tradition encourages us to honor the memory of a friend or loved one, or positively influence the healing of body and spirit, is through tzedakah. If you would like to make a donation to Beth Emet in memory of Beatrice, you may do so online, or contact the office. The family will be notified of your contribution.

You can find the family's contact information via MyBethEmet on our website.