Upcoming Courses...
An intensive 2-level, live-webinar training
For those wishing to prepare for a conscious dying and those who care for them.

Level I - Enter the Grave

Level II - Conscious Dying

Classes may be taken individually
or register for the complete program for a $100 savings.

"This was one of the richest and deepest courses I have ever taken. Olivia brings her experience and real-life stories of working in the field to the class. The time flew by! I feel confident now to bring this to my community." - Chelsey Barron

An intensive 4-Level live-webinar training

Level I - Enter the Grave

Level II - Conscious Dying

Level III - After the Last Breath

Classes may be taken individually
or register for the complete program for a $200 savings.

“This course was TRULY life changing. Olivia is an incredible teacher, I learned so much – much more in depth than I thought. Such a personal spiritual and emotional journey. Thank you!” - Kristen Sheridan

Graduates of Levels I & II receive a certificate for Death Doula

Graduates of the complete program receive certificates for both
Death Doula and Death Midwife 
Rev. Olivia Bareham

Olivia is a Death Midwife, Interfaith Minister, workshop facilitator and founder of Sacred Crossings and the Sacred Crossings Funeral Home in Los Angeles.

For a complimentary consultation regarding conscious dying or after death care. Please call: 310-968-2763

“Olivia's ability to hold everyone in sacred space is glorious and it allowed me to dive into the mystery within that I've been longing for.”  – Grinnell Morris
One-Day Grief Workshops...
This webinar is tailored for professionals working in the end-of-life field. Learn how to support your clients through grief and loss.

Saturday, July 23
Thursday, August 11
9am - 5 pm PST

These intimate and intensive live webinars are limited to 12 participants

Grief and Loss expert Bill Berry provides a safe context for healing from all types of loss. Open to everyone.

9 AM - 4 PM PST
Saturday, July 30
Thursday, August 4
Saturday, August 20

"Bill has an extraordinary gift for tenderly holding open the space to feel that which is otherwise too deep or too frightening to feel. I highly recommend both his Grief and Loss workshops and Individual Counseling.” - Olivia Bareham
Our Los Angeles Funeral Home offers a full
range of funeral and mortuary services specializing in green, environmentally-sensitive products and after-death care practices.

Home Funerals, Full-body Sea Burials, Green Burials, Cremation and Celebrant Services.
