The Rev. Robert L. "Bob" Shearer
With sadness we share the news of the death of the Rev. Robert L. “Bob” Shearer, 84, on June 15, 2021 due to complications from COVID-19. He was serving as Priest-in-Charge at Church of the Good Shepherd, Fort Lee.

A funeral Eucharist will be celebrated Monday, July 12, 5:30 PM, at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Pawling, NY, where he served for many years. A Zoom link will be made available closer to the date for those who have not been vaccinated or cannot make the trip.
Bob served numerous churches and organizations in leadership roles for dioceses around the country, specializing in interim ministry and restoring vitality to parishes. In a 2009 newspaper interview, he described himself as a “consultant for God.”

In the Diocese of Newark, in addition to Good Shepherd, Fort Lee, he served at St. Peter's, Morristown; St. Paul's, Englewood; and St. Mark's, Teaneck.

In the Diocese of New Jersey, he served at Christ Church, New Brunswick; St. Peter's, Medford; Christ Church, Toms River; Grace Church, Plainfield; and Christ Church, South Amboy.

Good and gracious God, the light of the faithful and shepherd of souls, you sent your servant Bob to be a priest in your Church to feed your sheep with your word and to guide them by his example; give us the grace to keep the faith he taught and to follow in his footsteps. We entrust him into your unfailing mystery of Love and Hope through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.