Thank you for being a valued customer of First National Bank. We want to remind you that on September 11, 2023 your old debit card was deactivated and can no longer be used. Your new debit card that you recently received in the mail is ready to be activated if you haven't done so already. Once activated, you can begin using your new card immediately and enjoy all of the great new features including:

Contactless Pay

Your new debit card allows you to pay with just a tap of your card. Simply look for the contactless symbol below at checkout, tap your card on the terminal - that's it! If you're new to contactless cards, click here to familiarize yourself.

MoneyPass ATM Network Access

Use your First National Bank Debit or ATM Card to access the MoneyPass ATM network and take advantage of more than 37,000 surcharge-free ATMs nationwide. Look for the MoneyPass logo on an ATM or visit to find an ATM near you.

Also, please remember to update any payment or billing information connected to your old debit card with your new card number, expiration date and security code. Review recurring bills such as insurance, utilities, streaming services and online merchants you shop with regularly.


Thank you,

First National Bank

First National Bank | 1-800-555-6895 | | Member FDIC

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