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In This Issue
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Deadlines & Deliverables: NOVA Program Area 18-19 Certification Due Dec. 1
TOPSPro Student Data Reports Now Available
CAEP Summit 2019 a Success!
New Pre-Apprenticeship and Apprenticeship Resources
Last Data & Accountability Roadshow Fall Workshop
Upcoming Webinars
Deadlines & Deliverables
The world deadline in red
  • NOVA Program Area 18-19 Certification Due Dec. 1

CASAS has recently updated the CAEP Program Hours Report for members using TE to show 18-19 instructional hours.

New TE features include an option to view the NOVA simple program area format in Report Setup, as well as options to expand CTE to include separate listings for Workforce Preparation (formerly known as Workforce Reentry) and Pre-Apprenticeship, and the ability to split ABE/ASE into ABE, HSE and HS diploma.

  • Also Due Dec. 1 in NOVA is the 17/18, 18/19 and 19/20 Member Expense Report (Q1)
TOPSpro Student Data Reports Now Available
The 18-19 TOPSpro Enterprise (TE) CAEP Reports have been updated. CAEP members using TE can now access their CAEP student data, which includes CAEP Outcomes and CAEP Services Reports to the CAEP Tables series. These reports detail the totals for each specific outcome and short-term services.
CAEP Summit 2019 a Success!
The CAEP Summit 2019 was a  huge  success! Thank you to all who attended! The CAEP Office and CAEP TAP hope you received tools, tips and resources that will enhance your adult education program and three-year plan implementation.
The CAEP Office and CAEP TAP would like to send a special thank you to all presenters, room monitors and staff for your invaluable contributions to the CAEP Summit 2019! The Summit would not have been successful if it were not for your dynamic sessions and assistance.
CAEP TAP is in the process of uploading all CAEP Summit 2019 session presentations and handouts. If you have not done so already, please email  [email protected] your presentation and/or handouts to share with all attendees.

Please send materials no later than close of business, Thursday, Nov. 6, 2019.
New Pre-Apprenticeship and Apprenticeship Resources
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The CAEP website now offers a page of resources for adult educators who are involved in or considering developing pre-apprenticeship or apprenticeship programs. Among the documents available are  a useful one-pager and graphic   on the opportunity to expand access to apprenticeships for English learners in California and the important role of adult education. Also posted is a CAEP Summit presentation titled  “Expanding Access to Pre-Apprenticeship and Apprenticeship for English Learners,”  which summarizes research undertaken recently on existing and emerging program models.
Last Data & Accountability Roadshow Fall Workshop
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Join CAEP's Neil Kelly and Jay Wright from CASAS in person to cover new 2019-20 policy changes, updated methods and definitions for PY 19-20, review data and accountability, program metrics and more.

The last fall workshop is Nov. 21 in San Bernardino.

Upcoming Webinars
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Building Persistence Through Teamwork
Today (11/6)
1 p.m.-2 p.m.

How do we help adult learners commit to their education and persist through the various challenges life brings? One way is through building a sense of community in the class via collaborative activities. This webinar will discuss the research on learner persistence and provide examples of activities four instructors did with their students to build teamwork and support persistence.

Assessment to Instruction
Wednesday, Nov. 13
12 p.m.-1 p.m.

In this one-hour webinar, participants will learn how to connect CASAS results to instruction so teachers are informed about what their individual classes need for improvement. By generating reports, directors, coordinators and teachers know where students succeed and where they need more help. What reports are most helpful and how to read these reports will be covered so you can delve into your own agency reports and distribute them accordingly.

Effective Vocabulary Instruction
Wednesday, Nov. 20
1 p.m.-2 p.m.

This webinar will feature a panel of vocabulary instruction subject-matter experts offering three perspectives. Dr. Terry Salinger will provide insights from research, Dr. Ramona Chauvin will lend her expertise on vocabulary instructional change and support and Guillermo Verdin will offer the practitioner perspective on effective vocabulary teaching practices.

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