Office: 270-684-4226
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Weekly Tidings Newsletter, Dec. 14

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Thank You to Our Choir for a Wonderful Cantata on Sunday

Thank you to Music Director Rebecca Volk, Settle's Sanctuary Choir, and accompanist Heather Kirkconnell for a wonderful Cantata Sunday on Dec. 11. We were blessed by this special music event in our worship.

If you missed the cantata and would like to hear it, click here and watch the 12.11.22 Traditional Worship.

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Settle Provides Medical Closet for Members, Community

Did you know that Settle has a small medical closet? Items such as walkers, crutches and shower chairs are available for our congregation and the community to borrow as needed. We did some re-arranging and sent several duplicate items to Mountain Mission this week. Thanks to those who have donated over the years. Our Congregational Care Team oversees this ministry.

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Thank You for Bringing Donations for Our New Neighbor, Oasis Shelter

Thanks to those who donated to our recent collection of paper products and cleaning supplies for our new neighbors, Oasis Shelter. Special thanks to Settle Preschool and Parent’s Day Out for their participation! Oasis was so thankful for the carload of donations that we delivered to them last week.

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Preschoolers Present Their Annual Christmas Program

Thank you to all of our Settle preschoolers for a wonderful & uplifiing Christmas program last week! Special thanks also to all the parents, grandparents & friends who attended. The children blessed us with their music and enthusiasm. The preschool is now on Christmas break & will resume Jan. 3.

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See More Pictures Here

Youth Explore Mega Cavern

The youth group had a great road trip to the Louisville Mega Cavern for zip lining on Sunday, Dec. 11.

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See More Pictures Here

Upper Room Devotionals

The January-February Upper Rooms now are available. You may pick up your copy in the back of our worship spaces on Sundays or during church office hours.

If you need a copy delivered, please contact or call the church office.

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Thank You For Your Love & Support

Thank you to everyone that sent a card, said a prayer, or gave a hug or a lovely comment regarding the passing of my mother. Our Settle family is wonderful.


Joan Baker

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Baby News!

Congratulations to Mike & Lynne Alvey on the birth of their grandson, Weston Stewart Alvey, on Dec. 13 at 6 pounds, 8 ounces. Proud parents are Will & Shelby Alvey of Louisville, Ky.

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In Christian Sympathy

We extend our deep sympathy to Dianne Fuqua and family on the passing of her mom, Ruby Brown Garst on Dec.6 in Muhlenberg County

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Financial Update

Your tithes and offerings are important to the ministries and programming of Settle Memorial. Here's a current look at your support of Settle:

2022 Budget


$15,910 / Week

Year to Date (Jan –Oct) Actual  


$13,772 / Week      

To Achieve Budget for Year


$21,787 / Week

Last Week’s Giving (Dec. 11, 2022): $27,021.02

Last Week's Attendance:

  • In-Person Traditional and Shout: 301
  • Online Traditional & Shout: 275
10 a.m Traditional Worship
10:30 a.m Contemporary Worship
Please Note Our Mailing Address:
Address: P.O. Box 1756
Owensboro, KY 42302
Phone Number: +1 270-684-4226
Church office hours: 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday
E-mail Your Prayer Requests