Announcing this month's
Time in the Art
Free Writing and Tai Chi
Monday, December 18, 2023
1 - 2 p.m. ET
Join us for an online class taught by Annette Peizer
Creative writing and tai chi instructor
After a brief overview of the Amherst Writers and Artists Technique, tai chi-related prompts will be provided, and we will freewrite quickly together in small breakout groups without worrying about grammar, punctuation, or spelling.
You will have the option to read what you wrote in the breakout group to each other, with the listeners responding by only stating what they liked best about the writing or what stood out the most to them.
Returning to the large group, we will share some of the ideas and images expressed in the freewrites both verbally and through chat, then do a little tai chi together while working on what was shared from our freewrites.
If time allows, we can do another brief freewrite in the same small group with additional prompts and sharing.
This class is FREE for TCF members and $20 for non-members.