Office: 270-684-4226
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Weekly Tidings Newsletter, Dec. 21

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Thank You, Children, for an Inspiring Program on Dec. 18!

Thank you to our children for a well done and meaningful Children's Christmas Program on Sunday! We enjoyed "The Signs of Christmas." We also appreciate all the parents and leaders who helped make this possible!

If you missed the children's program and would like to watch it, click here and watch the 12.18.22 Worship.

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See More PIctures Here
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Thank You for Supporting the Mission Tree & Helping 28 Local Children!

Our mission committee elves sorted, bagged and delivered our Mission Tree gifts last week! Thanks to all who took a name from the tree or gave money for gifts. We provided 99 gifts for 28 children in our community this year.  

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Poinsettia Pickup on Dec. 24 & 25

Thank you to the individuals and families who have purchased poinsettias or donated to the Good Samaritan Fund in memory or honor of a loved one. Your support of these special gifts at Settle are greatly appreciated.

If you dedicated a poinsettia, you may pick up your plant after either of our Christmas Eve worship services or after our Christmas Day service. If those times do not work, you may call the church office at 270-684-4226 to schedule a pickup time from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 27-Thursday, Dec. 29.

See the List Here

Youth Enjoy Dinner on Dec. 18

To celebrate Christmas, the youth group enjoyed a "regressive" dinner on Dec. 18, where they ate dessert first. Thanks to all those who made this special event possible!

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Give Online Now
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Holiday Office Hours

The staff at Settle Memorial wishes you & your family a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year! The church office will be closed from Dec. 23-26 for the Christmas holiday and from Dec. 30-Jan. 2 for the New Year's holiday. Office hours between the two holidays will be 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Dec. 27, 28 & 29.

Settle will not publish another newsletter until January, but please check your e-mail for your weekly bulletin & announcements.

If you have an emergency during this time, please call a pastor on a cell phone line.

Save the Date: On Jan. 3, Volunteers Are Needed to Help Take Down Decorations

We need all hands on deck at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 3, to help take down Christmas decorations at the church! Please mark your calendars & make plans to help out.

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Baby News!

Congratulations to Mike & Lynne Alvey on the birth of their grandson, Griffin James Alvey, on Dec. 20 at 7 pounds, 3 ounces. Proud parents are Jamie & Staci Alvey, and big sister is Harper.

In Christian Sympathy

We extend our deep sympathy to:

  • Shelly Burgess (our Shout worship leader) and her family on the passing of her uncle over the weekend.
  • Debbie and Joe Danzer and family on the death of their daughter, Dr. Kimberly Danzer, on Nov. 20. The visitation and funeral will be on Wednesday, Dec. 28, at Blessed Mother Catholic Church.
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Settle's Inclement Weather Policy

In the event of inclement weather, Settle Memorial has implemented the following policy: Settle Wednesday Night and any church activities during the week will follow the Owensboro City Schools' snow schedule. If city schools are out or dismissed early, we will not have activities at the church.     

The decision to cancel weekend/Sunday services and special activities will be made with the safety of our members in mind. Please check our web page or our Facebook pages on Sunday mornings.

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Financial Update

Your tithes and offerings are important to the ministries and programming of Settle Memorial. Here's a current look at your support of Settle:

2022 Budget


$15,910 / Week

Year to Date (Jan –Nov) Actual  


$13,773 / Week      

To Achieve Budget for Year


$41,562 / Week

Last Week’s Giving (Dec. 18, 2022): $15,602.60

Last Week's Attendance:

  • In-Person Combined Worship: 367
  • Online Combined Worship: 185
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10 a.m Traditional Worship
10:30 a.m Contemporary Worship
Please Note Our Mailing Address:
Address: P.O. Box 1756
Owensboro, KY 42302
Phone Number: +1 270-684-4226
Church office hours: 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday
E-mail Your Prayer Requests