Dear Friends,

Your first School for Formation course is free in Spring 2020.

This gift comes to you from the generosity of all of ECMN’s faith communities, working together. It comes to you from instructors in Minnesota and beyond, eager to share their own excitement and knowledge. The gift comes to you from those you’ll learn with, in the form of new relationships and networks of prayer, action, and friendship. And, it’s a gift you give yourself — the time and focus to learn something new. Carving out the spaciousness you need to say yes to God.

These courses start as soon as February 3, 2020, so don’t delay!
And the gift keeps on giving: Upon completion, receive a voucher for half off the cost of your next course.

Click here to get signed up -- and don't delay. Space is limited!

In partnership,

The Rev. Susan Daughtry |  Missioner for Formation 
Emilia Allen |  Missional Support 
New Course begins January 6:
Natural disasters, violence, and current events can create unsafe conditions for a faith community and its neighbors. In this course, you’ll work with the Rev. Tim Kingsley to understand policies and procedures for protecting these assets and apply them to your particular context. You’ll draft an emergency action plan and conduct a risk assessment – tools that you can take back to your faith community for implementation immediately. You’ll learn the skills to discern the difference between bias-based judgment and truly suspicious behavior, and best practices for responding to suspicious behavior. And, finally, you’ll learn about the ways previous trauma functions in your faith community, and how you can use trauma-informed care to respond. Free for ECMN faith community members. Register here.
Mission Opportunity 2019:
Creating Beloved Community
by Practicing the Way of Love
Explore Christ’s birth as recounted in the Gospel of Luke through the lens of the Way of Love and the seven practices of turn, learn, pray, worship, bless, go, and rest. With daily devotions, the authors challenge you to incorporate these practices into your own life. During Advent and Christmas, walk with the shepherds and the angels, Mary and Joseph, Elizabeth and Zechariah, and Anna and Simeon. All of their paths—as well as yours—lead to the same destination: the humble manger where Love was born. Contributors include ECMN's own Len Freeman and Lindsay Hardin Freeman!
For the season of Advent, Journeying the Way of Love offers four sessions to be explored as we await the coming of Christ by moving through the first two chapters of the Gospel of Luke. Luke’s gospel provides a pattern for understanding how we can live the  Way of Love  as individuals, as families and friends, as a community, and out in the world. The sessions are specially designed for use during the Christian formation hour before or after worship. Facilitation instructions accommodate small or large groups, in English y en español.
Small group facilitation guide & curriculum
Save the Date: Workshops in April
How do you prepare adults and parents of children to participate in this sacrament? As a group we will focus on these questions and more. We will explore how what you believe about baptism shapes your baptism preparation ministry. We will look at different preparation models and resources. And we will apply our learnings to your current faith community.
This workshop is a next step for those who have completed our  Building Bridges Across Culture and Race  course. Over the course of the day, you’ll receive an updated approach to your Intercultural Development Plan, reflect with others on the steps you’ve taken, and update the plan for your ministry context now. 
On-Demand Leadership Training
We've compiled a page of video resources you can access at any time, solo or in groups, largely at no cost. These resources cover a variety of topics -- from Scripture to liturgical training, from Safe Church to storytelling, from evangelism to finance -- these resources are a great first step for lay and ordained leaders sharpening their skills for ministry. Check out what's here, and share any other resources with!
From the SFF Blog
Register Now for Spring Courses
And more! There are still free seats open for many of these courses! Click here to take your first course free.
What surprised me was the magical realism, and the film's insistence on hope in impossible circumstances. Doubling down on human capacity for goodness, this movie is a great opportunity to talk about masculinity, class, and embracing the dignity of every human being. - Susan
However well intentioned they may be, leaders who deceive themselves always end up undermining their own performance.This straightforward book explains how leaders can discover their own self-deceptions and learn how to escape destructive patterns.

F amily-friendly set includes colorful story symbols to download, print, and use as Jesse Tree ornaments, plus very simple devotions every family can do with kids of all ages.
" Building community suggests the need for heavy lifting, specialized skills, and planning tools . . . I've learned to talk about growing community instead."
Effective evaluation is about learning from one’s work, not judgment. It is a process that must be in place from the beginning of a project and be done in community, writes the director of the Evaluation & Communication Project at the Center for Congregations.
Ever wonder  what gives on who gives ? Our friends at  Six Weeks on Money  put together a research-based resource to help understand giving trends. Understand the three kinds of givers so you can communicate strategically, lead stewardship, and grow giving in your context.  Get it here .
Beyond the SFF
Free, lectionary-based musical resources to share
 from Music That Makes Community
50th Anniversary Celebration
1101 West Broadway, Minneapolis
Experience a condensed workshop on the topic of conflict during this energizing pre-reception education event on Tuesday, December 10 from 5-6pm. (We promise it will be fun, too!) Sign up here.

5pm Workshop: Conflict and You
6pm: Anniversary Celebration
On-Demand Video Training on Child Abuse Prevention
EHOP in the City
1101 W Broadway Ave, Minneapolis
Saturday, March 7:  Introduction to Discernment
Rooted in Jesus
January 21 - 24, 2020
Atlanta, GA
It’s time for the Episcopal Church to come together as disciples of Jesus and take a bold new step into the next decade. Let’s spend four days together, talking about discipleship, leadership, evangelism, formation, preaching, and much more—so we can go out and be the Body of Christ. Together, we are stronger. Find out more .
Share what's on your reading, podcast, or viewing list!
Send these or any other resources to
The Rev. Susan Daughtry | Missioner for Formation | Episcopal Church in Minnesota l | Sign up to get this email