Sumner Special Meeting

via Zoom Dec 17, 2024

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Sumner Association of Neighbors is open to ALL persons living or working within our boundaries and exists to foster a sense of community and to enhance the quality of life for all individuals who live, work and play here. SAN is a non-profit organization devoted to the physical and social livability of the Sumner Neighborhood and to provide an open process by which all members of the neighborhood may involve themselves in the affairs of the neighborhood. We provide opportunities for community involvement, promote local businesses, and advocate for issues of community concern.

Sumner Association of Neighbors (SAN)

Next Scheduled

Special Community Meeting Agenda

*Tuesday, Dec 17, 2024 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

SAN is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Cell Tower Meeting

Time: Dec 17, 2024 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)



Tuesday, December 17, 2024

 From 6:00-7:00 pm

Meeting will be held electronically via ZOOM

Topic: SAN Special Meeting – Proposed Cell Tower at 8700 NE Emerson St Final Decision and Appeal Discussion (LU 24-073623 CU)


SAN is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 898 3286 6012 / Passcode: 198154


           Meeting Topic: City of Portland – Portland Permitting & Development Approval of Proposed Cell Tower at 8700 NE Emerson: 

           Portland Permitting & Development has approved a proposal in your neighborhood.  The mailed copy of this document is only a summary of the decision. The reasons for the decision and responses to any public comments are included in the version located on the PP&D website ( Enter the land use case file number 073623 in the keyword search. If you disagree with the decision, you can appeal. Information on how to appeal the decision is included at the end of this decision.

1.        7:00 pm        Discussion on how to appeal, what is accepted in this appeal process, moving forward with the appeal.

2.        8:00 pm         Adjourn Meeting

The green link above is from The City of Portland Permitting & Development Notice of a Type II Decision in our neighborhood with regards to the proposed cell tower to be placed at 8700 NE Emerson. Please read it!!! Its somewhat long but we as neighbors need to understand this document.

Attached at the bottom is the Appeal Form for you to read and identify any codes or zoning issues that we may use to file an appeal. Keep in mind that only the criteria's in this Type II Decision is what we can appeal.

We understand a lot of neighbors have expressed opinions and emotions about the placement of this cell tower. You are encouraged to bring them up to a Hearing Officer should the board vote and move forward to file an appeal.

But, we really need you to read the Decision and on the Appeal Form complete the "Identify the specific approval criteria at the source of the appeal" and describe how the proposal does or does not meet the specific approval criteria or how the City erred procedurally. The Appeal Form must be into the City on or before December 23, 2024. If you think we can appeal any one of the criteria, please include it on the appeal form on the link below.

Below is the Type II and IIX Decision Appeal Form


Sumner side streets sometimes get busy and it's important that we obey the 20 MPH for the safety of everyone including pets.

Sumner Association of Neighbors (SAN) Board

Yvonne Rice...............................................................Chair, Parks & Open Spaces

Karen McAninch...........................................................................................V Chair

Virginia Petersen......................................................................Secretary-Treasurer

Committee Chairs:

David Wiens ..............................................................................................Publicity

Dave Ganslein.................................................................Land Use//Transportation

Tim Batog.............................................................................Parks & Open Spaces

Members at Large:

Janet Shannon