"Give Them Roots and Create Wings"

December - 2018 Special News Update

EPH December e-news

Joy and laughter filled the Union Congregational UCC fellowship hall as close to fifty moms, dads and children attended our second annual Christmas party. The families were so appreciative! Throughout the meal, families shared stories of gratitude with our hosts and volunteers who joined them.
In this situation, the word “serve” has a double meaning; served in the sense that we served them a meal. But more important, served in that at its core, it is what EPH is. EPH is a ministry of serving homeless families in our community.

The refrain, “Count your blessings, name them one by one,” comes to mind. 

It is a blessing to be of service to families with children. It is a blessing to be part of the EPH family – a family through which we put our faith into action.  
Throughout this Christmas season, please continue to keep the families we serve in your daily prayers. As they have been a blessing for us, let us continue to be a blessing to them.

Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your blessings, see what God has done!
Family Update

Success comes in small steps for the families we serve. However, a mom with three children who has been in one of our transitional housing homes for about nine months recently experienced a big success. Following is an update on this family.

Mom has found a house to transition into. They are excited as well as scared. However, they have expressed their gratitude for the program and the beautiful home they have been loaned. This is definitely a family that will leave here and continue to be successful because they want it and they are willing to put in the work for it. This family should be commended for the hard work and commitment they have put in while here with us!

This update was shared by our Salvation Army case management partners. We are grateful for our partnership. And we are grateful for the coaching, guidance, and service as they walk beside this family on their journey to self-sufficiency.  
Staffing Update

Sue Mills, our Director of Operations, has been an integral part of our leadership team the last four years. However, Sue and her family will be moving out of state early in 2019. We will greatly miss Sue and her passion for our ministry! As such, we will begin efforts to fill this 30 hour position as soon as possible. 

If you are interested in becoming part of the EPH leadership team, please e-mail executivedirector@ephgb.org for more information. 

We are also continuing to look for a part-time maintenance person. 
If you have “handyman” skills we’d welcome you to our leadership team as well!

Wish List

  • Working lawn mowers (gas only)
  • Two-stage snow blowers
  • Dressers
  • Smaller flat screen TVs (32-48 inch)
  • Electric stoves

If you have any of these larger items,
please call Sue Mills to arrange a pick-up. (920-676-3779)

Ecumenical Partnership for Housing   is a 501(c3) organization, dedicated to finding permanent solutions for homeless families in Green Bay .