Newsletter -December 2024

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The board members of LWVCC wish all of you joy and peace

Newsletter Highlights

Cook County Budget is Finalized

Municipal Elections in February and April

League Advocates for Forest Preserve Land Policy

Cook County Ordinance Impacts Suburban School and Park Districts - See Observer Highlights

LWVCC Interest Groups

All Local League members are invited to participate in these meetings

Forest Preserve Thursday, Jan 9, 8:30 am via Zoom


Budget & Structure Tuesday, Jan 21, 10 am via Zoom


LWVCC Interest Groups keep members informed about important activities of our local government.

Budget & Structure Interest Group

We Learn, We Report, We Make a Difference


Cook County Board Approves $9.9 Billion

Budget for Fiscal Year 2025


The Cook County Board unanimously approved the 2025 Budget on November 21 for $9.9 Billion. The fiscal year began on December 1. In contrast to other municipalities, this was a fairly smooth and non-confrontational process. Almost all of the 21 amendments to what the President had proposed were passed unanimously. The key, of course, is that there are no tax or fee increases; nor are there any layoffs. 

Two of the amendments include:

·    Reallocating $6.34 Million from the Sheriff’s budget pertaining to Electronic Monitoring (EM) to the Chief Judge’s budget in anticipation that the EM that is currently done by the Sheriff will be assumed by the Chief Judge’s office. That office currently has a much smaller and different EM program. The offices of the two officials are in discussions about this, along with the President’s Office and the Justice Advisory Council. It was confirmed that no final decision or timetable or agreed upon milestones for achieving such a transfer have been reached. Several of the Commissioners have asked that regular reports on the status of this effort be provided to the Board. 

·     Assigning $15 Million to the Homeowners Relief Fund. This Special Purpose Fund was recently created to help homeowners pay property taxes. However, the parameters of this program are still to be determined, including who would be eligible and how much they might receive.

To read the full observer report, go to Cook County Observer Reports. You can also find the Observer Reports for the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, the Cook County Health system board, and the Cook County Forest Preserves.

Other Budget News

  The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District board is scheduled to approve its budget on December 12, with possible additional amendments on December 19. Currently, the proposal is for $1.69 Billion vs. the $1.4 Billion budget for 2024. The Cook County Forest Preserves Board approved its 2025 budget for $189.3 Million on Nov. 19. 

Cook County Health Provides Scholarship Opportunities

In 2021, CCH developed the "Provident Scholarship Program" with the dual goal of supporting students who are from, and dedicated to serving, underrepresented communities in Cook County and providing a possible recruiting source for employment within the CCH System. Scholarships start at $10,000 for undergraduates in allied health programs and $20,000 for graduate students. 

2022 - 31 scholars received a total of $341,000

2023 - 60 scholars received a total of $900,000

2024 - 91 scholars received a total of $1.37 million

Voting News

Spring Municipal Elections

Key Dates for 2025 Suburban Cook Elections

While Chicago has no elections in 2025, there will be many local elections in Suburban Cook County. Some towns will have primaries on February 25, and many more will just have the April 1 election. The following key dates are posted on the Cook County Clerk's Web Site:

Feb. 25 Primary

 1/2/2025 Voter registration closes for deputy registrars and local election officials

 2/9/2025  Last day to register to vote by online application

 2/10/2025 First day of early voting 

 2/20/2025 Last day to request a vote-by-mail ballot, including military and overseas voters

 2/24/2025  Last day of early voting 

 2/25/2025  Last day vote-by-mail ballots can be postmarked

 2/25/2024  Election Day

April 1 Election

3/4/2025 Voter registration closes for deputy registrars and local election officials

 3/16/2025 Last day to register to vote by online application

 3/17/2025 First day of early voting 

 3/27/2025 Last day to request a vote-by-mail ballot, including military and overseas voters

 3/31/2025 Last day of early voting 

 4/1/2025  Last day vote-by-mail ballots can be postmarked

 4/1/2025  Election Day

Cook County and MWRD Results from Nov. 5 Election

The Local Numbers Tell Part of the Story for the 2024 Election


Both the Cook County Clerk and the Chicago Board of Elections have certified their results for the November 2024 election.

 Overall:   114,420 fewer registered voters in 2024 as compared to the November 2020 election. That may be all or in part due to a loss of population.


But more telling, 240,821 fewer ballots submitted, with the percentage participating down by 5%.

There is no denying that more registered voters opted not to vote for the 2024 Presidential election than in 2020 which was during the pandemic crisis. If anything, it was easier to vote in 2024. The story locally is also consistent throughout the country.

Why did the participation rates go down? 

What can the League do – what can each of us do -- to both educate more registered voters and encourage them to participate?

                                                           Registered Voters      Ballots Cast               %    

Nov.2024        Suburban Cook         1,640,040                   1,089,830                   66.46%

                       Chicago                     1,498,873                   1,018.359                   67.94%

                       Total                           3,138,913                   2,108,189                   67.16%

Nov. 2020

                       Suburban Cook          1,669,040                   1,188,017                  71%

                       Chicago                      1,584,293                   1,160,993                  73.28%

                       Total                           3,253,333                   2,349,010                   72.20%

To see more detailed results by race, go to the Cook County Clerk Election Results and Chicago Board of Elections Results. The Cook County Clerk should be posting a combined results summary for the Nov. 2024 election soon. Both election authorities should also be posting more details, such as information by township and precinct for Suburban Cook and by ward and precinct for Chicago.   

Forest Preserve Interest Group News

Cook County Forest Preserve District Board of Commissioners Meeting

November 19, 2024 

This was a special day for the CCFP Commissioners Meeting. With the approval of the purchase of real estate located at Glenwood Dryer and Ridge Road, in unincorporated Cook County the CCFP officially passed 70,000 acres of land under CCFP management. This has been a goal for over a decade. Upon passing the proposed purchase the entire room broke out in applause. 

LWVCC Advocates for Proposed Land Use Policy

Also at the November meeting, the LWVCC submitted a letter in support of the proposed land use policy. The proposed policy was reviewed by the LWVCC Forest Preserve Interest Group and they recommended the League support the measure. If you want to join this interest group, contact Laura Davis at

The next team meeting is Thursday, January 9, 2025 - 8:30am via Zoom.

Letter from LWVCC to FPD Commissioners in support of Land Use Policy

November 17, 2024

To the President and Board of Directors of the Forest Preserves District of Cook County

       Re: Land Use, Items 24-0311, 24-0313, and 24-0314

Dear President Preckwinkle and Commissioners:

The League of Women Voters of Cook County supports the updated Land Use Policy put forth by the Conservation and Policy Council as detailed in the 3 items on the agenda for the November 19, 2024 meeting of the Real Estate Committee (24-0311, 24-0313, and 24-0314). We urge the Committee members and then the Board to approve these items. The updated policy will strengthen the Cook County Forest Preserves in its mission of protecting and restoring land in accordance with the Next Century Conservation Plan.


Cynthia Schilsky, President and Laura Davis, Forest Preserves Interest Group team leader

cc: Eileen Figel, Interim General Superintendent

Criminal Justice Interest Group

  • The next book discussion will be Feb. 28, 2025 at 9am via zoom. The book is "Framed" by John Grisham. It is a non-fiction book about 10 cases of wrongful conviction.
  • To participate in the book discussion, please contact Jan Goldberg

LWVCC observes and reports on board and committee meetings of Cook County government entities to provide our members with an understanding of current issues. To read more: LWVCC Observer Reports

Observer Reports Highlights

Cook County Board of Commissioners

Committee Meetings

November 20, 2024   

Legislation and Intergovernmental Relations Committee

Proposed Changes to the Vacation and Excused Absence with Pay ordinance


There were several public speakers that addressed this proposed change to the ordinance. The current ordinance applies to full time, part-time and seasonal workers in Cook County. It requires that employers allot 1 hour of paid leave for any reason for every 40 hours worked in a 12-month period. The amendment would exempt school districts and park districts.

Several representatives from suburban school districts and park districts explained the problems with the current ordinance:

  • For many teachers and others who work under existing contracts, these days are in addition to those agreed in the contract. This results in more time the regular teacher is away from the classroom.
  • When those contracts are renegotiated, these days will be included, probably at the cost of sick days. Teachers can accumulate sick days toward their requirement, so they will lose some of that benefit.
  • It requires more substitute teachers who are in short supply. The cost of the substitutes is increased.
  • Park Districts will have to cut the number of young people hired during the summer because of the increase in cost.
  • Home rule municipalities can opt out of this ordinance and then the schools and park districts within its boundaries would be exempt. However, many school districts and park districts cover more than one municipality and so there would be unequal treatment of employees. 

Speakers from Women Employed and the Shriver Institute spoke in favor of keeping the original ordinance as it gives a benefit to the lower earners.

Commissioner Sean Morrison pointed out that the Illinois State Law on paid leave exempts school districts and park districts.

Commissioner Britton reiterated the issue of some municipalities being able to opt out while others can’t. He pointed out that this will have more of an impact on southern and western suburbs who have fewer home rule towns. This could result in higher property taxes. 

The Commissioners who did not support the change acknowledged the issues for the districts, but felt it was more important to protect the lower income workers across Cook County. 

The ordinance amendment failed to pass.


Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD)

Board of Commissioners Meeting

November 7, 2024 

Harvey Stormwater Project: Residents continue to speak for and against the project. 

Prior to the start of its formal agenda the Board heard 45 minutes of testimony from 12 people –most residents of the town of Harvey --regarding the MWRD’s proposal to buy out a dozen flood-prone homes in the town and use those parcels to construct a stormwater holding basin. There were comments in favor of and against the plan. The Board had also heard comments from Harvey residents at the October 17th Board meeting.  

•  Christopher Clark, Mayor of Harvey and several current and former Alderman spoke in favor of the stormwater basin construction and thanked the Board for approving the project, saying payments to residents for their homes seemed generous. They were wearing T-shirts reading “Harvey Supports Water Basin.” 

• Those in opposition cited distrust of the Mayor; fear the project was too close to a school and confusion about why the 12 homes had been selected when there were hundreds of abandoned properties in Harvey. An elderly resident whose home would be demolished in the plan said she was too old to move, lived alone, and did not know where to go.  

• The Board did not respond to comments; President Steele offered to assist the elderly resident.

Local League Upcoming Events

Tuesday, January 28,2025 7pm In person and Zoom

LWV Palatine, Barrington, and Schaumburg

Election Update

Speaker: WGN TV Political Analyst Paul Lisnek

Schaumburg Public Library

130 S. Roselle Road, Schaumburg

Link to info/Registration Here


2024-2025 Cook County League Board Members 

OFFICERS: President: Cynthia Schilsky, LaGrange Area; Vice-Presidents: Pris Mims, Chicago, Kathi Graffam, LaGrange Area; Secretary: Carolyn Cosentino, Homewood/Flossmoor; Treasurer: Trudy Turner, Evanston.

Board membersVictoria Cerinich, Palos-Orland Park Area; Laura Davis, Palatine; Jan Goldberg, LaGrange Area ; Sue Gregory, Glenview-Glencoe; Betty Hayford, Evanston; Sandra Slayton, Homewood-Flossmoor


The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan, political organization whose mission is to encourage informed and active participation in government; to increase understanding of major policy issues, and to influence public policy through education and advocacy. Membership in the League is open to anyone regardless of gender, race, or ethnic group.


League of Women Voters of Cook County

332 S. Michigan Ave. Suite 634, Chicago, IL 60604

312-939-5935 x127