As J Pod made their way north in Admiralty Inlet - taken from shore at Lagoon Point.
photo by Bob VonDrachek, November 28, 2023
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We are watching and visiting the whales in their home.
Please observe, love, and respect them from a distance.
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Sightings through November 30 include:
Southern Residents - On November 26, SRKWs were headed eastbound past Sooke.
On November 27, J Pod arrived in Puget Sound. K Pod made their way north in the Strait of Georgia.
On November 28, J Pod was spotted in north Puget Sound in the morning then made their way north out Admiralty Inlet. A very brief visit!
On November 29, J Pod was spotted in Swanson Channel.
Bigg's Killer Whales - A new calf was spotted in the T46Bs!
On November 24, likely T109A2s were in Possession Sound.
On November 25, T109A2s were in Port Susan.
On November 26, likely T109A2s were in Port Susan. T28s & T146s were seen near Ketchikan, Alaska!
On November 30, T46s spotted in Puget Sound!
In next report: On December 1, T46s spotted in Port Susan.
Humpbacks - BCY1218 Kata was spotted in Haro Strait! The 2022 calf of BCY0995 Smiley has been hanging out in Elliot Bay. MMY0616 Aerie spotted in Haro Strait.
Gray Whales - No reports.
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Please Save the Date for our annual Ways of Whales Workshop, being held in person at the Coupeville School District Performing Arts Center, and virtually online. More information and registration coming soon.
New webshop item: Whale Sighting Alerts Subscription
Orca Network's Whale Sighting Network and Education Project is now offering our whale sightings phone/text alerts by annual subscription.
Cost is $25.00 every 12 months. If finances is a hardship please email
Real-time, or near real-time, call/text alerts create opportunities for people to connect with and observe the whales in their natural habitat from shorelines and other platforms around the Salish Sea. And for those who wish to contribute to Community Science you can report your sightings to our Whale Sighting Network team who vets, records, and disperses collected data to researchers, scientists, agencies, educators, public, etc.
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Your support enables Orca Network to continue our work to connect people & whales, educate & inspire people to take action, and collect & disseminate data for research & education.
With Gratitude!
Orca Network
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SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) | |
Wed, Nov 29 - Swanson Channel (J Pod)
09:44 - Seems they did go north after all! Likely them northbound in Swanson Channel this morning.
Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
Tue, Nov 28 - North Puget Sound/Admiralty Inlet (J Pod)
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I say it a lot, but sometimes one crazy decision makes all the difference. We saw J Pod from the Coupeville ferry right as the light was fading. I was originally just going to leave and call it day. That voice in my head told me to hop on the ferry one last time. Photos aren’t that great but the memory is what matters to me!
photos by Kat Martin, November 28, 2023
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J Pod from Bush Point today!
photos by Hongming Zheng, November 28, 2023
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November 28 brought 'animated' J pod whales (a trick of the light) into Admiralty Inlet, forming a gradual procession north after their overnight stay in, presumably, Possession Triangle where they spent most of the previous day milling and foraging. At least one whale took advantage of a freighter wake to enjoy some surfing, while a couple of others created wakes of their own as they breached and splashed. Will this be the grand finale for 2023 forays into Puget Sound? Hopefully not.
photos by Sandra Pollard, November 28, 2023
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photos by RJ Snowberger, November 28, 2023 | |
Shaky video from the ferry. The residents had a beautiful spread going as they passed us by! Link to video.
Kat Martin
22:27 - Only heard two calls and haven't heard anything more since.
22:21 - Faint J-Pod calls on the Lime Kiln hydrophone.
Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
17:04 - More intense SRKWs = Southern Resident Killer Whales calls on the Port Townsend hydrophone!
Scott Veirs, Orcasound
17:06 - Loud calls just now!
Rebecca Berger
16:56 - A couple very faint calls on the Port Townsend hydrophone.
Scott Veirs, Orcasound
16:55 - Just went by them at Point Wilson. They were northbound.
Ryan Johnson
16:45 - Possible calls through vessel noise.
Scott Veirs, Orcasound
16:36 - Beautiful pass by the ferry as the last light faded away. They’d be passing Fort Casey by now.
Kat Martin
16:27 - Still a bit south of the ferry lanes, more grouped up but still about five to six into the sunset! Lovely!
Bonnie Gretz
16:20 - Actually some have passed the tip and I believe one or two stragglers. Appears one really tall dorsal straggler.
16:15 - Slowly passing tip of Marrowstone still northbound. Somewhat spread out. About here [approx. 48.092470, -122.671546].
Jennifer Fulton Carpenter
16:06 - Yay, the OrcaHello AI got a detection from the newly re-deployed Bush Point hydrophone! Thanks to David Bain for moderating the candidate.
Orcasound - Listen for Whales
16:04 - Seeing dorsals coming toward Fort Casey - mid channel but water super smooth, northbound but not to ferry lane yet. Just one or two so far.
Bonnie Gretz
15:52 - I’m seeing backlit blows passing the large cargo ship still headed north.
Jennifer Fulton Carpenter
16:13 - They are approaching Fort Casey.
15:51 - Northbound still as viewing from Fort Flagler. Approximately four to five in this group.
April Basham
15:31 - I can see research boat from my house on Smugglers Cove Road, Lagoon Point, but haven't seen any blows or whales. View probably blocked by houses, etc.
Patricia Prochaska
15:26 - Faint S04 calls on Bush Point hydrophone. Then increase in boat noise (maybe Brad on NOAA/NWFSC boat powering up?).
Scott Veirs, Orcasound
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15:15 - Managed to see some of J Pod going past Lagoon Point. I also saw a harbor porpoise and a Steller sea lion (before J Pod showed up) but I didn't get any pictures.
photo by Tami Kannenberg, November 28, 2023
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15:12 - Seeing blows alongside the research boat. Hard to tell on the ferry here but it appears as though they’re passing Lagoon Point. Still northbound. Will be hopping back on the ferry to see if we can catch them on the way back to Fort Casey.
Kat Martin
15:04 - Five orca off Lagoon Point. Northbound Lagoon Point side of channel.
Bill Setter
14:56 - Captured from Lagoon Point with a long lens and dropped way in.
Bob VonDrachek
14:48 - Faint S04 call after some clear echolocation clicks.
Orcasound - Listen for Whales
14:46 - Still lots of calls from Bush Point, it's awesome.
Kevin Phillips
14:42 - Just heard faint SRKW calls on the Port Townsend hydrophone hosted by the Port Townsend Marine Science Center!
Orcasound - Listen for Whales
14:41 - Beginning to hear faint calls on the Port Townsend hydrophone!
Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
14:38 - SRKW calls are much less masked now after noise from three (3!) southbound tug boats finally abates. ID them all via AIS, e.g.
Orcasound - Listen for Whales
14:22 - Nice clear calls on Bush Point hydrophone.
Orca Network
14:17 - Trailers straight out from Bush Point. Whidbey side, still pushing north. Research boat is still with them.
Cindi Crowder Rausch
14:09 - Trailing group almost to Bush Point midchannel northbound.
Rachel Haight, Orca Network
14:09 - Starting to see blows and splashes looking south from Lagoon Point. They seem to be farther away than mid channel.
Brandy Jackson Ritchie
14:03 - I watched a breach happen right near the research boat. The jealousy I felt!
Holly Bailey Aprecio
14:00 - Message from Brad Hanson, NOAA/NWFSC out there conducting research including collecting samples: “Having another productive day as they head out. No foraging but some pooping”.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
13:49 - Calls getting louder on Bush Point hydrophone.
Orca Network
13:45 - Hearing faint calls behind the boat noise on Bush Point hydrophone.
Kevin Phillips
13:43 - A few leaders passing Bush Point, mid channel, still very spread out.
Katie Davis Watkins, Orca Network
13:43 - Faint SRKW calls audible on Bush Point hydrophone.
Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
13:43 - Calls on Bush Point.
Breanne Denise Ward
13:29 - Starting to see blow from Bush Point.
Linda Aitkins
13:24 - Leaders near Bush Point near midchannel. Northbound. Still large spread.
Rachel Haight, Orca Network
13:17 - Leaders are about two miles south of Bush Point, very spread and trending north, midchannel.
Howard Garrett, Orca Network
13:15 - Two large orcas mid to east channel Admiralty Inlet, south of Bush Point near Marrowstone Island. A few good breaches. Large container ship in the area now.
Renee Gastineau
12:37 - Trailing group nearing Limpet Lane (still south of). Research boat with them. Six plus. Big breaches!
12:15 - They are very spread. Some maybe two to three miles south of Bush Point midchannel, trailers back towards Limpet Lane. Northbound.
Rachel Haight, Orca Network
12:04 - They are heading north very fast!
Torrey Hall Volk
11:45 - Seeing some west, maybe north-ish of green marker off Limpet Lane/Double Bluff area. Would assume these are leaders.
Rachel Haight, Orca Network
11:40 - There is a bunch more further south of Point No Point trailing the first group. At least seven.
11:38 - A few spotted close to Point No Point. Research boat with them. Slowly heading north out from point.
Torrey Hall Volk
11:25 - Stopped at Sunlight Beach, saw some further north, outer edge Useless Bay, seems like a decent spread, still northbound, midchannel. Couldn't tell you if leaders or trailers.
11:05 - Mirage is awful, but distorted blows here maybe [approx. 47.947317, -122.495549]? Appear to still be northbound, but can't really tell. Next stop has some height so hope I can tell better what they're doing.
10:45 - At least three west of green buoy off Scatchet Head still northbound. A couple further south barely visible in the haze, also northbound. Not sure if more are already north of me, haven't seen many at all. The three included mom and calf pair who appear to forage west of the buoy before continuing north.
Rachel Haight, Orca Network
10:24 - I just saw some surface headed west towards Point No Point to the left of the big cargo ship [approx. 47.919418, -122.483171].
Brooke Thompson
10:13 - Just saw a few more further west, disappearing into the haze.
10:10 - I'm not seeing the ones I saw anymore, except at 10:07, resighted a mom/calf pair, traveling was more west/northwest. Wonder if the others have drifted more west - they have all been barely in sight of my binos for me. Going to relocate.
Rachel Haight, Orca Network
10:04 - Consistent J pod calls on Sunset Bay, increasing in frequency and volume.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
09:58 - Seven seen from Sunset Ave in this location [approx. 47.890721, -122.410920].
Brooke Thompson
09:58 - As viewed from west side of Possession Point, they are about two miles south of me. Spread. Some midchannel, others west of. Currently traveling northwest. Not sure if just hanging out or committed, but the roughly seven I see are north/northwest bound.
Rachel Haight, Orca Network
09:53 - Another clear J pod call under vessel noise.
Orca Network
09:52 - I still hear faint calls!
Anya Vahlolo
08:59 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: SPOKANE reports they spotted approximately 25 in the pod.
08:47 - Confirming two S01 calls in this 30-sec clip (link to clip) over some faint ship noise and a little radio interference. (For those curious, sometimes long hydrophone cables and wires used to reduce AC-power noise can pick up radio frequencies, so a random radio station can get mixed into the ocean sound signals!)
Orcasound - Listen for Whales
08:51 - Consistently hearing calls.
08:40 - More J pod calls audible.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
Mon, Nov 27 - Strait of Georgia (K Pod)
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Found K Pod!
Oceanwise Research
screen grab from Oceanwise Research, taken under permit, November 27, 2023
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Mon, Nov 27 - Puget Sound (J Pod) | |
Caught a breach off Stamm today. Was wonderful to see familiar faces and meet some new ones! Such a lovely day.
photo by Alice Thuy Talbot, November 27, 2023
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It was a binoculars day instead of camera but - I took a couple of snaps anyway. This was from Apple Tree Point looking east towards north Edmonds.
photo by Donna Green Van Renselaar, November 27, 2023
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20:50 - Possible echolocation, but the tide level is getting pretty low now and will get down to -2.7' at 22:42 (about the depth of the hydrophone!), so listening may be less than optimal for next few hours with much more surface wave and flow noise.
Orcasound - Listen for Whales
20:25 - Still hearing them at Sunset.
Jocelyn Whitfield
18:53 - For the record sill hearing faint J pod calls.
18:29 - Still vocalizing. Calls a bit louder now. S1s and other calls.
18:11 - J pod still audible on Sunset Bay - and another train went choo chooing by.
18:05 - Still some intermittent super faint calls.
Orca Network
17:55 - Louder calls on Sunset Bay hydrophone after the train passed.
Serena Tierra, Orca Network
17:52 - First time finally hearing them, want to cry.
Lisa Jung
17:43 - J pod calls still audible on Sunset Bay. Also vessel noise.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
17:15 - They are making lots of noise on the hydrophone.
Brooke Thompson
16:55 - J pod calls still audible under vessel noise.
Orca Network
16:32 - Hearing them on the Sunset Beach hydrophone for the last twenty minutes or so. It’s so incredible!
Jocelyn Whitfield
16:10 - Lovely J pod continues to forage widely spread in the northern basin of Puget Sound proper.
Orca Network
15:57 - Seeing about a half dozen or so here [approx. 47.876098, -122.435844]. Half facing south, half facing north. Tons of little salmon jumping everywhere!
Alice Thuy Talbot
15:30 - They are now directly across from north end of Sunset Ave and seem to be heading south.
15:20 - Watching from Sunset Ave in Edmonds. They are spread out by Eglon and Point No Point area.
Marty Jones
Thanks also to the kind gal who shared her binoculars today!
Alan Gojdics
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15:00 - From Stamm Overlook. Was nice to meet some of y’all today - I’m the one who came up all the way from Portland! Thanks for all you do!
photo by Kelly Dawson, November 27, 2023
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15:00 - They are generally slow trend southbound while foraging.
14:50 - J pod spread wide in triangle due south of South Whidbey off Edmonds spread in all directions. Lovely to see so much foraging with so many humans here at Stamm Overlook.
Orca Network
14:35 - A few just north of Possession Point Whidbey side.
Joe Dreimiller
14:19 - J pod still milling but most have flipped south. All south of Possession Point and spread to at least one to two miles south. Nice group including male on east side of Sound about one and a half miles off north Edmonds, others spread to mid channel.
Orca Network
14:04 - Some milling here [approx. 47.881025, -122.374739]. Directional changes so unsure of direction at the moment.
Jami Cantrell
14:00 - The weather, the mountain views and the orcas made today especially magical! Picnic Point.
Holly Bailey Aprecio
14:00 - J59, J37, & one other made it just north of Possession Point, then flipped south - others south of us still aiming this way. Lots of directional changes along the way.
Rachel Haight, Orca Network
13:38 - Still fairly spread out but all 20+ that I’ve seen are steady northeast travel.
Whale Scout
13:37 - SRKWs (J pod) spread out from mid Edmonds to just south of Possession Point some close in half to one mile offshore others spread offshore [approx. 47.875037, -122.384001]. Generally northbound with still much foraging behavior and occasional breaches. So lovely!
Alisa Lemire Brooks Orca Network
13:14 - Nice group close in Edmonds side northbound out from Stamm Overlook about half mile offshore. Others spread to north, just south of Possession Point. Per Whale Scout, J38 was in this group.
Orca Network
13:00 - This cute pair have been circling the triangle for quite a while. Still seeing some in the triangle and a few more near the Maxwelton channel marker. Sounds like a huge spread!
Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
12:56 - Northbound travel, north of Edmonds dock, two males.
Clint Jones
12:50 - From Sunset Ave, one very large male north of the ferry lanes more east side of channel. He looks to be traveling west. I also see a few others with a large male across the channel on the Kitsap side approaching Eglon. Also two with the research boats. Lots of whales out there today!
Brooke Thompson
12:50 - Direction change. Now heading northeast. Five plus whales. Looking from Sunset Ave to point of Double Bluff.
Whale Scout
12:50 - As of now they ones on Edmonds side of mid seem to be heading northeast. There’s been a lot of directional changes though so who knows if they’ll keep going that way.
Jami Cantrell
12:47 - Sounds like we have wide spread based on everyone's reports and those we seeing further east north (about one plus miles off Edmonds and one mile south of Possession Point east side of channel to mid in small groups. Includes little ones super cute. Still distant but pleasant viewing. Lots of direction changes/foraging behavior.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
12:45 - Heading home - another male on his way down north of Edmonds/Kitsap side slow and steady.
Donna Green Van Renselaar
12:40 - Have been watching whales from Apple Tree Point. Very slow, leisurely southbound travel. Lot of foraging. At least a few with a large male west of mid channel.
Sara Frey
12:35 - Seeing at least one with the research boat near Eglon.
Brooke Thompson
12:35 - Seeing two to three about one and a half miles off Edmonds Dive Park heading steady south. Line of sight is sunset Ave to Point No Point.
Whale Scout
12:33 - Viewing from Edmonds pier, heading slowly west. Research boat is with them.
Kathie Eberhart
12:28 - Seeing two big males milling. Line of sight Sunset Ave to Double Bluff.
Whale Scout
12:24 - Research boat with two others viewing from Edmonds pier southbound slowly. South of Point No Point.
Barbara Gamrath
12:09 - Fat dorsal male right by tug closer to Kitsap line of sight Possession gap southbound.
Donna Green Van Renselaar
12:05 - 12:10 - SRKWs (J pod at least) spread by at least one mile north/south and east/west east side of channel out from northern Edmonds due west of Stamm overlook and to south of. Still milling, making directional changes.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
11:53 - Viewing from Edmonds pier. One just south of Point No Point. Southbound.
Barbara Gamrath
11:40 - So exciting to hear them on the Sunset Bay hydrophone!
Becca Burrington
11:38 - Hearing some nice calls on the Sunset Bay hydrophone.
Orca Network
11:28 - Hearing calls on Sunset Bay Hydrophone.
Linda Aitkins
11:27 - SRKWs spread wide some multi-directional: those closest to mainland are northbound, others mid channel facing southbound. Generally still milling, generally in area due south of Possession Point/Cultus Bay. All seem to be shifting east [approx. 47.877806, -122.440846].
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
11:37 - I see a male now between Picnic Point and Haines Wharf coming southbound out just this side of mid channel.
11:30 - Another male line of sight Apple Tree Point to Double Bluff - Scatchet Head stretch, Kitsap side steady southbound.
11:18 - Second group large male line of sight Apple Tree Point to gap between Possession Point and Mukilteo out on the edge of triangle, vigorous surfacing plus one a little farther west line of sight to Possession Point.
11:09 - Seeing surface activity way up by Rose Point/Eglon. Close in Kitsap side just barely visible from Apple Tree Point but multiple whales, confirm tail lob. There are also harbor porpoises and sea lions about so being careful to differentiate the black shapes.
Donna Green Van Renselaar
11:00 - Very general, seeing quite a few mid channel due south of Possession Point milling, making directional changes. It seems like maybe some from the south came back north [approx. 47.880087, -122.427157].
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
11:00 - Lots of milling and directional changes, viewing from Scatchet Head. Seeing dorsals of two males easily just south of the green buoy [approx. 47.894721, -122.470861].
Durand Dace
10:55 - Line of sight Apple Tree Point to Mount Baker. West side of shipping lanes southbound.
Sara Frey
10:52 - Seeing another two males in between Stamm and Eglon, southbound.
10:39 - Seeing at least two here-ish [approx. 47.893998, -122.447616]. They’re not very surface active, so are tricky to track today.
Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
10:39 - Heard some S4s on the Sunset Bay hydro, so likely at least Js.
Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
1025 - Seeing blows mid channel - line of sight Apple Tree Point to Maxwelton area.
Sara Frey
10:23 - Now seeing at least one male and one female/young one closer to Eglon, southbound.
Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
10:23 - More calls on Sunset Bay hydrophone.
Rachel Haight, Orca Network
10:07 - More calls on Sunset Bay hydrophone.
Serena Tierra, Orca Network
10:06 - SRKW calls on Sunset Bay faint but clear.
Donna Green Van Renselaar
10:06 - I can only see blows from Stamm, but they seem to be milling in this general area. Not seeing much movement in one direction or the other [approx. 47.866634, -122.486604].
Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
09:51 - Leaders are heading into Possession triangle southbound on west side [approx. 47.886405, -122.463366].
Alice Thuy Talbot
09:37 - Hear more faint calls on Sunset Bay hydrophone.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
09:37 - Calls on Sunset Bay hydrophone.
09:00 - From friend, at least some close to Whidbey side passing Limpet Lane area southbound.
Rachel Haight, Orca Network
08:10 - Still coming from the north traveling south.
07:55 - Good morning beautiful whales! Despite tons of fog, I am seeing multiple orca entering my view at Shore Meadows. They are Whidbey side of mid. Traveling south with a purpose!
Cindi Crowder Rausch
06:46 - Astute listeners hear SRKWs = Southern Resident Killer Whales calls on the Bush Point hydrophone!
Scott Veirs, Orcasound
Sun, Nov 26 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (SRKWs)
We got a late afternoon report of possible SRKW inbound off Sooke.
Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
Mon, Nov 20 - San Juans (SRKWs)
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Orca Sighting:
Sighting Time: Mon Nov 20 10:44:39 PST
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.54144,-122.96973 [outside Friday Harbor]
Number Sighted: 16
Submitter Name: Nate Rooks
Whale Alert App
Sat, Nov 18 - Swanson Channel (SRKWs)
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Killer Whale (Orca) Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sat Nov 18 11:59:00 PST
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.80470,-123.33538 [North end North Pender Island]
Number Sighted: 40
Submitter Name: Tara
Whale Alert App
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BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) | |
Thu, Nov 30 - Puget Sound (T46s)
A coworker on Victoria Clipper 5 spotted six orcas (one youngster) near Kingston. Later identified one as T46D, Strider.
Alli Montgomery
Mon, Nov 27 - San Juans
09:29 - I'm seeing at least one [orca] way over on the Shaw side of the channel.
09:20 - [orca] off Point Caution mid-channel aiming for Yellow Island.
Cindy Hansen, Orca Network
08:50 - Big beautiful male, all by himself in front of the UW Friday Harbor Labs dock! He came up a couple of times and made three big tails slaps before turning the corner to head north towards Point Caution. It’s so nice to see a whale in silence completely unencumbered by boats!
Pema Kitaeff [WSSJI]
08:50 - At least one male orca heading north off the Friday Harbor Labs in San Juan Channel.
Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
08:37 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 08:47 to report: 0837hrs: TILLIKUM Vessel reports via 800MHz they've spotted two orcas, likely a mother and calf, milling about at the labs in Friday Harbor.
Mon, Nov 27 - New calf in T46Bs!
New calf alert! OBI map wizard and Eagle Wing Whale Watching Tours naturalist Tom Filipovic snapped [a] photo over the weekend of a new calf traveling with the T46Bs in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. We look forward to more encounters with this little one (and maybe the chance to see it ourselves!) and the future confirmation of which member of the 46Bs is the mom! For this encounter it was traveling with T46B2.
Orca Behavior Institute
Sun, Nov 26 - Ketchikan, AK (T28s & T146s)
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T146C Svaha & T146 Oamaru | |
T28B Lydonia & T146B Chiloe
These pictures are a combination of both T146s and T028s - Ketchikan, AK.
photos by Court Grace, November 26, 2023
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Sun, Nov 26 - Port Susan (Likely T109A2s)
It was a busy Port Susan for sure. The orcas were very difficult to track and we only saw them a few times on the mainland side. We did however see seals, sea lions, harbor porpoises and an otter.
Thomas McKane
16:38 - Viewing from Tillicum Beach. Orcas just passed Tillicum on the mainland side. Swam under the moon glow. So pretty. Southbound.
Linda Aitkins
14:19 - At least three. Moving closer to CC1 [Camano Country Club Beach 1] now. Mid-channel closer to Camano.
14:15 - Spotted two to three dorsals - still northbound between CC2 & CC1 midchannel.
Ann M
14:09 - Two orca mid channel between CC1 and CC2 heading north.
Steve H [PSWW chat]
Sat, Nov 25 - Port Susan (T109A2s)
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We’ve really gotten to know the T109A2 pod this fall thanks to their extended stay in Puget Sound. Seekah (T109A2A) has quickly become one of my favorite orcas in this pod because he seems to be so spunky. This 7-year-old boy can have a serious side when it’s time to hunt, but he definitely likes playing around with his siblings, especially with the youngest members of the pod, T109A2C and T109A2D. One of Seekah’s favorite maneuvers seems to be sneaking up behind his little siblings at high speed and then circling right in front of them as if to block their path! They usually tangle up in a cuddle ball after all that. Anyway, this is my favorite photo of him from this week.
photo by Bart Rulon, November 25, 2023
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16:30 - 16:40 - I last spotted them here-ish [approx. 47.98950, -122.332727]. Felt like they were heading towards me (at Mukilteo Lighthouse) so southbound but was also really hard to tell with the poor lighting and I wasn’t very high up to get a good view either.
Samiksha Gulrajani
Earlier today with Sarah Sadid. We were out on the boat and cut the motor as soon as we saw blows. Then this happened. A life changing moment.
Emily Marie
16:35 - Last seen heading towards Mukilteo ferry, lots of tail slaps and breaching heading southbound.
The Saged Succulent
15:58 - They are continuing southbound killing between Hat and the ferry lanes.
Sarah Sadid
15:45 - Just northwest of Hat Island.
The Saged Succulent
15:20 - Viewing from north end of Hat, very surface active, appear close to Camano Head from my vantage point [approx. 48.043458, -122.346164].
Lori Christopher
15:14 - I believe I saw a few splashes here but hard to gauge exact distance [approx. 48.031381, -122.351256].
Samiksha Gulrajani
15:12 - Got ‘em, very close to Camano head, lots of activity.
Lori Christopher
15:07 - They have! Heading northwest toward Langley now.
14:48 - Midway between Camano Head and the northeast tip of Hat.
14:40 - They are mid channel milling and east of Hat.
Sarah Sadid
14:39 - Brian Allen called to report orcas in southern Port Susan. Viewing from the Tulalip Reservation looking at Camano Head, pod is two thirds way across (on Camano side) traveling south toward Everett. One female with one to two juveniles and possibly one male. We were viewing from quite a distance so couldn’t say for sure male.
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14:39 - We saw plenty of breaches from the Camano side.
photos by Susan John, November 25, 2023
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14:08 - I can still see them full body breaching from McKees! They’re more south than they were and appear to be “committing” to the east side of Hat Island.
14:00 - Still seeing surface activity at the south end of Port Susan. Splashes and dorsals. They are northeast of Hat Island, and southeast of Camano Head. Clusters of seals are also heading south from McKees - keeping a good distance between themselves and the orcas.
13:40 - Orcas are southbound out of Port Susan. Small boat has been following them out. I was watching from McKees - Swiftsure kept their distance too. There was a lot of breaching and big splashes as the orcas traveled south. The whales themselves were blocked from my view from shore by said small boat, but the splashes were pretty darned big!
13:45 - Lots of surface activity off Sunny Shore, still traveling south. Small boat still behind them. I can’t judge the distance - that’s pretty hard to do accurately from shore.
Linda Raines Tyner
13:10 - My last post for the T109A2 pod still southbound and very playful [approx. 48.138245, -122.383185].
12:53 - Update on the T109A2 pod moving southbound slowly after their meal [approx. 48.153326, -122.389025].
12:28 - T109A2 pod milling on a kill [approx. 48.162530, -122.404393].
Bart Rulon Art & Photography
09:45 - Pod of five or six just passed us heading south, about a mile off our place. Southwest end of Camano. Looks like one male and a young one in the group. Looks like they are turning towards Port Susan area. Gull Way on Camano.
Mike Moberly [CWW]
Fri, Nov 24 - Haro Strait
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Annie Preis
Date of Sighting: November 24, 2023
Time: 9:00 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Lime Kiln State Park (San Juan Island)
Direction of travel : S
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
Fri, Nov 24 - Possession Sound (Likely T109A2s)
15:50 - At south end of Tillicum mid channel.
15:41 - North into Port Susan moving pretty fast.
15:34 - Sprays northeast of Hat Island and east of south end of Camano. Spotted from Spee Bi Dah.
Jack Callaghan
13:38 - Heading in closer to Tulalip now.
13:34 - Between Everett and Tulalip, about two miles off the Everett marina. Milling and generally heading north. Lots of surface activity and happy, happy breaching!
Sarah Sadid
12:22 - Appear to still be northbound, just off the tip of Hat. Very surface active with breaches and tail slaps.
Durand Dace
12:19 - Was able to see from Harborview Park in the area Kayla Young mentioned. If you can see the white boat in the area, they are splashing around slightly north of the boat.
Samiksha Gulrajani
11:52 - Seen at Brighton Beach mid channel now. They seem to be milling around and not moving too fast north.
Kayla Young
11:24 - Four-ish whales northbound at Clinton ferry terminal.
Theresa Michell
11:20 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: KITSAP Captain reports 3-4 ORCA NB half mile off of CLIN dock.
Wed, Nov 22 - Puget Sound (Likely T109A2s)
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Orca Sighting:
Sighting Time: Wed Nov 22 8:40:18 PST
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.69494,-122.50420 [south of Fay Bainbridge Park]
Number Sighted: 5
Submitter Name: Landon
Whale Alert App
07:45 - Heather called to report pod of four orcas (two adults and two juveniles) in Eagle Harbor, Bainbridge at 07:00. WSF slowed the departure of the 07:05 ferry. Pod exited the harbor around 07:20, not sure which way they went, still looking.
Mon, Nov 13 - Puget Sound (T34s, T37, T37Bs)
14:50 - Group of four heading north viewed from the Kingston Edmonds ferry ten minutes ago.
Eric Russell [ONCG]
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Thu, Nov 30 - Haro Strait (BCY1218 Kata) | |
11-30-23 BCY1218, Haro Strait, SJI
12:40 - 12:42, Viewing from 1 mile south of Landbank, humpback BCY1218 "Kata" traveling south down-island, 1/3 mile from shore. The humpback surfaced 3 times and then I didn't see her/him again. ID courtesy of Erin Johns Gless. Thanks Erin! Photographed from shore.
photo by Michelline Halliday, November 30, 2023
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Thu, Nov 30 - Haro Strait
12:07 - Another humpback [on Lime Kiln webcam].
Ambur Lee
08:40 - Looks like the humpback has moved north towards the County Park.
08:25 - Humpback loitering north of Lime Kiln among the raft of sea birds.
Fred Horn [WSSJI]
Thu, Nov 30 - Rosario Strait
09:40 - Five humpbacks at Lopez Pass and Rosario Strait heading south.
Dan Rothstein [WSSJI]
Thu, Nov 30 - Elliot Bay (2022 calf of BCY0995 Smiley)
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Amy Fowler
Date of Sighting: November 30, 2023
Time: 10:55 AM
Species seen: humpback
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Elliott Bay, seen from Pier 56
Direction of travel : Unknown
Behaviors observed: Breaching repeatedly
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Passing along report from my dad who has been watching a humpback breaching repeatedly from his office on the Seattle waterfront. He just texted it was up to 25 breaches in a row!
Photos available?: No
[WSF also reported short time later that Soundwatch was out monitoring whale's activities which were said to be very erratic. Whale had been off pier 52 earlier, but had moved over to the West Seattle side. By day's end it appears the whale was behaving normally. - alb]
10:00 - Marie Waterman, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: Captain of the MV KALEETAN, reports a humpback in Elliot Bay, just north of the ferry lanes, possibly sleeping or in distress.
Wed, Nov 29 - Haro Strait
08:49 - Baleen whale seen on the Lime Kiln webcam.
Ambur Lee
Wed, Nov 29 - Elliot Bay (presume 2022 calf of BCY0995 Smiley)
10:15 - Humpback seen about 200 yards off of west entrance at Elliott Bay Marina. Only saw large tail flukes as the animal dove down.
Tammara Dinkins
10:09 - Couple breaches of large unknown species moving west in front of West Seattle viewed from ferry. Looked like two female orcas [no other orcas reported]. But took a dive after a couple breaches. On Bainbridge ferry pulling into Seattle.
Emily Klobuchar
07:40 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 07:46 to report: 0740hrs: SEA/BREM/BI vessels notified via 800MHz of a single humpback whale traveling in a SE direction, located off Duwamish Head.
Tue, Nov 28 - Haro Strait
13:06 - Crazy bird action too with the lil humpy.
Pat McEvoy [WSSJI]
12:41 - Single humpback milling about between Westside Preserve & Lime Kiln Lighthouse - lots of surfacing, fluking here and there. Definitely doesn't appear to be in a hurry.
Erin Corra [WSSJI]
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12:30 - Humpback whale at Lime Kiln for several hours this morning. Still in the area at 12:30.
photo by Coni Jones Carrothers, November 28, 2023
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Tue, Nov 28 - Elliot Bay (presume 2022 calf of BCY0995 Smiley)
15:20 - Elliot Bay. It’s been here for a few hours.
Clifton Goff
13:20 - It’s definitely a humpback, circling mid-bay.
Brittany Noelle
13:06 - My friend working in Pier 54 reported orcas right in front of their office. Waiting on distance from shore and numbers or pictures. She said they see one orca [humpback] and ferry traffic has stopped.
Sara Caplis
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12:57 - Seacrest in background. | |
12:52 - From Colman Dock, water taxi dock in background.
12:50 - Close to Seattle side south of ferry dock. View from Colman Dock. Was moving northbound past West Seattle in background.
photos by Mary Hartmann, November 28, 2023
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12:51 - He’s been deep in Elliot Bay for the last half hour. Lots of surface action.
12:15 - Spotted a humpback whale in middle of Elliot Bay [approx. 47.592844, -122.358860].
Alexander Simenstad
Mon, Nov 27 - Boundary Pass
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Brian Stecker
Date of Sighting: November 27, 2023
Time: 2:06 PM
Species seen: Humpback
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Patos Island Lighthouse. (48.7904657, -122.9785839)
Direction of travel : Traveling South
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: Non
Any unusual markings?: None
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Looked like mother and calf
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
Mon, Nov 27 - Puget Sound
14:48 - Seeing what looks to be the humpback. Viewing from Eglon, seeing it around Possession Point.
Tamara Kelley
09:58 - Just spotted a baleen whale from the boat off of Jefferson Head [Kingston] traveling direction west to northwest. I think a humpback.
Logan Baker
Sat, Nov 25 - Strait of Juan de Fuca
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Christine Kutac
Date of Sighting: November 25, 2023
Time: 11:15 AM
Species seen: Humpback
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Strait of Juan de Fuca mid channel seen from Blackball ferry line between Port Angeles and Victoria
Direction of travel : North
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
Sat, Nov 25 - Haro Strait
17:49 - Just watched a spectacular show of at least three humpbacks breaching, pec slapping, diving between west San Juan Island and Vancouver Island. They were closer to Vancouver Island, but with the setting sun it was fantastic!
Elisabeth Handler
15:17 - Humpback traveling south off San Juan county campground far out. The humpbacks hung around the campground and started to breach right after sunset and into the night!
Alison Modafferi
09:47 - Two humpbacks off south end of Lime Kiln Point. Very close to shore then headed south.
Doug Manelski [WSSJI]
09:07 - At least two northbound. Just south of the lighthouse.
08:59 - Looks like another surfacing at 08:59 shows it going back the other way. It's probably milling in the area.
Fred Horn [WSSJI]
09:20 - Two humpbacks at Landbank heading south.
08:50 - Humpback at viewing area Lime Kiln, headed northward slowly.
Mary Schmitt [WSSJI]
Sat, Nov 25 - San Juans
12:00 - Viewed one humpback from Beach Haven Resort on Orcas Island. It is heading southwest between Waldron Island and Orcas Island in President's Channel. Moving fast with about two minute down times.
Casey Bues
Fri, Nov 24 - Haro Strait (MMY0616 Aerie & other)
17:17 - Two humpbacks together northbound in Haro Strait, passing Sunset Point about five minutes ago.
Scott Durham [WSSJI]
11-24-23, Two humpbacks traveling together, Haro Strait
09:47 - 10:54, Viewing from 1 mile south of Landbank, 2 humpbacks close together to the south of my viewpoint. I saw them once, with backs raised high for a deep dive. I continued south along shore and just missed them. We took distant fluke pics of both as they continued down island only to flip, change direction and head back up island. Again I tried to catch them and saw both surfacing as they passed out of sight around Edwards Point. We were able to ID MMY0106 "Aerie". Aerie's companion had a solid dark fluke but it was too great of a distance to ID.
Michelline Halliday, SJI
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MMY0616 Aerie
photo by Ben Bama, courtesy of Michelline Halliday, November 24, 2023
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Fri, Nov 17 - Juan de Fuca Strait
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Humpback Sighting:
Sighting Time: Fri Nov 17 6:46:33 PST
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.30429,-123.53487 [Race Rocks, BC]
Number Sighted: 2
Photos: Link to photo.
Submitter Name: Tobias
Whale Alert App
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photo by Tobias, November 17, 2023 | |
Sat, Nov 11 - San Juans
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Humpback Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sat Nov 11 12:05:00 PST
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.62616,-123.17829
Number Sighted: 2
Submitted Comments: south bound at Battleship Island.
Submitter Name: Val Veirs
Whale Alert App
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Fri, Nov 24 - Admiralty Inlet
As I was riding today’s 14:00 ferry from Port Townsend I spotted an unusual small whale 50 yards from the ferry. I observed it with 8x binoculars. I estimate the length to be 20-25 feet. The color was dark bronze (the sun was behind me) and the dorsal body had several light colored scars. The dorsal fin was short and triangular with a slight hook. The whale surfaced three times and disappeared. The exhalations produced no spout or water vapor. I did not see the head or the flukes.
Dave Parent
Sun, Nov 19 - Puget Sound
10:20 - Volunteer Jane Rein emailed with an earlier sighting (10:20): I saw surfacing several times, with quite a bit of white water, a very black back, no big dorsal fin and also solo. I kept researching images (and thus not reporting), but I think it was a minke whale. It was just east of mid channel headed in a northeast direction. (There have been humpbacks moving up and down central Puget Sound, one of who was photo confirmed off Edmonds/Kingston area in the afternoon).
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Wed, Nov 29 - Hood Canal
15:04 - Just went over the Hood Canal Bridge and saw either orcas or porpoises (just quickly saw fins, no breaches) and lots of gulls nearby. On the south side, approximately center span.
Lori Vonderhorst
Sat, Nov 25 - Admiralty Inlet
12:55 - Came up empty. There was something here but we lost it.
12:40 - Unknown species outside of Port Townsend. On our way to check it out.
Smith Siromaskul
11:34 - Possible whales spotted 15 minutes ago straight out from Admiralty Bay towards Marrowstone. Saw four or five spouts, couldn’t tell which direction they were heading.
Kendra Beam [PSWS]
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Orca Network is a 501 c3 nonprofit organization, dedicated to raising awareness about the whales of the Pacific Northwest, and the importance of providing them healthy and safe habitats.
Orca Network's Whale Sighting Network involves citizens in helping researchers track the movement of whales, and encourages people to observe whales from their homes, businesses, ferries, and shorelines.
Whale reports are sent in to our Sighting Network and emailed out to researchers, agencies, and citizens on our network, and posted on our website (MAP of sightings also on website) and social media pages. Whale reports and observations are sent in by a variety of sources, and while we do our best to obtain accurate species and individual IDs, Orca Network does not guarantee the accuracy of any report or whale identification.
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Report Sightings to Orca Network:
- Call 1-866-ORCANET (1-866-672-2639) & choose sightings option
- Email
- Facebook: DM or post on our page
- Website form:
- Please include: Date/Time - Species (describe if unknown) - # of Animals - Location of Cetacean(s) - Direction of Travel & Behaviors
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Visit Orca Network's Langley Whale Center - Whidbey Island:
- Location: 105 Anthes Ave, Langley, WA 98260
- Telephone: 1-360-221-7505
- Hours: Generally open 11am-4pm, Thurs-Mon, but please call for current schedule.
- Museum: Exhibits - Specimens - Educational Materials - Lending Library - Movies to view
- Gift Shop: Books - DVDs & CDs - Field Guides - Clothing - Jewelry & more
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Be Whale Wise:
All marine mammals are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Killer whales have special protection in Canadian and U.S. waters. Be sure to educate yourself about current protections, including regulations with specific distances and recommendations for viewing killer whales. The rules apply to all types of watercraft, including motor boats, sail boats, kayaks, and paddle boards in Washington State.
Report Harassment of Whales:
- In WA/US waters call NOAA Enforcement: 1-800-853-1964
- In CANADIAN waters call DFO Violations Hotline: 1-800-465-4336
(Include watercraft name, registration #, description, and photos/video when possible)
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