Sunday, December 1st, 2024

Holy Eucharist, Rite II

7:30AM in Emmanuel Chapel

Holy Eucharist, Rite II 

10:00AM in the Nave & Livestreamed

Holy Eucharist

5:15PM in Emmanuel Chapel

The Altar Flowers for today’s services are given in memory 

of Susan K. Cabot by her family, who offer thanksgiving for the life she led.

Welcome to the Cathedral Church of St. Luke

We are a community of faith with ancient worship and modern thought, catholic traditions and progressive theology. We proclaim a Biblical perspective for thinking people, a respect for reason, science, and a diversity of perspective. This empowers compassion and care for both the wider community and one another.

Our commitment to welcome and inclusion is central to our mission modeled on the Kingdom of God and proclaimed by Jesus Christ. 

Sunday Service Bulletins

7:30AM Bulletin

10:00AM Bulletin


Youtube Live

Facebook Live

Service Participants

Preacher & Celebrant

The Reverend George Stevens, Interim Dean

Music Leader & Organist

Harold Stover, Guest Cathedral Musician

Head Verger

Eleanor Roberts


Liam Coy


William Salomon

Prayers Leader

Elspeth Grant Pruett

Advent Wreath Prayers Leader

Phoebe Blume

Live Streaming

Jack Swanton, Sam Allen

Eucharistic Ministers

Philip Hamilton, William Hoyt

The Healing Team

Sara Schmalz, Judd Hume

Contributing Ministries

Acolytes, Vergers, The Flower Guild, The Altar Guild, The Kneeler Guild, The Cathedral Choir

5:15PM Holy Eucharist

5:15 Service Bulletin

5:15 Hymns and Readings

Service Participants

Celebrant & Reflector

The Reverend George Stevens, Interim Dean

First Reader

Stephanie Miller

Service Leader

Stacy Obenhaus

Music Leader

Dr. Hentus van Rooyen


Coffee Hour

Please join us after the 10:00AM service for a time of fellowship in the upper hall through the doors to the left of the altar. All are welcome!

Interested in hosting? It is an important part of our parish life and provides us with a time for connection. Hosting is fun and easy, it requires bringing in a baked good and brewing coffee the Sunday of your choosing. 

Please consider signing up, a lot of gratitude comes with the job. 

Check the hosting schedule by visiting the link here.  

Please email Meredith Cough with your date.


Stewardship Celebration and Dedication Sunday


This morning

during the 10:00AM Eucharist

The Cathedral Nave

This morning, during the 10:00AM Eucharist we will bring forward and bless all of the pledge commitments we’ve received. Together, we’ll celebrate the generosity of this community and dedicate these gifts to God’s work in the coming year.

We are inspired to walk boldly in love, answering God’s call to share our time, talent, and treasures.

Additional Pledge forms are available in the cathedral office or by clicking the link to download here.

You can make your pledge online by clicking the link here.

With any questions you may have please contact Stewardship Chair & Treasurer, Randi Hogan.

Young and the Restless Friendsgiving Rescheduled

This Evening

6:00PM in the Lower Hall

Join the Young and the Restless this evening for our annual Friendsgiving!  We will gather in the lower hall at 6:00PM.

Rotisserie chicken, rolls, beverages and paper goods will be provided. 

Please bring a veggie side dish and/or dessert to share. 

 Please reach out to Phoebe Blume via email with any questions.


The St. Luke's Altar Guild December Polishing Party

Saturday, December 14


The Upper Hall

The St. Luke’s Altar guild is having a silver and gold polishing party to get ready for the holidays!

Join us 10AM–12noon Saturday 14 December in the Upper Hall. 

Everyone is welcome! You don’t need to be part of the altar guild to participate.

Coffee and goodies will be provided. Contact Kate Leschey with any questions.

Christmas With Renaissance Voices

Saturday, December 14



Sunday, December 15


The Cathedral Nave

Join Renaissance Voices and maestro Harold Stover, for their Christmas Concerts at the Cathedral.

Concerts will be held at 7:30PM on Saturday December 14 and at 2:00PM on Sunday December 15.

The program features music of Juan Esquivel, Sally Herman, Celia McDowell, and more!

Tickets are available for purchase on the Renaissance Voices Website here.

The Cathedral Choir Presents a Service of Lessons and Carols

Sunday, December 22


The Cathedral Nave

Join the Cathedral Choir on December 22nd at 4:00PM for a service of Christmas Lessons and Carols.

This service will serve as our first liturgical celebration of Christmas.

Please invite friends, neighbors, and family!

This offering provides an excellent opportunity to welcome in the wider community to our beautiful space and to experience a moving worship experience.

With questions please contact Christian CloughCanon for Liturgy & Music

Sing for Christmas with the Cathedral Choir!

Sing with the cathedral choir for Christmas! Rehearsals take place Thursday evening's 7-9PM (please note that there will not rehearsal this week (11/28).

Services upcoming for the Christmas Season Include:

-A Christmas Festival of Lessons & Carols, (Details Above)

-Christmas Eve service at 10PM (9:30PM Prelude)

-Sunday morning services in advent at 10AM.

With questions please contact Christian CloughCanon for Liturgy & Music


Most Recent Minutes from the Lesser Chapter

& Finance Committee

To read the most recent draft minutes from the Lesser Chapter Meeting held on November 20 please click here.

To read the most recent approved minutes of the Lesser Chapter Meeting held on October 15 please click here.

To read past minutes of the Lesser Chapter visit the vestry resource page on our website here.

To read the most recent draft minutes from the Finance Committee Meeting held on November 19 please click here.

Ad Hoc Preparedness Committee Meeting

At its November meeting the vestry unanimously approved the formation of an ad hoc Preparedness Committee. Chaired by Linda and Peter Carleton and Ruth Roemer, the purpose of the committee is to help St. Luke’s address for the threatened mass deportations and the growing number of transgender people fleeing from hostile states.

In the coming days, the Committee will gather information as to what ideas and actions are being considered by the State of Maine, the City of Portland, the Maine Council of Churches, the Episcopal Diocese of Maine, and local immigrant and transgender rights groups. The committee will then present findings to the vestry and the Cathedral and will give suggestions as to ways St. Luke’s and its members might participate in these efforts.

Please contact Linda Carleton via email with any questions or to join the effort.

Newsletter Available from the Haiti-Maine Partnership

The Haiti Partnership has produced a newsletter which is available with updates from the St. Simon/St. Jude Episcopal School in Haiti.  

To read the newsletter, please click the link here or pick up a printed copy this morning, available at both entrances of the Nave.

The committee is in touch with the school director on a regular basis about all of his hard work to make sure the children in Duny have a meal and an education. 

The quarters you put in the plate on a weekly basis help to fund a lunch program for 201 students, this is especially important given the conflict and violence in that country right now. The school committee in Duny expresses deep gratitude for our support.

With thanks, Meredith Cough  - chair of the Haiti Partnership Committee

Eco Tips, Announcements, & Meeting Minutes

from the St. Luke's Public Policy

and Environmental Action Team

Check out the November update of “Maine Won't Wait,” the four year plan for climate action released by the Maine Climate Council on November 21. 

To read the plan, click here.

See the goals of the plan below:

  • Reduce Maine’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions While Maine has made meaningful progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, we must reduce these emissions at a faster pace to ensure that we meet the state’s 2030 and 2050 targets and do our part to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius this century. 
  • Strengthen Resilience to Climate Impacts Maine must take action to ensure that our people, environment, economy, and society are more resilient to the impacts of climate change that are now occurring. While mitigating the causes of climate change and better preparing Maine for its impacts requires significant public and private investment, inaction will cost Maine substantially more, and those costs will accelerate over time. 
  • Create Jobs and Economic Prosperity Many of the strategies in this climate action plan will grow the economy, protect key economic sectors most at risk from climate change, and foster innovation in new business sectors that will drive climate solutions. 
  • Bring Climate Action to All Maine People Some Maine people and communities experience climate-change impacts more acutely than others, including rural, older, and lower-income residents, as well as people and places with economies tied to natural resources. As we move forward from climate-action planning to implementation, this plan outlines new and updated strategies and targets to ensure that the benefits of climate investments reach all Maine people.  

To read the most recent minutes from the PPEAT Meeting held on November 12, click here.

To read past minutes from PPEAT meetings, visit their page on the St. Luke's Website here.

PPEAT Announcement: Seeking a volunteer!

The Public Policy and Environmental Action Team is in need of a co-Chair for the committee as of December 11, 2024. 

Please contact Ruth Roemer by email or by phone at 973-901-0345 if you would like more information or would like to volunteer.


The Healing Team

Prayers of Healing are offered at the 10AM service each Sunday, during or after communion and to the end of the postlude. Two members of the Healing Team offer these healing prayers in All Saints’ Chapel (the small chapel to the right of the communion rail.) The following team members will offer healing prayers: 

December 1, 2024   Sara Schmalz, Judd Hume

December 8, 2024   Elise Magnuson, Peter Carleton

December 15, 2024  Gail Kesich, Sara Schmalz

December 22, 2024  Gail Kesich, Elise Magnuson

December 24, 2024  Sara Schmalz, Judd. Hume

The Healing Team will not be offering prayers on December 30

Soul Talk

Every Fourth Tuesday of the Month

10-11:30AM in the Oratory

Soul Talk is an informal coffee and discussion group exploring our faith and experience of God meeting on fourth Tuesdays, 10-11:30 in the Chapter Room.

Come once a month or once in a while!

If you’d like to receive materials prior to each month’s meeting contact Linda Carleton via email.

The Biblical Study Group

The Biblical Study Group meets in the Chapter Room at 8:30AM.

The topic for our sessions is the search for the one and only God, Elohim or Adonai, within ourselves.  

Join us for our study of the search of becoming “who we were meant to be.” 

We are led by Bob Hanson, retired university professor, Episcopal priest, author, peace activist, and Jungian analyst. With questions, contact Bob at (207)-245-2695. 

Sing With the Cathedral Choir

The Cathedral Choir is welcoming new members! We hope you’ll join us for fun, learning, fellowship, and the joy of music-making in community.

Previous singing experience is not required. Short-term commitments are possible.

Rehearsals most Thursdays 7-9PM, singing most Sunday 10AM liturgies & for several additional services throughout the year.

If you are interested in joining, please contact Christian Clough.

Sunday 5:15PM Service of Holy Eucharist

The 5:15PM Service is a lay-lead worship service of Holy Eucharist and meditation which gathers each Sunday in Emmanuel Chapel. Each week we welcome a member of the clergy to celebrate the Holy Eucharist.

The service invites all in attendance into a space of quiet and stillness, with music, scripture, and reflections.

We look forward to welcoming you to future services. Please join us!

The Kneeler Guild and

Prayer Shawl Knitters



The Upper Hall.

For additional information contact Jeri Edgar 207-303-8447 or Nancy Mawhinney 207-775-7500

Everyone is welcome, whether you are curious or want to begin. Kneeler kits cost $75, which include directions, yarn, needles & canvas. Novices are welcome; we will teach you as needed. Prayer Shawls: 26-29” by 60”; select your yarn & needles. Coffee & Tea available.

Contemplative Prayer

Contemplative prayer meets every Thursday at 4:30 PM on Zoom

Please join us for a half hour of silent meditation followed by a brief conversation about our experience. All are welcome. No experience is necessary.

For more information email Sarah Braik.

Volunteer to Serve on the Altar Guild 

Volunteering with Altar Guild is fun and rewarding.

Together, the Altar Guild works to enable our congregation to engage in worship that is filled with order, beauty, peace, and tranquility.

For more information, contact Kate Leschey or Rita Siavelis.

Weekly Ministries

  • The Food Pantry is open from 8 am to 11 am every Thursday.

  • The Tuesday 12:10 Eucharist is offered every week in Emmanuel Chapel in-person and on Zoom.

  • Contemplative prayer meets each week on Zoom on Thursday at 4:30PM

  • Noon Zoom meets on Thursday afternoons at 12:00PM on Zoom

  • Compline is offered weekly on Friday from 8-8:30pm on Zoom.

St. Luke's Webpage

Give/ Pledge to St. Luke's

Click on the logo above to learn about all that is happening in the wider Diocese.



Physical Address:

143 State Street, Portland, ME 04101

Parking Available at:

134 Park Street, Portland, ME 04101

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 4141, Portland, ME 04101

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