December 1, 2023

Town of Scarborough Newsletter

Gingerbread cookies, decorative lights, homemade gifts...the holiday season has begun! No matter how you celebrate, this is a time to hunker down for the long winter ahead and have some fun along the way. Read on for upcoming events, programs, and job opportunities. It's also the season of cold temps, so we have some DIY energy saving tips and a CodeRED alert reminder for you. Take note of the many updates on what's happening in Scarborough.


There are a lot of dates to save from this email! If this gets lost in your inbox, check the Town News page of our website at any time for the highlights and most recent newsletter.

Share Your Thoughts: Online Survey Open to All

The 2023 community survey that was mailed to a random sample of residents this fall is now open via an online link to all residents who are interested in sharing their feedback on town services and relevant issues. The survey asks questions about satisfaction with services like public safety, sidewalks, pedestrian/bike lanes, Town leadership, and more. If you have not already completed a mailed copy, please share your thoughts through the link below. All responses are anonymous, processed by our survey consultant and provided to the Town as aggregate data.


Click Here to learn more about the community survey process and background.

Prepare for Winter Weather

Sign Up for CodeRED Alerts

As we head into the winter storm season, one way to prepare is signing up for our Town's CodeRED computer alert system. It is used to quickly notify large groups of people for emergency situations like criminal activity, severe weather, road closures, evacuations, and missing persons. Only those who are signed up receive these alerts. It's free and secure to sign up for cell phone alerts. Select how to receive alerts: text, phone call and/or email. Help us keep you informed and safe by signing up for CodeRED.


Tips from Public Works

Snow will come any day now! Here are some reminders from Public Works:

• Keep edge of the roadways clear (at least 12-15 feet from the edge of the pavement) for plowing.

• Do not shovel or snowblow into the roadways.

• Be aware of and abide by parking bans.

• Place your trash and recycle carts in your driveway, not on the roadside.

• Put snow tires on your car. Drive slowly and safely.

• Get your snowblower ready to go.


Dog Licenses Expire on December 31, 2023

Current dog licenses are valid through December 31, 2023, so be sure to register or renew your dog license. This can be done in person at the Clerk's office or online (If you register your dog[s] online, you will receive your tag[s] at the beginning of the next month). All dog renewals must be completed by January 31, 2024. There is an additional $25 fee starting February 1st. To receive a license for your dog, please come into the Town Clerk's Office at Town Hall during our business hours, Monday through Thursday from 7:00am-5:00pm.


Why do dogs need to be licensed? Many reasons! Dog licensing ensures rabies vaccination which protects the health of your pet. Also, dog license fees go directly to the Maine Animal Welfare Program to fight animal cruelty and abuse, accounting for 95% of the State Animal Welfare Program’s entire funding. Without these fees, the State would be unable to protect the animals of this state.

Holiday Events for the Family

Gingerbread House Decorating - FULL

Friday, December 1, 6:00-7:30pm

Tonight's Gingerbread House Decorating event is full. Thank you for your interest!

Santa in the Park

Saturday, December 2, 5:00-7:30pm


Bundle up the family and head to Memorial Park to join us and our presenting sponsor, Saco and Biddeford Savings, in welcoming Santa and Mrs. Claus to Scarborough! We’ll be getting in the holiday spirit with sweet treats, activities, music, fireworks, and more. Help us spread the holiday cheer by bringing a non-perishable food item to donate to the Scarborough Food Pantry.

Event Schedule

4:30 PM - Tractor rides begin

5:00 PM - Event begins

5:00 PM - Chorus sings (5-5:30 pm)

5:10 PM - Santa & Mrs. Claus Arrive

5:15 PM - Tree Lighting

5:30 PM - Visits with Santa

7:00 PM - Fireworks begin

7:30 PM - End


Details are subject to change. Please reference the Scarborough Community Services Facebook page for up-to-date information.

Local Gifts & Events: Scarborough Holiday Guide

Before you head out for shopping, be sure to review the 2023 Holiday Guide for Scarborough, brought to you by Scarborough Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO), Scarborough Community Chamber of Commerce and Scarborough Buy Local. You'll find a list of events in Scarborough, a selection of regional events and a mini guide to gifts and offers. Many events are happening this weekend, so be sure to check it out soon and plan your outings!


December 7: Community Center Activities Charrette

Thursday, December 7

Two slots: 2:00-3:30pm and 5:00-7:00pm

Community Services Hub, 418 Payne Road

Scarborough Community Services is hosting an "Activities" charrette with architect design firm Utile. The Town has received input on program spaces for a Community Center from multiple surveys, and now we're looking to gather public input on what activities residents would like to see in each space. This is a step in the Community Center planning process and will help our Ad-Hoc Committee and Consult Team decide on the square footage and design/layout to best meet the activity needs. Join us on December 7 to share your thoughts.

Winter Program Brochure: Register Now!

It's almost New Year's Resolution season and Scarborough Community Services is here to help! Their winter brochure has exciting new programs to help you learn a new hobby, focus on your fitness, or get social. SCS offers programs for all ages year-round with creative picks like dance lessons and dodgeball for adults, indoor sports and crafts for kids, plus senior trips and more. The winter brochure with all programs and registration is out now—be sure to give it a look.

Program Highlight: Christmas Lights Ride (Ages 55+), December 18 & 21, 6:00-8:30pm

Come aboard the Community Services bus to be chauffeured through the streets of Scarborough and surrounding towns to admire the "lights of the season!" We will admire the beautifully decorated homes and streets as well as make a stop for coffee and hot chocolate along the way. Come along for this annual tradition! Call 207-730-4150 to register.


Fire Department Gave First Aid Demo to Scout Troop

Earlier this week firefighters from Pleasant Hill Station gave a demo in first aid to Boy Scout Troop 47. The scouts already have basic first aid training, and the firefighters were able to provide a higher level of training to add to their knowledge and skills. Thank you to firefighters Sam Brown, Frank Provencher, Andrew Pooler, and Ryan Bagley, who were also boy scouts when they were younger!

December 29: Fire Department Hosts Blood Drive

Friday, December 29


Public Safety Building, 275 US Route One

Sign Up (Enter zip code and find 12/29 date)

The Scarborough Fire Department is hosting a blood drive in honor of Madison Charland, the niece of one of our firefighters who was diagnosed with cancer as an infant two years ago. Madison is now cancer-free, thanks to the extraordinary efforts of tMaine Children's Cancer Program. This organization is part of the Barbara Bush Children's Hospital and their home office is right here in Scarborough. They will serve as co-sponsor for the upcoming drive. Please consider donating blood for their many cancer patients who receive blood and platelet transfusions to fight their disease. Join the Maine Children's Cancer Program along with the Scarborough Fire Department, Police Department, and Town of Scarborough on December 29 to donate blood and save a life!


To book an appointment, go to and search for the event by zip code. Find the December 29 date and select your time slot.

Scarborough River Dredging Underway at Ferry Beach

For the next few months (November-January), specialized company Michels Construction Inc. is dredging the Scarborough River as part of a federal project. Dredging is occurring on the Scarborough River starting at Pine Point, Portland, ME (LAT/LONG: 43.54408441503761, -70.32790745798174). 

Operations began on November 13 and will be ongoing 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. The work will consist of the “Dredge Carolina” clearing sand out of the Scarborough River Channel and placing it on the beach. Sand will be manipulated into place on the beach via a bulldozer. Operations will continue through January 10, 2024, or until work completion.

Board & Committee Updates in Latest Newsletter

In addition to Town staff and council, citizen-led boards and committees actively meet to work toward goals that enhance our community. We wanted to highlight the important work they do, so last year we created a periodic Board & Committee Newsletter to share the updates. The most recent one was sent out earlier this week. In case you missed it, find the newsletter here and learn updates on the Transportation Network Study, Community Center plans, Pine Point pier upgrades, and more.

Join a Town Committee

There is no better time for you to join a committee, as terms are soon to expire for some members. See a list of all boards and committees, and complete an application on our website. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis by our Appointments & Negotiations committee. Thank you for your interest.


Project GRACE Giving Trees Around Town

Project GRACE is putting up giving trees around town to help neighbors during the holiday season. Some needed items include new toys, games/craft kits, gift cards for kids winter clothing, hoodies for teens, hats, mittens, socks, gift bags, and grocery gift cards. Several businesses and groups are hosting giving trees or collecting on behalf of Project GRACE this holiday season. Find trees at Inn by the Sea, Big 20 Bowling Center, St. Maximillian-Kolbe Church, Piper Shores, Scarborough Public Library, Scarborough Public Safety, Pleasant Hill and Wentworth schools, Oasis Wellness, and Maine Community Bank.


New Avesta Housing Now Accepting Applications

Scarborough is the site for a new housing project administered by Avesta Housing. Village Commons is part of Firehouse Village, a redevelopment of the former Oak Hill public safety complex on Route 1 in Scarborough. The energy-efficient building was recently completed and will provide much needed affordable homes for older adults with low incomes.

Avesta Housing is currently accepting applications for Village Commons. Apply online here.


Home Improvement DIY Tips for Winter

Take a look at these simple DIY tips you can use to "snug up" your home this winter season, provided by the Scarborough Sustainability Committee:

Now Hiring! Public Safety Job Opportunities

The Town of Scarborough is seeking highly motivated applicants for a full-time Dispatcher to join our Public Safety team. The Emergency Communications Center provides full service emergency communications, emergency call processing, and 9-1-1 answering services for the Town of Scarborough, Town of Old Orchard Beach, and Town of Buxton, Maine. Benefits include a 4-day work week, 12 vacation days/13 holidays, excellent healthcare and more! Learn more.

The Town is also seeking a full-time Patrol Officer to join the Scarborough Police Department. Our offers also earn competitive starting salaries, have ample overtime opportunities, multiple retirement options, and a four-day work week. Learn more.

Applications for both positions are being accepted until Sunday, December 17.


Council Corner: New Councilor Welcome

By Don Cushing

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Scarborough Town Council.

It is an honor and a privilege to be elected by my fellow citizens to the Scarborough Town Council. I was mindful when taking the oath of office that I would now be counted among those citizens who have given their time and talents in the service of our community since 1658. Their contributions and decisions have ensured that Scarborough has remained a beautiful and safe place to live, work, and raise a family for generations. I hope to continue in that tradition.

I also feel fortunate to serve with my six colleagues on the council. They set a high bar for commitment.

Over the past few weeks, I have had the opportunity to get to know them and see them at work. During my forty years has a healthcare executive I had the chance to work with a lot of smart, creative, and energetic people. I can say with confidence that Scarborough is blessed that people of this caliber are willing to step up and serve. I look forward to working with them to sort through the issues that come before us in a way that is consistent with the Town people’s priorities and traditions. 

One of the best parts of my new role has been meeting some of the many people who do the work required to make our town a great place to live. Among them were Fire Chief Kindelan and Police Chief Holmquist. Each gave me a tour of their departments.

I came away from these meetings knowing that Scarborough’s public safety services are extremely sophisticated and well prepared to handle all emergencies that can be anticipated. The more I learn about what is happening in our town, the more impressed I am. I look forward to meeting more of the people whose daily contributions make Scarborough a great place to live. 

I ran for Town Council because I wanted to contribute to the Town that has given so much to me and my family for over three decades. I bought my first home on Church Street in 1985. Three houses, eight jobs, two daughters and five grandchildren later I have the time and the inclination to share some of what I have learned over the years in hopes that others may have some of the same opportunities I had. We will be facing some big challenges over the next three years. I am confident that we can make choices that reflect the needs, values, and priorities of our community if we listen to each other.

Our town offers citizens many opportunities to get involved. We seek input through the community surveys, the comprehensive planning process, and numerous committees. We attempt to inform towns people through newsletters, a robust website and virtually all public meetings are televised with opportunities to participate live or review later. But I fear that this is not enough. Most people are busy earning a living and raising a family. It’s not a question of interest or apathy, it is more about bandwidth.

So, I believe that Town Government can’t sit back and wait for the phone to ring or the email to chime to learn how people feel about a specific or general issues facing our town. We need to build a network of citizens who are willing to take a phone call or have a cup of coffee to discuss matters big and small that will come before the council. We need more voices across all demographics representing all neighborhoods. As a first step in that direction, I am reaching out to people who are willing to meet in person or by phone to get their perspective on some of the matters that we will be asked to vote on. Call or drop me a text at 207-303-4858 or email [email protected] if you would like to help me represent you and your neighbors. I look forward to serving on your council and representing you to the best of my ability. 

Scarborough Town Council

Nick McGee, Chair • April Sither, Vice Chair • Jonathan Anderson • Jean-Marie Caterina • Don Cushing • Don Hamill • Karin Shupe

Town Council meets the first and third Wednesday of each month. Visit our Town Calendar for links to attend and view agendas.


Scarborough Public Library: Upcoming Programs

Arts & Crafts Fair at the Library

Saturday, December 2, 1:00-4:00pm

See the talents of Library artists and crafters! There will be prints, cards, jewelry, glass work, knits, crocheted creations, and more. Kids can "secretly" pick out a present from the kids-only table for a parent or family member for only a dollar or two and wrap it up. We'll have LIVE music from the Wentworth Chorus at 2pm and a bake sale to support the Lions Club. Shop here and then head over to the park for Santa in the Park sponsored by Scarborough Community Services!

Climate Change Challenges of South Asia

Camden Conference Zoom Presentation

Wednesday, December 6, 6:30-8:00pm


Prince Memorial Library and Scarborough Public Library present Raj Saha for a virtual presentation. What can we extrapolate from the specific case of climate change challenges in South Asia? In this examination of how climate change manifests itself globally and regionally, we'll explore South Asia's specific climate change challenges, an exercise that can inform the global climate change narrative. We'll also discuss opportunities for cross-border cooperation and research; new equitable financial models; and the possibilities for lasting peace and security.

Death Café

Tuesday, December 12, 6:30-8:00pm


At a Death Café, people - often strangers - gather to eat cake, drink tea, and discuss death. Our objective is 'to increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their finite lives.' It is a group-directed discussion of death with no agenda, objectives, or themes. It is a discussion group rather than a grief support or counseling session. All are welcome - join us! 


Monday – 9am to 5pm • Tuesday – 9am to 7pm • Wednesday – 9am to 7pm • Thursday – 9am to 7pm • Friday – 9am to 5pm • Saturday – 9am to 5pm • Sunday – Closed

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About Our Newsletter
Our mission is to keep you informed about town events and activities.
Please email us if you have ideas for stories. Note: Our website is the central repository for Town information.