Deacon Greg lead an Advent prayer service
Eighth grade boys basketball has had two wins this week
Fifth grade Spanish class testing their knowledge
Principal Kubuske invites students and staff to wear baseball jerseys (or any kind of jersey) this Friday to honor 8-year-old Jackson Sparks who was a victim of the Waukesha Christmas Parade incident. We will be participating with schools across Wisconsin and posting pictures online using the hashtag #jerseys4jackson. Please contact the office if you do not want your child to be included in photos published online.
12/02 All School Mass
Fifth Grade Advent Retreat at
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

12/07 NDA Grade School Christmas Show (grades 1-5 will attend; Permission Form will be sent via email tomorrow)

12/08 All School Mass
Feast of the Immaculate Conception

12/09 Reconciliation (1-2:30 PM) 

12/14 Christmas Band and Choir Concerts 6 PM at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
12/16 All School Mass

12/21 All School Mass - Christmas Celebration

12/23 Half Day 11:15 AM dismissal; Christmas vacation begins

01/03 Classes resume

01/04 Feast of the Holy Family Mass at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

01/13 All School Mass

01/17 No School
Click the links above to connect with Holy Family on social media. We encourage you to like, follow and share as we spread positive news about our school. You'll be the first to see all of the great things happening here during the school day.
Volunteer requirements are mandated by the Diocese of Green Bay, and there are no exceptions. We strongly encourage everyone to go through the process because volunteer opportunities will come up and your name must be on our approved list prior to the event, whether it's chaperoning a field trip, selling Scrip, or helping in your child's classroom.

  • BACKGROUND CHECK Volunteers are required to provide personal references, sign a declaration form, and authorize a criminal background check (and receive a satisfactory report) Click here to complete the background check. Enter code: gbdioc04

  • All volunteers who have contact with children are required to complete VIRTUS Protecting God's Children training. Register here. The Green Bay Diocese is currently not offering in-person training, so all training is online.


Record your volunteer hours (TSF and family) using the link below.

Every adult who volunteers at Holy Family is required to have a current background check on file, complete a VIRTUS training course, and sign a volunteer agreement each year.
Each month, our event calendar offers a variety of activities for your family as a way to support our school in meeting our fundraising goals. Many of these events are not just open to the HFS families, we welcome and encourage you to spread the word to your community and families.

Kringle & NUT Pass Sale Get your orders in for Uncle Mike's Kringle gift certificates for family and friends and Non-Uniform Today (NUT) Passes for the kiddos. These both make great Christmas gifts. Order forms came home with each child.

Calendar Raffle Remember to turn in your GRACE calendar raffle tickets. Please send any calendars that haven't been sold back to school.

Contact Heather Phillips to request more calendars. Our goal is to sell 500+ tickets for Holy Family before Christmas Break.

Hunters Raffle  The lucky winner was Mark D! Thank you to all that purchased raffle tickets. We raised over $1000 towards our TSF goal.

Open Gym Experience - Registration closes on Thursday  Looking to get some Christmas shopping done or have dinner with your spouse and/or friends? Then send the kiddos to the open gym experience at Western Racquet & Fitness Club for some tennis, dodgeball, basketball, and pizza/snacks. It will be a night of fun for everyone! Here is the link to sign up, 
Click here for more information on the HASA-sponsored Teacher/Staff Christmas Collection which is due December 6. Contact Heather Phillips with questions.

*It is imperative that students are registered to attend BASIC. We cannot accept students who are
not registered.
A Message from Scrip Coordinator Kristina Wery

A reminder that this Friday, December 3rd, is the deadline to turn in your Christmas Fundraising sheets. Remember, your child will receive a nut pass for every three families that place an order, and great job to the families that have already turned theirs in! Please keep in mind that shipments may be delayed and cards on backorder now that we are entering the busy holiday season. We have already been notified that Jimmy John's is out of gift cards at this moment.  

The last day to place an order that I can guarantee to be filled and delivered that week will be Monday, December 13th. Orders will be taken and processed on Monday, December 20th, but if any shipment is delayed and orders can't be filled, that order will not be received until after the break, so please plan accordingly. Also, we will NOT be taking any orders the week of December 27th during winter break. Please use the RaiseRight app to purchase e-cards or reload existing cards. We will also continue to sell at both St. Agnes and SEAS parishes during the weekends at mass(as long as we have sellers) during winter break. A hard copy of this December newsletter information will also be sent home with your child this week.

As always, we are in need of volunteers to sell at the churches during the mass times on the weekends. Flyers will be sent home with links to sign up. Please don't be discouraged even if you haven't sold before or don't attend mass at one of the parishes. Once you have signed up, please email me at and I will give you thorough instructions to get you set up and trained right away.

Please continue to monitor your children at home for Covid-related symptoms which can include but are not limited to fever, sore throat, headache, body aches, fatigue, runny nose, stomach issues, and coughing. If your children or anyone in your household is experiencing symptoms, students should stay home. Please call our school office to report absences or to report symptoms, concerns, exposures, or positive cases.
Kim is a dedicated health care professional with over 20 years of nursing experience including care of children in clinical, camp, and school settings. Kim has her B.S. in Nursing from Marian University and is currently pursuing her Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) in Integrative Health and Healing through the University of Minnesota. 

Her part-time nurse role for GRACE will be to assist with contact tracing and alleviate the burden of this important task for our principals and front offices.

We are grateful to the parishes that support our students, staff, and school. We encourage you to take a look at their most recent news updates, bulletins, and events linked below. By supporting these parishes, you’re supporting our school.

1204 South Fisk Street
Green Bay, WI 54304
(920) 494-1931