Preparing the Way to Come Home
Dear Parishioners,
In the readings of this weekend, the exhortation is to “Prepare the way of the Lord.” John urges us to clear away all the stumbling blocks that make God’s road difficult. Why? Can’t God handle few curves on the road and few mountains? Actually, the landscaping was not prepared for God’s sake but for the exhausted and tired people to come home from exile. Preparing the way for God is preparing the way for others to be home.
There is a great old song, “I will be home for Christmas.” May it to be your song during this Advent season. Come home to your family …. even if it involves some forgiveness. Come home to your church … even if that involves some forgiveness - perhaps in both directions. Home is where we treat one another with kindness even though the other is imperfect. Home is where we treat one another with kindness that no one has to earn.
At Christmas we belong with our family, and with our Church. After all, we are celebrating the birth of the Son of God who referred to us as brothers and sisters. “I will be home for Christmas.” I will also prepare the way for others to be at home - in my house, in our Church where they will be treated with kindness that they do not have to earn.
Prepare the way … be at home … and be a home for others this Christmas.
Fr Saju
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December 10, 2023
Second Sunday of Advent - Peace
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December 9/10, 2023
To schedule a Mass intention, please stop by the parish office.
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Saturday 5:00 PM
Ron Contreras †
Rudy Mendoza †
Anthony Jones †
Juanito & Victoria Cerezo †
Sunday 8:30 AM
Joseph Palalay †
Anthony Jones †
Sunday 10:00 AM
J. W. Knapen
Sunday 11:30 AM
Edward Enos †
Mary & John Rossi †
Deceased Members of ICF
Monday 8:00 AM
Joseph Palalay †
Bobby Ocampo †
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Tuesday 8:00 AM
James & Vincee Viso †
Anthony Jones †
Fred Schlichting †
Wednesday 8:00 AM
Moses Pirotta †
Bobby Ocampo †
Rex & Ellie Cerezo (Anniversary)
Thursday 9:00 AM
Anthony Gamab, Sr. †
Elizabeth Dominador Domingo †
Friday 8:00 AM
Erma de los Santos †
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Amando Navarro, Josie Medina, Robert McCord, Jon Campisi, Bobby Ocampo
Geroge Delucchi, Carol Brinton, Megan Favoli, Bekah Dominguez, Emma Firpo, Nigisti Bassali, Jimmy Verna, Christine Burroughs, Kathleen Lupo, Ron Zeppa,
Roberta Williams, Connor Vierra, Audrey Pontier, Gary Farfan,
Joanna Nu Tran, Anthony Dung Do, Raphael Nathan Luu, Noell Do,
Noi Dinh, Frances Pizzo, Tom Rodenfils, Marie Flemate, Rodger “OB” O’Brien, Sr.
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Please pray with us for our parishioners, family and friends.
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As the year is coming to an end, we invite you to prayerfully consider making a one-time year-end donation to support our parish and its ministries.
The link below will connect you to the portal.
We thank you for your generosity!
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Sunday Offering 11/26/23 Fiscal Year to Date
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Budget | $15,320 | $270,505, | Actual | $17,318 | $268,429 | Difference | $1,998 | ($2,076) | | |
St. Martin of Tours School
St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP)
If you would like to donate online, please use the QR Code provided.
Thank you for your
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December 9-10
Catholic Sisters, Brothers and religious order priests have selflessly served for decades without significant financial compensation. However, due to escalating health-care costs, numerous U.S. religious communities face a substantial gap between their elderly members’ needs and the financial resources available for their care. Many religious orders currently experience insufficient retirement savings.
Next weekend we are honor to support the people who have dedicated their lives to the service of God's people.
We are so grateful for your generosity!
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Friday, December 8
8:10 AM (School Mass - open to all),
12:10 PM & 7:00 PM
(Holy Day of Opportunity -Obligation)
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Food Box Program
The Food box program helps anyone that is food insufficient in our area. Distribution is always on the third Friday of the month from 4:00PM – 5:00PM in the parking lot. We offer fresh fruit and veg, dairy, bread, dry goods and canned food. All are welcome to come shop for their families.
Food box packing (Volunteer)
Friday, December 15~ 3:00 - 5:30 PM
Meet on the Bailey House Patio
Food box pickup (Clients)
Friday, December 15 ~ 4:00 - 5:00 PM
If you have any questions, please email Therese Lehane at Thank you!!
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Giving Trees are Up
The Giving Trees are up! This year we have requests for toys, sports balls, blankets, sweatshirts and gift cards. We have been blessed with such a generous Community every year, thank you. Please take a tag from the tree and return the unwrapped gift to the Church before December 10th so we can sort and deliver before we caravan to the Farmworkers on December 17th after the 8.30 Mass.
Thank you for your participation in this Ministry!
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Prayer Shawl Ministry Needs You!
We rely on all our parishioners to be our eyes and ears for those in need of God’s love to wrap around them and console them as God guides them through their troubled times. Many recipience of our Prayer Shawls say they feel the care and love that went into these shawls and feel his presents.
So please if you need or know of anyone needing comfort whether through depression, illness, loss of family member or loneliness, etc. for any reason call and give us their name and information.
If you can knit, crochet, weave or would like to learn and want to share with others the gift of God’s healing love, please join our Prayer Shawl Ministry.
Join us in making a difference.
Contact: Mary Kay Tocce
Prayer Shawl Ministry Coordinator
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We are grateful to TONY & ALBA’S, LA SORELLA & MIA VICCINO for putting together the SOCKTOBER Drive for the Farm Workers in Watsonville, the unhoused of San Jose, and for people in need. As a result, they have donated over 2,200 pairs of socks.
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The community of St. Martin of Tours is praying to support our catechumens and candidates in deepening their relationship with Christ while they are on their journey in preparation to receive Sacraments of Baptism, First Eucharist, and Confirmation.
Please pray for all catechumens and candidates who celebrate the
Rite of Acceptance/Welcome.
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Novembre De Bernardo
Gianna Grace Vern
Parker Tate Way
Isabella Mayling Stipe
Bennett Daniel Stipe
Mussie Kidane
Matheos Kidane
Anthony Greg Escobar
Lander Dayne Levita
Nicholas Ernest Jacob Zeppa
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Millen Debesay Kidane
Whitney Todd Stipe
Trenton Anthony Madej
Kevin Koufax Madej
Hannah Skye Park
Zoey Chan Park
Oliver Chan Park
Janey Sher Chan
Monica Ann Chavira
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Prayer cards are available for parishioners
to take home.
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We are very grateful for the large number of children joining our CLOW. Thank you, parents, for taking your children to worship with the community every Sunday! For us to provide a better environment for children to celebrate the Word of God in CLOW,
We need help to supervise the children in the CLOW session. We will create a signup form for parents to participate in this joyful ministry." We need 2 parents for each session.
Your generosity in sharing your time and love for our children will be greatly appreciated. Please click HERE to sign up.
Dear parents and children, kindly click on the link below to download and print out catechetical activity for children for this weekend. This link is updated every week with activities that corresponds to the readings and Sunday celebrations.
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Advent Resource Guide
Please visit for A Guide to Advent. This guide enable parish groups, families, and colleagues available tools to utilize as a personal Advent resource. The resources of the guide were gathered throughout our Diocese by priests, religious, directors of ministry, and the teams from the Departments of Communications and Evangelization.
The focus on the traditional themes of the Advent wreath is Hope, Love, Joy & Peace. Feel free to utilize this Advent image for your website and Parish Bulletin.
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Stay up to date with Diocesan wide news, events, and stories as well as news from the USCCB and the Vatican. Read the Bishop’s messages, see what our children are doing in school, and learn about upcoming community events. Follow the Diocese of San Jose on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Vimeo. Social Media Posts: Facebook | Instagram
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