The E-pistle of Sunday, December 10th, 2023
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Holy Eucharist, Rite II
7:30AM in Emmanuel Chapel
Holy Eucharist, Rite II
10:00AM in the Nave & Livestreamed
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The Cathedral Church of St. Luke
in the
City of Portland
and the
Episcopal Diocese of Maine
Whoever you are,
and wherever you may be on the journey of the spirit,
The Episcopal Church welcomes you.
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Welcome to St. Luke’s Cathedral
We are a community of faith with ancient worship and modern thought, catholic traditions and progressive theology. We proclaim a Biblical perspective for thinking people, a respect for reason, science, and a diversity of perspective. This empowers compassion and care for both the wider community and one another. Our commitment to welcome and inclusion is central to our mission modeled on the Kingdom of God and proclaimed by Jesus Christ.
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Sunday Morning Service Participants
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The Reverend Rebecca A. Grant, Deacon
The Reverend Suzanne Roberts M.D., Associate Priest
Music Leader & Organist
Christian M. Clough, Canon for Liturgy & Music
Advent Wreath Prayers Leader
Sunday School Participants
Ellen Detlefsen
Prayers Leader
Sam Allen
Mary Linneman, Chester Bishop, Stan Kuziel, Gail Swanton
Head Verger
Eleanor Roberts
Randi Hogan
Alec Thorne
Live Streaming
Jack Swanton, Sam Allen
Contributing Ministries
The Cathedral Choir, Acolytes, Vergers, The Flower Guild, The Altar Guild, The Kneeler Guild, The Healing Team
Music copyrights granted under #A-713087. Sources: The Hymnal 1982, Lift Every Voice and Sing II, Wonder, Love, and Praise, Voices Found, My Heart Sings Out, The Saint Helena Psalter, The Book of Common Prayer,, Enriching our Worship, The Holy Bible (NRSV).
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Happening at the Cathedral Today | |
Luke’s Garden Meeting in the Lower Hall
Join St. Luke’s LGBTQIA+ Group for their meeting today following coffee hour. They will be meeting in the lower hall at 12 noon.
During the meeting they will be watching Single All the Way, an LGBT+ Christmas movie.
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Roots of Jesus Study Group |
Sunday Mornings|8:45-9:45AM
Location: The Chapter Room
Contact: The Rev. Dr. Bob Hanson at 207-405-8250.
Join us in the Chapter Room from 8:45–9:45 AM on Sunday mornings. Bob Hanson, Biblical scholar, linguist and theologian, leads our group. For more information call Bob at (207) 405- 8250. Activity units are distributed for each session. Assigned readings are from the Biblical books under consideration. The journey is a joyous one.
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St. Luke’s Christmas Pageant Rehearsal
Christmas is fast approaching and it’s time to think of the Christmas Pageant! The pageant is part of the 5 pm Christmas eve service. All children and teens are invited to participate.
Children’s friends or cousins are invited participate; grandchildren are invited to participate too! Rehearsals are on December 10, 17 at 11:30 and Dec 24 (before the service) at 4 pm.
Please talk to Christian Education director Sarah Dowling regarding the location of today's rehearsal.
While it would be good to have everyone at all the rehearsals; we are very flexible around rehearsal attendances.
Please let the pageant director know if your children and teens want to participate.
For more information email Sarah Dowling or contact her by phone at 207-653-1017.
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Thank You To The Dedicated Volunteers
Who Helped with The Greening of The Cathedral!
An amazing team worked on Friday morning, December 8, to decorate the Cathedral for Advent and Christmas, as well as for the many upcoming concerts of the season.
Our thanks go out to Mary Brighthaupt, Jack Wood, Sam Allen, Dan McDonald, Matt Hyde, Stan Kuziel, Larry Roadman, and Dick Farnsworth, along with Flower Guild members Betsy Bodor, Byrd Wood, Mary Doughty and Kathy Watt.
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Each Week Saint Luke’s supports vital ministries in our wider community.
Several examples of these ministries include:
- Saint Elizabeth’s, a Diocesan Jubilee Center at Saint Luke's, provides such non-food essentials as soaps, detergent, diapers, coats, boots, and housewares to hundreds of native and new Mainers.
- Our Food Pantry feeds upward of 300 people a week
- Family Promise works to provide housing and support for homeless families in Portland.
- The Haiti Partnership helped to build a school in rural Duny, Haiti and now provides daily lunches for its students, supports two teachers’ salaries and raises funds toward a scholarship fund.
- The Public Policy and Environmental Action Team (PPEAT) gives us an opportunity to support policies that align with Christian values of compassion, equality, and justice.
None of these ministries can exist solely on the allotment from Saint Luke’s budget. They are dependent on all of our support.
Through the Alternative Giving at Christmas program, you have a chance to donate to any or all of them.
When you fill out a form either on paper or online, and return it by December 15, we will mail you gift cards that you can use as stocking stuffers or include with Christmas cards.
To participate in Alternative Giving for Christmas
1)Complete the form online or submit a physical form.
If you are submitting a physical form, please do so either by mail, bringing it to the cathedral office during business hours, or submit it during the offering on Sunday morning.
The Cathedral's mailing address is: P.O. Box 4141 Portland, ME 04101.
2) Submit payment
Options include:
Send a physical check to our mailing address at P.O. Box 4141 Portland, ME 04101. Please note "Alternative Giving" in the memo.
Visit our Realm Giving Page and make a donation to each of the ministries you would like to donate to. The different ministries are listed in the dropdown menu
For convenience links to give to the ministries highlighted in Alternative Giving are also available below:
Give to The St. Luke's Food Pantry
Give to St. Elizabeth's Jubilee Center
Give to The Haiti-Maine Partnership
Give to Greater Portland Family Promise
Additional Notes
Alternative Giving Forms can also be found at both entrances to the Nave, on our website, and in the Cathedral Office.
If you are unable to pick up a form in person or online, please contact the parish office and we will happily mail one to you.
If you have any questions, please contact Linda Carleton.
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Christmas Flower and Greens Contributions
Each Christmas Season the St. Luke’s Flower Guild welcomes contributions to support the flowers and greens present during Christmas Services at the cathedral.
Gifts are made in memory of and thanksgiving for loved ones. The names of all individuals are noted in the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Bulletins.
To make a Christmas Flowers and Greens Contribution
1)Complete the form online or submit a physical form.
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2) Submit payment
Options include:
Send a physical check to our mailing address at P.O. Box 4141 Portland, ME 04101. Please note "Christmas Flowers" in the memo.
Select one of the two options:
Additional Notes
Christmas Flowers and Greens Forms can be found at both entrances to the Nave, on our website, and in the Cathedral Office.
If you are unable to pick up a form in person or online, please contact the parish office and we will happily mail one to you.
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Christmas Serving Opportunity
St. Luke's is seeking additional helpers in the Christmas Eve Vigil and the Christmas Day service. Interested in participating in the service?
Please contact Head Verger Eleanor Roberts for more information. All ages welcome.
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Nominations for Vestry and Convention Delegates
The Cathedral’s Annual Meeting date has been set for February 4, 2024. An
important part of the agenda will be election of the Junior Warden (two-year term),
election of three Vestry members for three-year terms, and election of one Vestry
member for a two-year term. In addition, we will elect five Delegates for Diocesan
Convention, plus alternates.
Our Bylaws specify the Nominations Committee for these positions consist of the
outgoing Warden and Vestry members, plus the Interim Dean. This year’s
Nominations Committee includes: Fred Fowler, Jane Briggs, Catherine Hyde, Linda
Carleton, and George Stevens.
We invite nominees for these positions. You may nominate yourself or someone
else, provided that you seek that person’s permission to serve if elected.
Nominations may be sent to Senior Warden Sam Allen or Interim
Dean, The Rev. George Stevens.
If you have questions about what the positions entail, please consult Sam, George, or Acting Junior Warden Fred Fowler.
Please make nominations no later than January 3, 2024. Thank you!
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Most Recent Minutes from the Lesser Chapter
& Finance Committee
To read the most recent minutes of the Lesser Chapter meeting held on November 15th, please click here.
To read the most recent minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on November 14th, please click here.
To read past minutes from the Vestry and Finance Committee Meetings, visit the vestry page on our website.
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A Note about the Community Kitchen at St. Luke’s
After much prayer and discussion at the most recent vestry meeting, it was determined that the Community Kitchen ministry would be coming to a close at the end of December.
Nearly two years ago, former vestry member, Tom Flinn, proposed the idea of using the newly renovated kitchen as a commissary kitchen to serve the Portland community in need of a commercial space. A dedicated group of individuals including Lin and Liz Parsons, Tim Wilkins and Mary Brighthaupt worked with staff member Dawn Brennan-Daly to bring this vision to life. We are grateful for their energy, dedication and passion for the project.
As we work with departing clients through the month of December, the vestry will be working on management and guidelines for using the space.
Dawn has asked that we not publicly celebrate her work, so I encourage you to reach out to her individually, as well as Lin, Liz, Tim & Mary, to express your gratitude for their commitment to this project.
If you have any questions about this decision, please reach out to me via email or via telephone at (207) 772-5434 ext 201.
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Congregational Assessment Using The Holy Cow!
Church Survey Tool
Dear Friends,
In the ten weeks since I arrived at the Cathedral of St. Luke, I have learned much about this community of faith. Some of you have been here for generations, others have just arrived, and all of you are committed to deepening your faith through service, worship and prayer.
During this interim period, it is now time for us to learn from your varied experiences and opinions about the readiness for our cathedral to begin a search for our next Dean. On the recommendation of the Rev. Pamela Mott, our search consultant, the vestry has engaged Holy Cow! Consulting for our first step in the process.
The Congregation Assessment Tool (CAT) is an online assessment of a congregation that is completed by members of the church. This tool will provide the Vestry with understanding of the health of our congregation, a sense of where members think the church should head in the future, and a description of the church as a unique body of people. In the coming months there will be many ways to add your voice and thoughts for your hopes for our next clergy leader. This survey allows your vestry to understand how to structure this process and areas of focus during the interim.
Please see the attached link to the survey where you can share your experiences in and priorities for our church. Please do not discuss the survey or your answers with others as this may influence their answers.
If you need a paper copy, please come to the office, or email the cathedral office, and we will provide one for you along with a self-addressed stamped return envelope. We will be collecting responses until Wednesday, December 20.
All answers are strictly anonymous. We have no way of matching any assessment to a particular person, so please feel free to candidly share your perceptions, opinions and experiences. Our next steps in the search process are dependent on your participation and honest answers.
If you have questions, please contact the Rev. George R. Stevens, Interim Dean by email or by telephone in the church office at (207) 772-5434 extension 201.
Many thanks,
The Rev. George R. Stevens
Interim Dean
One important note: If only one member of your family receives this email, it may be tempting to have one person take the survey on behalf of the family. However, please be sure your spouse and all young adults living in your home have an opportunity to complete the survey.
We ask respectively that every person only takes the survey once.
INDIVIDUAL INPUT is key to our gaining insight into overall perceptions and experiences.
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or scan the QR Code Below to Access | |
Parish Prayer List Has Renewed
With the arrival of the season of Advent, the parish prayer list has renewed.
If you wish for a name to be added to the prayer list, please email the parish office. A name will remain on the prayer list for a period of 3 consecutive weeks.
If you have any additional questions please email The Rev. George Stevens.
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Eco tips for the holidays from
the Public Police and Environmental Action Team
With the Season of Advent and the Christmas approaching, here are some tips that will help the Earth:
1. Think green: Buy from local shops or artisans for gifts. This helps the earth in reducing fossil fuel use when items are shipped over distances.
2. Ditch the single use plastic:as plastic is a major source of harm to the earth -it is made from fossil fuels and also does not break down easily.
3.Try to find gifts and decorations made from natural or recycled sources.
4..Give batter-free gifts as discarded batteries are a hazard to the environment.
5.. Gift memories rather than things. For example tickets to an event.,
6.. Connect with nature, perhaps join an Audubon bird walk or bird count event.
7. Choose LED lighting when decorating with lights.
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New State Street Sign Coming!
St. Luke's Junior Warden, Fred Fowler has been working on having a new sign built which will welcome community members and visitors by the State Street Entrance.
Fred notes that the color of the sign will be a darker green to match the original paint color of the previous sign.
The design concept below highlights what the sign will look like and the future location.
With any comments or feedback please email Fred Fowler.
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Join the Young and the Restless for Their Next Meeting!
On Sunday, December 17th The Young and the Restless have their next meet up at Noon.
The meeting will start out with a town hall format discussion about how we would like to plan out our goals and events for 2024.
We will finish the meeting with our annual white elephant holiday gift exchange event.
If you are interested please contact Eleanor Roberts or Shana Rose for more details. Hope to see you there!
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St. Elizabeth's Essentials Pantry Feature Video
Members of St. Elizabeth's Essentials Pantry composed a video highlighting the work of their ministry in support of our neighbors each week.
To watch the video click the link here, or watch below.
To learn more about St. Elizabeth's visit their website here
or visit their page on the St. Luke's website here.
To support St. Elizabeth's visit the give now page on our website, and in the dropdown menu select St. Elizabeth's Contribution.
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St. Elizabeth's Pantry Coat Drive
As we gear up for colder temperatures, St. Elizabeth’s is launching its annual coat and boot drive. Many of our neighbors come from warmer climates and don’t have the necessary clothing for fall and winter in Maine.
Large and Extra-Large sized coats for both men and women are most needed, but coats and boots of all sizes are welcome. Items should be in clean, good condition.
Monetary donations may also be made for the purchase of new coats and boots for our neighbors.
Financial contributions can be mailed to: St. Elizabeth’s Jubilee Center PO Box 4036 Portland, ME 04101 or visit here.
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Updates from The Diocese
and Wider Church
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Presiding Bishop Michael Curry Recovering Well
From Surgery in Hospital
Published by the Episcopal Office of Public Affairs
Following his Dec. 4 surgery for a subdural hematoma, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry is alert and talking, and his surgeon reports being happy with his progress. Bishop Curry sends his gratitude for the outpouring of love, prayers, and support for him and his family during this time.
The Cathedral offers our prayers and support for Presiding Bishop Curry. We wish him a speedy and full recovery.
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Updates from Diocesan Convention | |
To read about details and updates from Diocesan Convention which met on Zoom on Saturday, November 11th, 2023, please click here. | |
Ongoing Opportunities & Announcements | |
Help with Coffee Hour
Coffee Hour needs hosts. It's fun and easy! No commitment required— you can do it once and that's a help. Please check out the schedule and if there is a date you can serve, contact Gail Kesich or Liz Griffin.
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Join the Young and The Restless
We are St. Luke’s 20s-30s-year-old ministry. We are an active group at the cathedral which also gets together outside of the church.
Join us as we go hiking, ice skating, play trivia, or just enjoy each other’s company! If you are new to us, welcome! We meet every Tuesday at Maine Beer Company in Freeport for Trivia from 6-8.
Other events happen sporadically throughout the month, however trivia is a great opportunity to meet us if you’re joining us for the first time. Contact Shana Rose to stay up to date with group activities and information.
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Join Luke's Garden
Luke's Garden is the cathedral's LGBTQIA+ group which meets every 2nd Sunday of the month following coffee hour.
All are welcome!
For additional information contact Orion Williams
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Access Your Realm Profile
The Cathedral’s new online database, Realm, is a useful tool for parishioners to manage their contact and pledging information.
Realm helps our community by improving our record keeping in a more streamlined fashion.
When joining Realm you can sign-up to be a part of the online directory in the database.
To activate your Realm profile please contact our financial administrator Nina Andersen.
Nina will assist you with the few steps necessary to access your profile.
We look forward to sharing this exciting new technology with you!
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Clarification Regarding Pledging Using Realm
Thank you to all of our community members who have made a pledge gift using Realm.
Treasurer Tim Wilkins and Financial Administrator Nina Andersen wish to clarify the process of setting up a pledge through Realm.
In order for our team to have a record of your pledge for the year please complete and submit a pledge form. This informs us of your total amount to be pledged for the year before using Realm to enter a payment plan in Vanco for your 2024 pledge. We appreciate your understanding and are happy to answer any questions you may have.
Please contact Tim Wilkins or Nina Andersen with any questions you may have.
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Events in the Wider Community | |
Renaissance Voices Concerts at the Cathedral
Join Music Director Harold Stover, (St. Luke's Parishioner) and Renaissance voices for their Christmas Concerts, December 9th and 10th at the cathedral.
This program will feature works by Heinrich Isaac, Igor Stravinski, Franz Biebl, a new work by Harold Stover, and more.
To learn more about Renaissance Voices and to buy tickets online visit their website here
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The Maine Pops Concert Band Presents
Their Annual Holiday Benefit Concert
Join the Maine Pops Concert Band for their Holiday Benefit Concert on December 20th at 7:00PM in the Cathedral Nave.
Repertoire will feature beloved old standards and exciting new music.
All proceeds will benefit St. Luke's community outreach efforts.
To learn more about this concert and the Maine Pops Concert Band, visit their website here.
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St. Mary Schola presents A Neapolitan Christmas
Join St. Mary Schola and Guest Conductor Christian Clough (Canon for Liturgy and Music) as they present a program entitled 'A Neapolitan Christmas' featuring a moteto by Francesco Durante, and six voice setting of the Magnificat by Michael Praetorius.
To learn more about St. Mary Schola and to buy tickets online visit their website here.
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Weekly Ministries
The Food Pantry is open from 8 am to 11 am every Thursday.
Noon prayer is offered every Wednesday via Zoom.
The Tuesday 12:10 Eucharist is offered every week in Emmanuel Chapel in-person and on Zoom.
Compline is offered weekly on Friday from 8-8:30pm on Zoom.
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Physical Address:
143 State Street, Portland, ME 04101
Parking Available at:
134 Park Street, Portland, ME 04101
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 4141, Portland, ME 04101
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