December 12, 2023

In this edition of ENews:

  • Fearless Faith Revival is coming – helpful resources
  • Bishop Visits St. John's Chico and St. Paul's Oroville
  • Highlights from Board of Trustees Meeting
  • All Saints Memorial calls the Rev. Jana Branson as new Rector

Office of the Bishop

The Fearless Faith Revival is just over four months away! Here are Revival resources we want you to know about:

Revival Participation Survey. We'd like as many people as possible to take this brief survey to help us in planning the Revival. Survey Link: The survey closes Friday, December 22. 

Revival Website: In addition to the latest information, you'll find:

  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Revival Survey
  • Flyers, Posters

Around the Diocese

Bishop Megan Visits St. John's Chico

Left: Bishop Megan blesses the playground. Center, top: The Very Rev. Tammy Smith-Firestone, Playground project lead Carol Sprague, Bishop Megan, Rev. William Stomski, and parishioner Marti Sundeen, who generously provided matching funds in honor of her son Kris. Center, bottom: Clergy with those confirmed/received: Diane Lambly, Mary Hall, Carter Knowles, Kathleen Leeson, Taylor Knowles, Trixine Peart, Andrew Bosse, and Daniel Law Right: Bishop Megan confirming a new member

On Sunday, December 10, Bishop Megan visited with the congregation of St. John's Chico. The services began with the Bishop blessing the newly expanded and refurbished playground. The Bishop preached, celebrated Eucharist, and confirmed and received eight members to the church. Assisting the Bishop were the Rev. Dr. William Stomski – Interim Rector, and the Very Rev. Tammy Smith-Firestone. Following a joyous worship service, the parish held a reception and the vestry met with Bishop Megan. Many thanks to the folks at St. Johns' for their hospitality.

Bishop Megan Visits St. Paul's Oroville

Top, left to right: Cynthia Lill, Cair High, JoAnn Hurley, Sielinde Bramlage, Sharon Hurley, Ed Grzanich, Ron Olson, Roger Marine, Bishop Megan, Fr. Bill Rontani, Mark Capizzi, Wesley Mateucci, Shana,  Linda James, Judy Capizzi, Beryl Young, Judy, Dorence Young, Caroline Hinshaw

Bottom: Left: Bishop Megan confirms Wesley Mateucci Right: Bishop Megan receives Roger Marine

On Sunday, December 3, Bishop Megan traveled to Oroville to worship with the congregation at St. Paul's Church. Assisted by Priest-in-charge Rev. Bill Rontani, the Bishop preached, confirmed and received new members, and celebrated the Eucharist. Following the service was a beautiful luncheon and time for fellowship. Thank you to the folks at St. Paul's for your warm welcome and hospitality. See more photos of the bishop's visit here.

Highlights from the latest

Board of Trustees Meeting

This is a short synopsis of what happened at the most recent Board of Trustees meeting. While this is not a full report of our meeting, it does share some of the highlights of our work.

As we all have started our new Liturgical year with Advent, the Board of Trustees had our first full gathering of the new term. We welcomed our newly elected members to the Board: Fernando Dizon (from Incarnation, Santa Rosa), Don Taylor (from the Cathedral in Sacramento) and welcomed back Daphne Vernon who is serving as the representative from the Russian River Deanery. Peggy Doyle (Central Deanery Rep) was unable to join us.

According to the Canons, Bishop Megan serves as the President of the Board. Our Chancellor Barbara Jewell and Treasurer John Nykamp were appointed at convention. During the December meeting, the Board of Trustees also elected our officers for 2024: Margie Harrison-Smith was elected to serve as Vice President and the Rev. Nancy Streufert was elected as Secretary.  

Much of the work of our first meeting was laying the groundwork for future decisions. However, we were delighted to see the new website for the Fearless Faith Revival: We recommend that you check out all of the cool things that are happening at the Revival!

Margie Harrison-Smith, Vice President

Lay Preaching Course Application Deadline Extended to December 20

The Episcopal Dioceses of El Camino Real, Northern California and San Diego are accepting applications for the 2024 English language cohort to prepare individuals to apply for a Preaching license (the Spanish language cohort will begin recruiting in January).

To apply, visit the West Coast Collaborative’s website at


Questions? Contact the dean:

The Rev. Sr. Kathy Lawler

West Coast Collaborative

All Saints Memorial Calls New Rector

It is with great pleasure and excitement to announce that All Saints Memorial has called The Rev. Jana Branson as Rector starting February 5, 2024. 

Rev. Jana was ordained in the Diocese of Northern California in 2018. She has served as Rector at St. David’s Episcopal Church in Gales Ferry, Connecticut since June 2020. Prior to that Jana was Assistant/Associate priest at St Luke’s Episcopal Church in Auburn, CA and Deacon at St James in Lincoln, CA.

She and her husband Eric have family and friends in CA and are looking forward to their return to the Sacramento area.

Upcoming Events around the Diocese

Faith Over Fear: Countering Anti-Muslim Discrimination with the Shoulder-to-Shoulder Campaign

Thursday, December 14 | 3:00 pm ET | On Zoom Only


Sr. Tina Francesca Ferriott to make lifelong vows as a Franciscan Solitary | St. Michael's, Carmichael

Saturday, December 16 | 11:00 am

Read more

Christmas Joy – A Festival of Songs | St. George's, Carmichael

Saturday, December 16 | 2:00 pm

Facebook Livestream only

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Blue Christmas, Evening Prayer Service | St. John's, Chico

Wednesday, December 20 | 7:00 pm

Longest Night Service | Holy Trinity, Nevada City

Thursday, December 21 | 6:00 pm

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Longest Night Service | St. Nicholas, Paradise

Thursday, December 21 | 7:00 pm

Blue Christmas, Evening Prayer Service | St. George's, Carmichael

Thursday, December 21 | 5:00 pm

Facebook Livestream only

Read more

Thirty-sixth Annual Diocesan Choir Festival | Trinity Cathedral

Saturday, January 27 | Open to all choral singers

Our guest conductor is Mr. Nigel Groome,

Director of Music at St. Matthew's/Westminster, London, England


Trinity Cathedral

Christmas Services at the Cathedral and an Invitation

Dear Cathedral and Diocesan Family –

The Christmas services for the Cathedral will be as follows:

Saturday, December 23

7:30 pm Nine Lessons & Carols - this will be livestreamed

Sunday, December 24

Advent IV and Christmas Services -

10:00 am | Lessons & Carols for Advent IV

5:00 pm | Christmas Pageant with Eucharist

8:00 pm | Solemn Christmas Mass, Rite I

10:30 pm | Christmas Concert - this will be livestreamed

11:00 pm | Festive Holy Eucharist, Rite II - this will be livestreamed

Monday, December 25

10:00 am | Festival Eucharist for Christmas

Please find our livestream link at the Cathedral Facebook page:

We want to extend an invitation to our wider Diocesan family also. We are aware that some parishes and missions may be without a midnight service for Christmas eve, and we invite you to consider organizing a watch party and accessing the Cathedral Livestream. The livestream will start at 10:30pm with our Christmas music concert. Then we will begin our service at 11pm. I will be presiding, and Bishop Megan will be preaching. This service will also be available afterwards to rewatch if you want to arrange a watch party at a later date.

Wishing you a happy Advent, and when it comes a merry Christmas. 


Dean Matthew

Episcopal Foundation of Northern California


Programs and ministries in our diocese need YOUR support!

Featured Dream from the 2023 Bishop's Book of Dreams:

Conversations in Hope | St. Paul's, Sacramento (Goal: $3,000)

Hope's Space connects the community of St. Paul's Episcopal Church with the broader community of Sacramento and beyond through music, art, conversation, and movement. Within the sanctuary's stone walls, unhoused people, convention-goers, office workers, downtown residents and parishioners from outlying areas gather in fellowship and see Jesus in one another. Conversations in Hope is a new program to launch in 2024. Inspired by the Faith X discussion book Having Nothing, Possessing Everything by Michael Mather, the hope is to tap unrecognized figures in our immediate neighborhood and provide an opportunity for their knowledge to be heard. Speakers will be invited to speak about issues pertinent to the times and to the community. Appeal funds will help pay salary for the Hope's Space Director (a position now funded at just 5 hours/week and only through 2023). The funds will also help being able to offer an honorarium to guest speakers. Read more

Will you support this dream?

Giving in honor or remembrance of someone you love this holiday season can make for a heartfelt and generous gift. You can download a gift card in English or Spanish to share with them.

Commission for Intercultural Ministries

How will you wait this Advent?

Guest Commentary

Advent is about waiting for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. Right? 

This past weekend I heard three inspiring sermons that urged me to not wait passively, like waiting for a bus, but to Keep the Fire Burning, Strive, and Tell the Good News. How can I do this, I pondered?  Here’s the answer that has come to me, with help from each preacher and Spirit. I will Keep the Fire Burning for a Lasting and Just Peace in the Holy Land, Strive for Justice, and Tell the Good News of Jesus’s Love. What are your answers to this question?  How will you wait actively, this Advent?

Here’s a resource that might be helpful for you. The Episcopal Office of Government Relations advocates for legislation and policies that promote Building the Beloved Community, the vision and long term commitment of our church.

Click here to advocate for Peace, Justice, and Love of our Neighbors and our Planet. By Advocating, you will be “making the way (and his paths) straight” during this Advent, as we were encouraged by Isaiah and Mark to do in this past Sunday’s lessons.

God Bless your season of waiting.

Bob Wohlsen -

Advocacy Team Chair

Commission for Intercultural Ministries

Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

Missioner for Disaster Resilience

Are You Ready for Winter Storms?

The second week of Advent is the week of PEACE, and the diocese has been blessed with a generally peaceful year. 2023 started with atmospheric rivers that poured precipitation on us, flooding some of our most vulnerable neighbors and bringing wind and debris damage to many in the diocese. 

Unfortunately, the National Weather Service, and CalOES are calling for an even more severe winter storm season in 2024.


Please take time to prepare for the storms:

  • Write a list of emergency contacts and your necessary medications – keep it somewhere safe and mobile
  • Ensure flashlights and needed equipment have fresh batteries
  • Know your evacuation zone (contact me if you need help finding it)
  • Sign up for alerts at
  • Have an evacuation plan and kit ready BEFORE the weather happens
  • Stock up on foods you would eat, and can easily prepare
  • Work with your congregation to build or maintain a phone tree – so somebody can check on you and you can check on others


Just because it has been peaceful does not mean it will stay that way, and there is no better time than NOW to prepare for disaster.


As a reminder, the diocesan disaster fund does not get a break even when it has been calm. We support recovery as well as response, so the need is always there. Please consider a year end donation to the bishop’s disaster fund by clicking here.

Give to Disaster Relief

Missioner for Church Life

Join us for Advent Study with Canon Julie and Missioner Mack

Thank you to everyone who was able to make it to the first session of our Advent series Maya Angelou and the Freedom Poetry of Advent

If you were unable to attend, it isn’t too late to join us!  We are meeting the next two Thursdays, December 14 and 21 from 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

To register, go to:

We’re excited to announce that we will have a diocesan-wide New Camino training on February 16 & 17, 2024 at St. John’s, Chico. The Rev. Antony Guillen, the Episcopal Church’s Missioner for Latino/Hispanic ministries will be here to help us explore opportunities for Latino/Hispanic ministry in our diocese.

This training is suitable for individuals as well as church teams. 

Please go to:  to indicate your interest in attending and to receive updates regarding lodging and expenses. 


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Clergy Openings in The Diocese

St. Luke's |Woodland is seeking a Full-time Interim Rector.

View Job Description here.

Job Opportunities in The Diocese

Trinity Episcopal Cathedral | Sacramento is seeking a new Director of Cathedral Choristers (Children’s choir). Read the Job Announcement Here.

For job descriptions or questions, please contact or call Cn. Julie at 916.442.6918 x 214

The ENews is published weekly on Tuesdays.
To submit news/events, please email by Wednesday of the prior week
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The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

Making Disciples, Raising Up Saints & Transforming Communities for Christ

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