December 12, 2024

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*TONIGHT* Thursday 12/12: Book Swap 5:30 - 7:00 PM

Monday 12/16 TCPG hosted Parent-to-Parent Conversation 7:30 - 8:30 PM

on Zoom (Meeting ID: 982 4139 8947)

Friday 12/20 1 hour early release

Monday 12/23 - Friday 1/3 Winter Break (no school)

Through 12/31 TCPG Annual Appeal Fundraiser - donate here.

1/16, 1/23 and 2/11 Open Enrollment School Tours, sign up to help here.

12/16 7:30 PM Parent to Parent Conversation hosted by TCPG

Please join the TCPG Board for a Parent-to-Parent Conversation. Before December is over, we are excited for the opportunity to be in community together.

Meeting on Zoom (Meeting ID: 982 4139 8947).

The focus of our virtual convening is to:

  • Share information on district happenings, upcoming TC volunteer opportunities, and update on Annual Appeal fundraising to date.

  • Hear your thoughts on how things are going this year and what you think TCPG Board should be paying attention to.

  • Share our updated TCPG non profit Articles of Incorporation and take a vote on the updates from participating TCPG members.

We look forward to being in community with you and we welcome the opportunity to join in open conversation as we make a path together for continuity and stability with our Expeditionary Learning program at Thornton Creek. See you then!


Urge Washington State Lawmakers to Prioritize Amply Funding K-12 Education this Legislative Session!

It is time to call on our state legislators to prioritize K-12 education funding by securing an additional $4 billion for the 2025-2026 biennium. This critical investment will prevent devastating cuts to schools and ensure that all children across Washington receive the quality education they deserve.

Washington is one of the wealthiest states in the nation, yet we continue to underfund our public schools, leaving students' needs unmet. Now is the time to take bold action to protect our children’s future and invest in their education.

It’s time for all of us to rally and urge our lawmakers to step up and amply and equitably fund K-12 education this session. If we don’t, SPS and districts across Washington will continue to face severe budget shortfalls which could mean educator layoffs, program cuts, and more school closure conversations.

Here are 3 ways to ACT NOW, via the Billion Dollar Bake Sale campaign:

  1. Join Advocacy Day on January 30th in Olympia - Register Now!

  1. Spread the Word in *Your* School Community or Neighborhood through a Postcard Campaign!

  1. Bring Media Attention by Hosting Your Own Local “Bake Sale” in January!

We will make a difference by being persistent and ensuring that everyone, everywhere has heard about how important it is to amply fund K-12 education this session.

Sign up for weekly updates from the Billion Dollar Bake Sale campaign.

Gratitude for Our Incredible Community!

Quick Links

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TCPG Fundraising Page
TCPG Website
Thornton Creek Elementary School

This newsletter is from the Thornton Creek Parent Group and does not represent Seattle Public Schools or Thornton Creek Elementary.