"Inspiring students to love God, their Catholic faith and learning" | |
Dear Parents,
As the holiday season approaches, I wanted to take a moment to extend my warmest wishes to you and your family for a joyful and blessed Christmas.
First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for your continuous support and involvement in the St. Peter Catholic School community. Your commitment to your child’s education is truly commendable and greatly appreciated.
It brings me immense joy to share with you the remarkable performance of our kindergarten students in the recent Christmas play. Their enthusiasm, dedication, and unwavering spirit were evident throughout their participation. Watching them on stage, radiating joy and bringing the season's story to life, was an absolute delight.
The Christmas play was not just a showcase of their talent but also a reflection of the values and teachings instilled in them. Witnessing their growth and development as they embody the true essence of Christmas fills our hearts with pride and joy.
As we celebrate this special time of year, let us cherish the moments spent together, embracing the love, peace, and goodwill that Christmas brings. May this festive season be filled with laughter, love, and cherished memories for you and your loved ones.
Once again, thank you for entrusting us with the education and nurturing of your children. Their enthusiasm and dedication continue to inspire us each day.
Merry Christmas to you and your family. May the blessings of this holy season be abundant, and may the New Year bring prosperity and happiness to all.
Sincerely in Christ,
Gayle Trachsel
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Christmas Breaks begins Tuesday, December 19th with 1:30 dismissal. School will resume Thursday, January 4th, 2024. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! | |
The liturgical color for Advent is purple, symbolizing our preparation for the coming of Christ. The violet color of the three purple candles on the Advent wreath reflect this symbolism and serve as reminders of the prayer and penance of this season.
But on the third Sunday of Advent, the pink candle on the Advent wreath is lit. Long before pink became a symbol of breast cancer awareness, it took prominence in the third week of Advent as a sign of joy. “Gaudete” (meaning “rejoice”) This marks the halfway point on our Advent journey. The pink Advent candle represents the joy of anticipation for Christmas and is lit on Gaudete or Rejoice Sunday. The rose color of this third candle reminds us that the joyous feast of Christmas is near.
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Show Your Christmas Spirit!
Students are welcome to join teachers and staff on the following Christmas Spirit Days:
Friday, December 15th: Festive Christmas Tops- wear your ugly or fun Christmas tops with dress down bottoms.
Monday, December 18th: Santa V. Grinch- wear green for Grinch or red for Santa with dress down bottoms.
Tuesday, December 19th: Comfy Dress-Down
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Hello everyone!
We have changed the menu for the last 2 days of school.
Monday; Chicken Patty, French Fries, Applesauce, Romaine Salad, Salad Bar, Milk
#2-SB & J Sandwich
Tuesday; Little Caesars Pizza-Pepperoni or Cheese, Carrot Sticks/Dip, Mandarin Orange Jello Cup, Ice Cream Cup, Romaine Salad, Salad Bar, Milk
#2 Turkey & Cheese Sandwich
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Baby Shower for Jesus
For many years in a row, St. Peter has donated much needed baby items to Birthright of Mid-Missouri. We will once again have a “Baby Shower for Jesus” Dec. 11th through Dec. 18th. The following items would be greatly appreciated:
Crib and Pack’n play sheets
Diapers: size newborn, 4, 6
Coats and Jackets size 6-24 months (gently used is fine)
Boy and Girl winter Clothing: size 18-24 months (gently used is fine)
Baby care items: baby wash,baby shampoo, baby wipes Laundry detergent
Please send any items for donation to your child’s homeroom
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Big Bucks
We are happy to announce that Diamond Pet Foods is again headlining
Big Bucks 2024: A Night at the Knights (St. Martin's) on April 12, 2024.
The Big Bucks committee has already begun reaching out for donations for the event. If you would like to help or donate please let us know. You can email us at BigbucksSPS@gmail.com and/or please fill out the attached form.
We are still looking for volunteers to assist with committees so please contact Liz Rackers at lizrackers@gmail.com or Abby Borberg at dunn.abby@yahoo.com.
The next Big Bucks meeting is January 8, 2024 at 5:30 PM at Clean Fuels Alliance America, 605 Clark Avenue.
A sign-up for night of event will be sent out soon so be on the lookout for that. Electronic ticketing will be available in the new year. More information to follow.
Donor Pledge Form Big Bucks 2024
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Scrip News:
It’s that time of year again. Looking for gifts for your teachers, and don’t know what they like? We offer generic scrip certificates in any amount you want. Then your teacher or friends can pick whatever cards they would like. Just send in the regular order form or a slip of paper with the money for whatever certificate you would like.
There are a lot of bonuses being offered during the Holidays; check the Raiseright app daily to take advantage of these bonuses.
With it being the Holidays, a lot of vendors are offering smaller amounts for stocking stuffers. Be sure to check the Raiseright app to see what is offered. Starbucks, Taco Bell, Panera, Barnes & Noble are just a few of the $5 cards offered.
The last day to order to guarantee delivery for Christmas was December 11th. I will try and fill what I can the following week, but can only guarantee local cards.
NEW SCRIP VENDORS: We have started carrying Pizza Haus certificates in the
Scrip Program. They will work at the Wardsville, Jefferson City, Westphalia and
St. Martins locations.
Academy Sports, Big Lots, Five Below, and Pet Smart are also on the scrip
program, and I try to keep them in stock. Help support our new vendors and order some today.
I am also doing some cleaning, and I need to cut back on some inventory. If anyone shops at the following places, please consider purchasing:
Long John Silvers, Jack in the Box, Outback Restaurants, Lands End,
Visa Cards (No activation fees), Dicks Sporting Goods, Red Robin, Longfellows/All in One, Schaefer House, Dunkin Donuts, Dix Road Cleaners, Panda Express, Sephora, and Southbank.
Other Fundraising news:
Our last fundraiser of the year is the World’s Finest Chocolate Candy Bars. That will start on January 26th .
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School Aide (7:25-4:00)
We are also looking for an Aide for the school. Interested candidates can email Mrs. Gayle Trachsel at gtrachsel@stpeterjc.org with an application and fill out the sub-application online at the diocesan website (diojeffcity.org).
Preferred qualifications:
- High school diploma or equivalent; early childhood education certification or relevant coursework preferred.
- Previous experience working with young children in a childcare or educational setting is desirable.
- First Aid and CPR certification (or willingness to obtain it).
- Pay dependent on experience and qualifications.
Subs (Hours 7:25-3:25)
We are looking for additional subs to add to our sub list. Do you have one day a week that you might be willing to sub? If so, please complete a sub-application on the diocesan website (diojeffcity.org) and email Gayle Trachsel (gtrachsel@stpeterjc.org) and/or Kelley Bezler (kbezler@stpeterjc.org). Hourly pay $15.00
- 60 college credits; early childhood education certification or relevant coursework preferred.
- Previous experience working with young children in a childcare or educational setting is desirable.
All interested parties should contact Mrs. Trachsel at gtrachsel@stpeterjc.org.
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Alumni Recognition Award
To recognize a graduate of at least 15 years of St. Peter Catholic School or St. Peter High School (living or deceased). Nomination forms are completed yearly and returned to the parish office, school office at 314 W High St., JC MO 65101, or to a member of the School Advisory Board. Nominations are accepted until December 15, 2023. The Alumni Recognition Award Committee, appointed by the St. Peter Catholic School Council President, is responsible for the final selection. The recipient is recognized at the 5:15 Mass during the celebration of Catholic Schools Week.
Alumni Recognition Award Form
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Heather Luebbert
This is my 16th year officially working at St. Peter School, my 14th as the librarian. The two years before I became the librarian were spent subbing and working in the office.
I am a lifelong member of the parish. I graduated in 1985 from St. Peter, then in 1989 from Helias. I graduated from Southwest Missouri State (now Missouri State) in 1993.
I have been married to my husband Jeff Luebbert, for 28 years. We have two children, who both graduated from St. Peter, as well. Our son is a senior at Helias. In my free time, I enjoy reading, browsing book/thrift stores, and doing anything with my family.
I try to share my love of reading with students, to help them find “just right books”. It is always my goal, to increase their own confidence in and joy of reading. I feel that being around the students truly keeps me feeling young. Our school family is a wonderful one!
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To register, fill out the form HERE | |
Please join us as we celebrate a Votive Mass of Our Lady on Saturday, December 23rd. A Rorate Mass is traditionally celebrated in Advent, just before dawn, as a devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Mass is only lit by candles, representing Mary’s role in bringing Christ, our Light, into the darkness of the world. This Candle-lit, Roráte Mass will be enriched with the beauty of the music of the ages that is specifically dedicated to, or about, our Blessed Mother! Come and pray, come and enter into the beauty of our Advent waiting, come and receive our Eucharistic Lord. | |
- To Pray: that is, attend Mass faithfully in the parish on weekends and Holy Days.
- To Participate: that is, to use one’s time and talents to strengthen the parish community and advance the Gospel.
- To Sacrificially Give: that is, pledge and remain current on a tithe of financial first fruits to support the life and ministries of the parish. The goal is 8% to the parish and 2% to other worthy charities.
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Thursday, December 14 C Day
Friday, December 15 A Day Praise Assembly
Monday, December 18 B Day
Tuesday, December 19 C Day 1:30 Dismissal, End of Semester, Christmas Parties 12:45
Wednesday, December 20 thru Wednesday, January 3 Christmas Break, NO School
Wednesday, January 4, A Day School Resumes
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For questions, concerns or comments related to school, please see below for contact information. | |
St. Peter Catholic School
314 West High Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101
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