My Dear Friends,
I hope all of you and your loved ones are well and in good spirits. Well, after 14 years of serving you, the good people of St. Catharine, as a deacon I have decided to retire from active diaconate ministry. My last day of active service will be December 31st.
This decision did not come lightly, but is something I've been contemplating for a while. Recent events however have made me realize both the importance of spending more quality time with my family and the need for me to alter my spiritual journey.
I have truly been blessed to have found my spiritual home at St. Catharine's 30+ years ago when my family moved from Staten Island. I was similarly blessed to have been asked by our former Pastor, Msgr. Rebeck to consider the diaconate some 20 years ago. At first, I thought he was joking but later realized he didn't joke very often.
Over the years, as a community of faith, we been through a lot together, experiencing many joyous and some not so joyous moments. While serving at Mass, marriages, baptisms, wakes, funerals and prayer services was great joys for me...simply being around you in the Gathering space before and after mass and community events and getting to know you...learning from you...and being a small part of your lives...are the things I will always treasure.
l'd like to thank Bishop O'Connell and Bishop Smith before him for allowing me to serve in the Diocese of Trenton and at St. Catharine's, Msgrs. Rebeck and Vaughan for their guidance and support, Fr. Pat for putting up with me for the past four years, our visiting priests for their support of our parish, Deacon Tom and all the Deacons at St. Catharine's over the years for their deep faith, dedication, support and for being great teammates and of course, the terrific office staff.
But I'd like to offer my very special thanks to all of you, my sisters and brothers in faith, for all that you have done for and given to me over the years, for your prayers, for listening to my jokes (there's a special place for you in heaven for doing that) and for being such faith-filled, compassionate, kind and loving Christians.
Although l am retiring from active service, I'm not moving. So the good, news (or bad news, depending on how you look at it) is that my wife Kathy and I will remain active parishioners. As such, I look forward to seeing you at Mass and in the community.
Peace and love to all,
Deacon Mike