December 15, 2023

Town of Scarborough Newsletter

No heaps of snow yet, but plenty of generosity and holiday cheer throughout our community! Take note of some ways you can give back this season, like a blood drive with the Red Cross and CLYNK bag donations for Project GRACE's fuel assistance program. We also share some winter weather reminders and fun upcoming programs. Grab the eggnog and read on for details.


Holiday Closures

Aside from Town offices regularly being closed on Fridays, we will also be closed for the holidays on Monday, December 25 and Monday, January 1. See below for curbside trash/recycling collection. Town Hall will additionally be temporarily closed to the public on Wednesday, December 20 from 12:00-1:00pm for a holiday staff lunch.

Holiday Curbside Collection Updates

Public Works would like to remind you that there will be changes to your curbside trash collection over the Christmas holiday. The weeks of December 25 and January 1 will be delayed by one day:

  • If your normal trash collection day is Monday, it will be picked up on Tuesday.
  • Tuesday pickup will be on Wednesday.
  • Wednesday pickup will be on Thursday.
  • Thursday pickup will be on Friday.
  • Friday pickup will be on Saturday.

This day change applies for two weeks in a row, both the weeks of December 25 and January 1.

*Snowy weather reminder!* If there is inclement weather, please help our plow drivers by placing your trash and recycle carts in your driveway, not on the roadside.

Questions? Contact Public Works at [email protected] or (207) 730-4400.

Last Chance! Take Online Survey by December 22

Take the online community survey by next Friday, December 22. The 2023 community survey was initially mailed to a random sample of residents this fall and has since been made available via an online link to all residents. The survey asks questions about satisfaction with services like public safety, sidewalks, pedestrian/bike lanes, Town leadership, and more. Please share your thoughts through the link below by December 22. All responses are anonymous, processed by our survey consultant and provided to the Town as aggregate data.

Save the Date: The survey findings will be presented to the Town Council on Wednesday, January 3 and posted on our website.


Click Here to learn more about the community survey process and background.

Sign Up for CodeRED Alerts

Opt-in only notification system

As we head into the winter storm season, one way to prepare is signing up for our Town's CodeRED computer alert system. This is an opt-in service used to quickly notify large groups of people for emergency situations like criminal activity, severe weather, road closures, evacuations, and missing persons. Only those who are signed up receive these alerts. It's free and secure to sign up for cell phone alerts. Select how to receive alerts: text, phone call and/or email. Help us keep you informed and safe by signing up for CodeRED.

Helpful tips to keep in mind:

  • Save your account login details so you can update your contact information if anything changes (like your phone number or email address).
  • If your cell phone carrier has changed, even if the number is the same, you account has to be updated in order to receive alerts.
  • Send yourself test messages from the site to ensure you're receiving alerts.
  • If you're unsure if you created account, you can create a new one.
  • If you signed up a long time ago, you may be signed up for Reverse 911, the program used prior to CodeRed. Sign up for CodeRed to receive any potential future alerts.

Renew Your Dog License by End of January

Current dog licenses are valid through December 31, 2023, so be sure to register or renew your dog license. This can be done in person at the Clerk's office or online (If you register your dog[s] online, you will receive your tag[s] at the beginning of the next month). The cost for a spayed/neutered dog is $6 ($7 if completed online).

All dog renewals must be completed by January 31, 2024. There is an additional $25 fee starting February 1st. To receive a license for your dog, please come into the Town Clerk's Office at Town Hall during our business hours, Monday through Thursday from 7:00am-5:00pm.


Why do dogs need to be licensed? Many reasons! Dog licensing ensures rabies vaccination which protects the health of your pet. Also, dog license fees go directly to the Maine Animal Welfare Program to fight animal cruelty and abuse, accounting for 95% of the State Animal Welfare Program’s entire funding. Without these fees, the State would be unable to protect the animals of this state.

Clynk Bags in Town Clerk's Office

Join the Town of Scarborough in a CLYNK Challenge to benefit Project GRACE's fuel program fundraiser. The program offers assistance to community members in need of fuel assistance, especially during the challenging winter months of home heating. Pick up a Clynk bag in the Town Clerk's office so that your can/bottle returns can support the fund.

Local Gifts & Events: Scarborough Holiday Guide

Before you head out for shopping, be sure to review the 2023 Holiday Guide for Scarborough, brought to you by Scarborough Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO), Scarborough Community Chamber of Commerce and Scarborough Buy Local. You'll find a list of events in Scarborough, a selection of regional events and a mini guide to gifts and offers. This showcases how many offerings there are in the area, so be sure to support local this giving season!


2024 Election Dates

2024 is a presidential election year. Here are the election days:

Tuesday, March 5, 2024 - Presidential Preference Primary. The Democratic Party and Republican Party each certified by the statutory deadline that they intend to hold a presidential primary.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 - Primary Elections determine each qualified party's nomination of candidates for federal offices and State and County offices. Party candidates who are elected at the Primary qualify to appear on the November General Election ballot.

Local: School Budget Validation Referendum and elect Board of Education members.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024 - General Election to elect U.S. president.

Local: Elect Town Council and Scarborough Sanitary District Trustee Board members, and vote on any Citizen Initiatives, Bond Issues, other referenda proposed by the Town Council.

Request Your Absentee Ballot (March Election)

Absentee ballots may now be requested for the Tuesday, March 5, 2024 election. Complete the Application for an Absentee Ballot and mail to or drop off at the Clerk's office. Alternatively complete the online request form. Absentee ballots will be mailed to those who requested it when they are available.

December 28: Family Magic Workshop & Show

Magic Show

December 28, 10:30-11:15am

Community Services Hub, 418 Payne Rd

$20/family; Register

Be dazzled by magic with your family during December school break! Phil Smith of Abracadabra Productions is four entertainers in one… a magician, comedian, juggler, and a mentalist! Coins will melt into thin air, solid objects will pass right through each other, and there may even be a surprise guest who does a card trick! $20 per family.

Magic Workshop

December 28, 9:00-10:00am

Community Services Hub, 418 Payne Rd

$35 per child; Register

Have a 5-12 year old aspiring magician? We have extended the deadline to join Master Magician Phil at the Magic Workshop before the main event! You’ll learn magic tricks, illusions, and performance tips to impress your friends and family. All participants enrolled in this class will get to remain in attendance to see the Family Magic Show that follows.


Active Adults Event: Christmas Lights Ride

Christmas Lights Ride

December 18 & December 21


Begins at Community Services Hub, 418 Payne Road

Register 12/18

Register 12/21

Come aboard the Community Services bus to be chauffeured through the streets of Scarborough and surrounding towns to admire the "lights of the season!" We will admire the beautifully decorated homes and streets as well as make a stop for coffee and hot chocolate along the way. Come along for this annual tradition! Call 207-730-4150 to register.

New Name, Same Great Programs!

"Active Adult Programs" is the new name for our 55+ senior programs. This updated title encapsulates the diverse needs and interests of adults of all ages in our community and encourages broader participation. Whether you're looking for fitness classes, social gatherings, or lifelong learning opportunities, we are committed to creating opportunities for adults to lead active and fulfilling lives, regardless of their age.

See more programs like this one in the Community Services winter program brochure.


Our Santa in the Park event was so fun! Thanks to Community Services for putting it together.

Town Hall is looking festive this time of year, thanks to our Parks Maintenance crew!


Zoning Administrator Brian Longstaff Wins Award

Brian Longstaff, Zoning Administrator within our Planning & Codes department, was awarded recognition as 2023 Member of the Year by the Maine Building Officials and Inspectors Association (MBOIA). Brian has been with the Town of Scarborough since 2013. In addition to his duties as zoning administrator, code enforcement officer, local plumbing inspector, and certified floodplain manager in Scarborough, Brian serves on the MBOIA Board of Directors as well as the Eastern States Building Officials Federation. He has been a certified Maine Code Enforcement Officer for over 24 years, first serving communities in Aroostook County before coming to Scarborough. Congratulations, Brian!

Brian Longstaff (center) receiving his award alongside Scarborough Planning Director Autumn Speer and Town Manager Tom Hall.

Police Department Joins Wreaths Across America

The Wreaths Across America convoy—including members of the Scarborough Police Department—passed through Route 1 in Scarborough on Monday morning, December 11 at 7:00am. In York, they joined their out-of-state counterparts from New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island to continue to Auburn, MA. From there, they went to West Greenwich, RI, before concluding the day in Groton, CT. At each stop along the way, the officers were warmly greeted by school students, American Legion members, and other local residents. Their heartfelt support and reverence were a humbling reminder of our shared commitment to honoring those who have selflessly given their lives to safeguard our freedom.

The night prior, Chief Holmquist delivered a captivating speech to the convoy and the local community. The Scarborough Police Department presented a wreath to Bill and Anna Gallant, who organize a wreath-laying ceremony in our Scarborough cemeteries, paying tribute to the Scarborough veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice.


Coming Soon! Blood Drive on December 29

Friday, December 29


Public Safety Building, 275 US Route One

Sign Up (Enter zip code and find 12/29 date)

The Scarborough Fire Department is hosting a blood drive in honor of Madison Charland, the niece of one of our firefighters who was diagnosed with cancer as an infant two years ago. Madison is now cancer-free, thanks to the extraordinary efforts of the Maine Children's Cancer Program. This organization is part of the Barbara Bush Children's Hospital and their home office is right here in Scarborough. They will serve as co-sponsor for the upcoming drive. Please consider donating blood for their many cancer patients who receive blood and platelet transfusions to fight their disease. Join the Maine Children's Cancer Program along with the Scarborough Fire Department, Police Department, and Town of Scarborough on December 29 to donate blood and save a life!


To book an appointment, go to and search for the event by zip code. Find the December 29 date and select your time slot.

Scarborough Conservation Nonprofits Merge

The Scarborough Land Trust (SLT) and the Friends of Scarborough Marsh (FOSM) have announced they are merging. They have collaborated on numerous projects and acquisitions along Scarborough Marsh, and decided that a merger will best harness their collective strengths to help conserve and protect the Marsh for humans and wildlife.

FOSM is now part of the Land Trust and the combined organization will continue to use the Scarborough Land Trust name. Two FOSM directors will be joining the SLT Board of Directors, and other FOSM Board members will join the SLT Scarborough Marsh Committee. They are also setting up a dedicated Scarborough Marsh Fund that will support the future conservation, stewardship, and restoration of the Marsh. A Maine Coast Heritage Trust grant helped cover a portion of the expenses related to the merger. 


Council Corner: Council's "30x30" Goal Update

By Karin Shupe

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Scarborough Town Council.

One of the Town Council’s 2023 goals was to conserve 30% of its land by 2030, referred to as "30x30". The Council decided to take on this federal initiative on a local level, given our town’s rapid rate of growth and unique natural resources. But not one group, organization, or town department can accomplish this goal alone. In the past 12 months, resident committees, town employees, and local nonprofits have been working together on this 30x30 goal. In April 2023 the Scarborough Conservation Commission led a workshop with the Town Council making recommendations on how to achieve 30x30. Step One: Acquire land for conservation. If only land were free.  

Scarborough’s biggest partner in land conservation is the Scarborough Land Trust. Since 1977 the Scarborough Land Trust has protected over 1,600 acres of land. Without this organization our Town would not have some of the wonderful properties, including Pleasant Hill Preserve, Broadturn Farm, Warren Woods, Blue Point Preserve, and Fuller Farm, which we have been able to continue to enjoy and protect.  

A source of funding the Town has available to them is the Land Acquisition Reserve Fund. This funding source was created in 2000 and is funded by voter approved bond measures. The

Land Acquisition Reserve Fund was last supported by voter approval in 2019 for $2.5 million. Since 2019, the Land Acquisition Reserve Fund, managed through the Scarborough Parks and Conservation Land Board, has spent $1.3 million towards conservation work. Given the rate and cost of recent projects and upcoming projects, these reserves will be exhausted by next year.

Some key components of the 30x30 goal are determining how much of Scarborough is already conserved and where there are opportunities for conservationThe Town has begun the process of creating an Open Space Plan. An Open Space Plan will serve as a guide in identifying high priority properties to protect or acquire, as well as provide land stewardship guidance for existing open space lands, and will identify opportunities to expand connectivity between open spaces, neighborhoods, and trails. It will also outline programs, ordinances, and partners that could be instrumental in securing the future of the properties. An Open Space Plan will also allow the Town to create an Open Space Impact Fee that developers would have to pay and those fees can be used for the purchase of land for public parks and open space.

Scarborough is fortunate to have a very active volunteer base who lend their unique expertise to improve this town every day. This November, the Town Council unanimously voted to approve

the creation of an Ad Hoc Open Space Committee. This Committee will be comprised of volunteer representatives from nine different key stakeholder groups within Town and will work with Town staff and Town Council to support and guide the development of an Open Space Plan that will help Scarborough meet its goal of achieving 30x30.  

Next month Town Council will have their annual goal setting session. I will be proposing to continue to make the 30x30 initiative a goal of the Scarborough Town Council and hope

future councils will continue to support this goal until it is accomplished.

New Council Chair & More

The November 2023 election brought Scarborough resident Don Cushing onto the Town Council and reelected Jon Anderson and Jean-Marie Caterina for another term. At the following meeting, the councilors voted for Nick McGee to serve as Chair for the next term, and April Sither as Vice Chair. Additionally, councilors each serve on three council committees and received new committee assignments. See councilors and their committee assignments here.

Scarborough Town Council

Nick McGee, Chair • April Sither, Vice Chair • Jonathan Anderson • Jean-Marie Caterina • Don Cushing • Don Hamill • Karin Shupe

Town Council meets the first and third Wednesday of each month. Visit our Town Calendar for links to attend and view agendas.


Scarborough Public Library: Program & Resource Highlights

Upcoming Closures

The Library will be closed for a holiday break from Saturday, December 23 through Tuesday, December 26. It will also be closed for New Year's Day on Monday, January 1. Wondering if there's a snow day? Call their storm line at (207) 396-6286.

School Vacation Week: December 27-29

Wednesday, December 27, 2:00pm

Movie: The Emperor's New Groove

Rated G, 78 minutes

Drop in early for movie tie-in activities and a hot chocolate bar!

Thursday, December 28, 10:00am-6:00pm

Drop-in Building Activities

Take a Lego challenge, build a cup and cardstock tower, try your hand at constructing a sponge city and more!

Friday, December 29, 10:00am-4:00pm

Drop-in Family Fun & Games

Check out the extensive selection of games including interactive, card, and board games.

Recurring Youth Programs

(Not offered from December 27-30)

Preschool Learning & Discovery Time

Every Tuesday, 10:00-11:00am

Language enrichment program geared for children ages 3-6, including stories, songs, movement activities, STEM, and more!

Middle School Book Club (Grades 6-8)

Every Wednesday, 3:00-4:00pm

Read books picked by the group, plus other activities—create videos, perform skits, play word games, solve logic puzzles, and more.

Rhythm & Rhyme

Every Thursday, 10:00-11:00am

Interactive language enrichment program for babies and toddlers, with songs, stories, rhymes, and movement.

Beginner Crochet (Grades 5-12)

Every Thursday, 3:30-4:30pm

A beginner's class on crochet, formatted as a drop-in session with personal attention. Come every week or once in awhile. Learn to make!

Memory Kit Backpacks

Do you have a loved one with dementia? Check out a Memory Kit Backpack and share a trip down memory lane together. The kits are designed to spark memories through sensory experiences like sight, smell, sound, and touch. There are picture cards with discussion questions, a DVD, a fidget quilt made by artist Anna Louise Boyce, scented wax from Wax Mania Candles, and memory-sparkers like a nice spoon, a small toy, an ice scraper, a packet of seeds, and other seasonal items. As a gift to your future self, or for future generations, record your conversations. 


Monday – 9am to 5pm • Tuesday – 9am to 7pm • Wednesday – 9am to 7pm • Thursday – 9am to 7pm • Friday – 9am to 5pm • Saturday – 9am to 5pm • Sunday – Closed

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Our mission is to keep you informed about town events and activities.
Please email us if you have ideas for stories. Note: Our website is the central repository for Town information.