Welcome to the mid-December synod e-news! Reminder: The last section of the synod newsletter is always the buttons to resources on the synod website. If your email ends before that, it may have been "clipped." If you see that message, just click on the "View entire message" link next to it to view the newsletter in its entirety.

Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Brodhead Hosts

the Mobile Mexican Consulate

Hospitality can happen in many ways – from opening up building space to providing a meal for hungry people. Bethlehem Lutheran in Brodhead recently combined the two when they hosted the Mobile Mexican Consulate.

It began a number of years ago when congregation members started offering to drive members of the immigrant community from Brodhead to the Mexican consulate in Milwaukee. There, people could renew their Mexican passports, complete paperwork for absentee voting in Mexico, and apply for and receive other vital documents. (Note, as an agency of the Mexican government, the consulate is not involved in matters of visas or U.S. citizenship.)

The Rev. Neddy Astudillo, who at the time was serving at Parroquia San Jose (Beloit), was instrumental in helping then Pastor Peder Johanson and Bethlehem make the connection with the consulate. The need grew, and soon Bethlehem members were helping to rent a bus to take groups to the consulate. Eventually, the staff of the consulate suggested that Bethlehem be a host site for the Mobile Consulate, eliminating the need for long travel days.

The congregation agreed to host and did so until operations were suspended due to the pandemic. The Mexican consulate recently reached back out to Bethlehem, and the congregation readily agreed to restart this important outreach ministry.

The Mobile Mexican Consulate’s November 9 and 10 visit to Bethlehem Lutheran provides a lovely example of God’s love at work in the world. Pastor Callie Arendt, current pastor, shared that technical difficulties resulted in delays in the processing of paperwork on Saturday morning. Many people had been waiting since 7:00am and it was now approaching the noon hour. Although the congregation had provided juice, coffee, and snacks, people were understandably getting hungry! Volunteers had already planned to provide lunch for the consulate workers. They soon realized that the clients would need something to eat as well noting that the folks who were waiting were reluctant to leave to get lunch, fearing they would lose their place in line or miss their appointment. Not willing to look away from need, the people of Bethlehem ordered pizzas to help feed all present. Recognizing how helpful this was for all involved, the folks at Bethlehem provided a second round of pizzas for those who came to the Mobile Consulate the next day.

The show of hospitality extended even beyond the members of Bethlehem. Pastor Callie shared that a few bilingual community members heard about the Mobile Consulate and simply showed up to assist wherever they could. At the end of the second day, the consulate workers shared that this was the most welcomed they and their clients have felt at any of the host sites.

“This is church,” Pastor Callie stated in telling this story. Indeed it is – God’s people seeing a need, answering that need, and then going above and beyond to ensure that their neighbors, in this case the immigrant community, felt cared for, seen, and truly welcomed.

If you are interested in learning about how your church or ministry site could host or assist with a Mobile Mexican Consulate, Pastor Callie will be happy to help you get connected. Please contact the synod office to get connected with Pastor Callie.

Thank you to Pastor Callie Arendt for sharing this story, and thank you to the members of Bethlehem in Brodhead for this wonderful example of God’s love and welcome for all.

Synod News

Listening Sessions in Support of the Migrant Community

You are invited to join the SCSW Office of the Bishop and the synod Racial Equity Team for listening sessions in support of our Latinx ministries and the migrant community in our midst.

Two listening sessions will be held: December 16, 6:00pm, Beloit - St. Paul Lutheran/Parroquia San Jose and December 19, 6:00pm, Madison - Midvale Community Lutheran Church.

Click here to view the email invitation sent on December 3, which also includes links to flyers you can download and share.

Click the button below to RSVP for one (or both) of the listening sessions. Please know that while an RSVP is appreciated, it is not required in order to attend.

RSVP for Listening Session in Support of the Migrant Community

Save the Date: LEAD 2025!

Mark your calendars!

The 2025 LEAD Conference will be on Saturday, February 22 at The Grove (North Heights Lutheran Church).

LEAD is a day of learning for rostered and lay leaders, featuring a keynote speaker, workshops, lunch, and time for fellowship and networking. The conference is open to anyone with a heart for Jesus and a passion for learning!

Registration opens on January 2!

Interest Form for the SCSW Pilgrimage to The Dwelling

We are looking forward to the SCSW pilgrimage to The Dwelling in North Carolina next summer, June 22 - 28, 2025.

Click here to view the email sent on November 25, which includes more details.

Click the button below to complete the interest form. As a reminder, this is not registration, and filling it out does not commit you to participating. This is simply a way to say, "Hey this sounds interesting and I might want to join in - tell me more!"

Interest Form for the SCSW Pilgrimage to The Dwelling

Ministry Team Updates

2025 Campus Ministry Sunday

The Synod Campus Ministry Oversight Team invites congregations to host a Campus Ministry Sunday on January 19 to highlight campus ministry in prayer, spread the news about campus ministry to their members, and encourage financial support for these programs.

The team has created a nine-minute video that includes descriptions and up-to-date information for each campus ministry, and can easily be posted via social media, integrated into your worship, or shown in-person as a Mission Moment.

The video can be found on the Campus Ministry page on the Synod website. Once there, you will find a prayer toolkit that would nicely accompany the video. (Click the "Pray for Our Campus Ministries" button near the top of the page.)

While you are thinking about campus ministry, please take a moment to connect your students to the campus ministry staff by filling out the "Student Referral Form" on the Synod website. This is one of the best ways that you can directly support campus ministry. 

2025 RIC Sunday

Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Sunday will be January 26, 2025.

This year's theme is Resilient Community. From the Reconciling Works website: This year’s theme allows us to celebrate how far we all have come in difficult times while also reminding us we need to keep moving toward the goal of true inclusion. It focuses our attention on how community bonds and relationships sustain the individual members of the community, building resilience in institutions and individuals. When we work together for justice, communities are stronger; when we work together, people are stronger.

Click the button below to visit the RIC Resource page on the Reconciling Works website. You will find more about this year's theme as well as a link to request access to worship resources and more!

2025 RIC Sunday Resources

Coming this Winter - Care for God's Creation Book Study

The SCSW Care for God's Creation Team is offering a Zoom book study in January and February of 2025.

We will discuss the book "Life After Doom" by Brian McLaren.

The group begins Thursday, January 16 and meets every Thursday through February 20 from 6:30pm to 7:45pm. If you are interested in being part of the Care for God's Creation book study, click the button below to register. Questions? Contact Deacon Meg Nielsen.

Register for Care for God's Creation Book Study

LUAD Newsletter

Lutherans United Assisting after Disaster (LUAD) the SCSW's disaster response team, has released their December 2024 newsletter!

In this edition you will learn more about LUAD's mission, find an update from a recent Lutheran Disaster Response gathering, and, most importantly, how you and your congregation can get involved in this important synod ministry team.

Click the button below to view and download the December 2024 newsletter. Click here to visit the LUAD website.

View and Download the December 2024 LUAD Newsletter

Churchwide Updates

Mission Investment Fund - The Time for Clean Energy is Now

The Mission Investment Fund of the ELCA reminds congregations and ministries that you are eligible to access federal Direct Pay Rebates as part of the Inflation Reduction Act, making now a good time to consider subsidized approaches to clean energy projects that help care for creation and reduce energy costs.

Read a recent communication from the Mission Investment Fund, which provides more information about the rebate by clicking here.

You may also want to check out the Care for God's Creation page on the synod website, in particular the Sugar Creek Lutheran Church Solar Energy Project Notes for a detailed outline of this congregation's solar project from start to finish.

WELCA Virtual Blue Christmas - December 21

You are invited to join Women of the ELCA for our annual virtual Blue Christmas Service.

This service takes place on the Winter Solstice, Saturday, December 21, 2024 at 7 pm (CST) which is the longest night of the year. Click the button below to register.

Register for the WELCA Virtual Blue Christmas Service

WELCA Scholarship Applications Now Open

Women of the ELCA Scholarships help women continue their education in ordained ministry, academics and leadership. The 2025-2026 scholarship application process opened December 15.

Scholarships are available both for women pursuing ordained ministry as well as laywomen pursuing other career paths.

Click the button below to learn more about the scholarships available, and to apply.

Learn About WELCA Scholarships

WELCA Raising Up Healthy Women and Girls Seed Grants

The Women of the ELCA are committed by our purpose statement to promoting healing and wholeness in our church, society, and world. Raising Up Healthy Women and Girls seed grants embolden women and girls to make a difference where they are. Application materials for the 2024-2025 Raising Up Healthy Women and Girls seed grants cycle begin December 15.

Click the button below to learn more about the seed grants and to apply! The application window closes on April 5, 2025.

Learn about Raising Up Healthy Women and Girls Seed Grants

Congregational Employer Identification Numbers (EIN)

The ELCA Office of the Secretary has asked synods to remind congregations to use only the congregation's Employer Identification Number (EIN) for documents and official filings. Congregations should NOT use the ELCA's EIN for these documents. All congregations should have their own EIN. Questions? Contact the Rev. Wendy Moen, SCSW Secretary.

December Mission Support Memo

In the December 2024 Mission Support Memo hear from Bishop Laurie Larson Caesar of the Oregon Synod, telling her story of joyful and important accompaniment with the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland.

You can also find out about an exciting series on aligning your pocketbook with your values, so learn how to join January 13th to explore “6 Weeks on Money.”

Click the button below to view and download this month's Mission Support Memo.

View and Download the December Mission Support Memo

Synod Celebrations

Installations in December

The Rev. Gus Barnes

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Peace Lutheran Church, Belmont

The Rev. Lauren Wrightsman and the Rev. David Wrightsman

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Bethel Lutheran Church, Madison

The Rev. Lauren Wrightsman has been called to serve as Lead Pastor.

The Rev. David Wrightsman has been called to serve as Associate Pastor.

Continuing Education Opportunities

Below are learning opportunities that the Office of the Bishop has been made aware of that may be of interest to our rostered or lay leaders.

2025-2026 Excellence in Leadership Registration is Open

Registration for the 2025-2026 Excellence in Leadership course is now open. Classes meet online on Monday evenings, the second and fourth Monday of the month. The first class is January 13.

Excellence in Leadership is a ministry born out of the need for courageous and resilient people in the church, in organizations, and in the world. We are currently living in a time that asks specifically for leaders who have the capacity to think about the future in new ways and we believe that effective leadership begins with the individual and is honed in community. 

The coursework for Excellence in Leadership provides tools and exercises to help the leader work through challenges. But perhaps more than that, it provides opportunities for deep self-discovery and enrichment. The work done in the sessions invites each person to become more courageous, resilient, and faithful as an individual and as a leader for the sake of the self, the community, and the world.

Click here for a flyer with more information. Click the button below to visit the Excellence in Leadership website and to register.

Visit the Excellence in Leadership Website

Center for Clergy Renewal: Contemplative Renewal Immersions

Applications are open for the next cohort of Contemplative Renewal Immersions at Holy Wisdom Monastery.

This is an opportunity to journey as part of a cohort of pastors from across the country and multiple Christian traditions for two years of contemplative practice and renewal. The summer immersion will be held June 23-20, 2025. This will be followed by a winter immersion January 22-28, 2026 and small group online gatherings running through the summer of 2027.

This program offers early and mid-career clergy the opportunity to nourish their spiritual center by developing life-long, covenantal relationships between clergy peers. It also supports clergy by developing their own spiritual practices and resilience. 

Click the button below to learn more and to register.

Learn More and Register for Contemplative Renewal Immersions

Helpful Links