475 Riverside Drive Suite 1270, New York, NY 10115
Happenings In & Around the Presbytery of NYC
This newsletter is ordinarily published on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month. All items for potential inclusion must be submitted via email to [email protected] by noon on the Wednesday before the newsletter in published. All items are subject to review and editing. Timely submission does not guarantee inclusion.

Information, articles and links in this newsletter are provided for information only to the congregations and members of the presbytery. Nothing in this message should be construed as the official position of the presbytery unless noted as such.
From the Presbytery Staff
Friends while the Presbytery Office in The Interchurch Center is closed, the Presbytery staff are all working remotely.

Feel free to contact presbytery staff. We are checking our messages and emails and participating in Zoom meetings.

We are here for you!
From the Office of the Executive Presbyter
There were shepherds keeping watch (Luke 2.8)

Artists, hymn-writers, preachers convey the Christmas story in Bethlehem in genres that resemble the times and places in which they are living. As I listened to the wind whistling strongly around my building this evening and saw the snowstorm deepening the fallen snow from hours earlier, a somewhat haunting Christmas song came to mind:

In the bleak mid-winter, frosty wind made moan
Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone;
Snow had fallen, snow on snow…
In the bleak mid-winter a stable-place sufficed
The Lord God incarnate, Jesus Christ
With the blustering wind, this chilling 29-degree temperature makes it feel like 14 degrees and the heater in the apartment keeps kicking on. Outside it is unusually quiet, except for the occasional bus and snowplow. Everyone seems to be staying indoors--except for one man bundled up under the overhang of the library awning across the street. A NYPD car has stopped, and two officers speak to the man slumped down against the wall. Ten minutes later, a NYFD ambulance pulls up. The paramedics join in the conversation. There is movement and man steps into the back of the ambulance.

The Christmas story in one gospel takes us right into the question of where does a person shelter when they have no place available to them to stay for the night? Is anyone else there with them? Does anyone take notice?

The story in Luke’s gospel speaks of shepherds present. While some see shepherds as outcasts for the life they lead, in the telling by John’s gospel, it is a shepherd to whom Jesus likens himself, speaking of good shepherds who protect and shelter with their flock and seek out the one that is lost. One can only wonder whether something long remained with Jesus from his mother telling him it was shepherds who lifted her heart with their visit to this poor family on the night of his birth.

Two millennia later, as I looked across the street as to who took notice and acted out of safety for this man sheltering by the library entrance, I found myself reconsidering in this year of pandemics: Who are these good shepherds among us, out there on the city streets, in hospitals, nursing homes, shelters, prisons, apartment buildings, houses of worship seeking to take care of those who are abused or lost or may have lost everything of value—family, home, job, their dignity and self-respect? From what or where did they learn to be such good shepherds protecting others with their lives?

Those shepherds in the fields in Luke’s gospel followed something they had learned.

In this particular year and the year to come, may more of us become good shepherds with what we have learned or continue to learn from the coming of God in the birth of Jesus Christ.

God bless you with faith, hope, and love this Christmas.

Rev. Robert Foltz-Morrison
Highlights from the December 1, 2020 Meeting of the Presbytery

Below you will find the YouTube links for the December 1, 2020 Called meeting of the Presbytery and for Rick Ufford-Chase's powerful message on how we may begin to look at the future church.

From the Office of the Stated Clerk
Clerk of Session Training
A training for Clerks of Sessions will be held (virtually) on
Friday, January 22, 2021 at 10:00 AM. All clerks are encouraged to attend. More details and login login information will be forthcoming.

2021 Minister Compensation
The 2021 Ministers' Minimum Compensation* approved at the September 26, 2020 meeting of the Presbytery is now available. The 2021 Minister Minimum Compensation remains the same as 2020. 

*The range for moderating a session increased to $250 - $300.  


Statistical Reporting
Clerks and Moderators, your congregation's 2020 statistical report can now be filed in the denominational database. 

All reports must be filled out no later than Thursday, February 11, 2021.
Please remember that the Session (not the congregation) must approve the report
before you file it, so plan ahead and get it on your session docket now.

While you are unable to fill in your congregation's statistical information now, there are some things that can be done in advance of the denominational December 4th database opening date.
  • you should note that the system works best with Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari
  • for the Necrology Report you can gather the names of those elders who have passed away in the past year
  • print out a copy of last years report so that it can be used as a reference tool
  • know your congregation's username and password.
  • be sure that you are using five (5) numbers for your user name. The user name for a church is the PIN number. You will need to add leading zero's if your PIN is fewer than five numbers. Example, you PIN number is 123. The user name would be 00123


Presbytery 2021 Meeting Dates
Saturday, March 6, 2021
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
Saturday, Sept. 25, 2021
Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Elder Warren McNeill
Stated Clerk
How Do You Count Virtual Worshippers?
Worship attendance is part of the 2020 Statistical Reporting. There is no clear guidance on what "worship attendance" is for virtual services. Rev. Casey Carbone, Hudson River Presbytery's IT/Communications Facilitator has put together a short video with some tips to assist clerks as they prepare for statistical reporting Remember that views =/= worshippers or unique devices.
Until We Meet Again
Colleagues and Friends,

The end draws near. My service as Advocate for Justice Ministries with the Presbytery of New York City ends on December 31. I am grateful for this opportunity to serve God and the Church and to work with wonderful people. I give thanks to each person with whom I interacted. You have touched me. I will carry you on my heart. The kind words shared by so many people over these past few weeks have blessed me. I will remember you. My contact information will continue to be in the PNYC directory as I an not transferring my membership, but here it is if you would like it: [email protected] and 917-322-1221. We have shared life together for a season. Even as we physically distance from one another, we remain connected in Christ as we do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God. And I look forward to when we are physically together again.

From the Justice Ministry Committee and the Advocate for Justice Ministries
The Justice Ministry Committee calls your attention to the following upcoming activities and events:

  • Advocate for Justice Ministries - The Justice Ministries Committee has launched a search for an Advocate for Justice Ministries. The position description describes the position as well as the responsibilities involved and desired skills. If you are interested, or if you have any questions, email your resume to: [email protected]
  • Save the Date Ecumenical Advocacy Days Online April 18-2i, 2020 Save the date for Ecumenical Advocacy Days: April 18-21, 2021 to join those who gather online to Imagine! God's Earth and People Restored. Participants will passionately advocate and reimagine a world that lives out the values of justice, equity, and the beloved community. New opportunities will open up as the event is redesigned for a virtual space, making it possible for more people to participate. EAD will come to us in new ways, to help energize our local efforts. Watch for more details on Ecumenical Advocacy Days and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s Compassion, Peace, and Justice Training Event.
New York City Presbytery Seeks Its Next Advocate for Justice Ministries
The position description describes the responsibilities involved and desired skills. If you are interested, email your resume to: [email protected]. Questions may also be sent to that address.
Important Information Regarding Congregation's Tax Exempt Status From the Property Consultant
The time is upon us to file for tax exemption   

You will receive a letter that contains your entity ID which you must use in NYC DOF online application to get the electronic forms that you need to submit.  
the letter will instruct you on how to renew. THE DEADLINE IS JANUARY 5.  

Please be on the lookout for your church's letter. This is very important!!! It will cost you a deal of money if you do not file (you will lose your tax- exempt status if you do not file).

If you have any questions please let me know. I can be reached at [email protected]


Rev. Morgan-Thomas
Avenue Church (also known as Jan Hus Presbyterrian Church) Offering Food and Assistnace to Those in Need
A new food pantry and resource center opened on the Upper East Side Thursday, offering food and assistance to those in need.

Run by a new nonprofit called the Urban Outreach Center, the site includes a supermarket-style food pantry that allows visitors the comfort of being able to choose from available foods, adding dignity and a sense of normalcy for people receiving fresh produce and healthy staples from the pantry.

"The Urban Outreach Center is committed to ending the hunger gap in East Harlem and the Upper East Side – providing our low-income neighbors with the healthy food they need, with the dignity they deserve," said The Rev. Jordan Tarwater, Executive Director of the Urban Outreach Center of NYC

The Urban Outreach Center is a new nonprofit created from the historic homeless services mission of Avenue Church (formally known as Jan Hus Presbyterian Church) NYC. Full story
PC (USA)'s Presbyterian Mission Agency Recognizes the Ministry and Life of Rev. Grace E. Bowen
LOUISVILLE — The Rev. Grace E. Bowen, interim pastor at the First Presbyterian Church of Newtown in Elmhurst, New York since September 2019, has died at age 69.

The minister and member of the Presbytery of New York City succumbed to COVID-19 on April 20, 2020.

Described as a joyous, warm and welcoming person, Bowen would often invite children up during worship services to sing at the last minute. Or she’d replace the sermon she’d prepared with a different message she felt needed to be shared.

She was known for her warm and welcoming personality and the way she treated everyone like a special guest. Parishioners said she was always ready with a hug and a smile. Full story.
NIH Director Tells Churches To Do The 'Altruistic, Loving Thing' And Stay Closed
With COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths at record levels, a top public health official called on religious leaders to keep their worship spaces closed, despite rising protests from some church leaders.

"The virus is having a wonderful time right now, taking advantage of circumstances where people have let their guard go down," said Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health. "Churches gathering in person is a source of considerable concern and has certainly been an instance where super spreading has happened and could happen again." Click below to hear the full story.
Looking for a Short Meaniful Daily Devotional - d365 Daily Devotionals is for You!
d365.org is a daily devotion site produced by Passport, Inc. and sponsored by three denominational partners: the Congregational Life office of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, the Youth and Young Adult Ministries of the Presbyterian Church (USA), and the Youth Ministries Office of The Episcopal Church.

We hope that in the midst of busy days, d365.org will create a quiet space in your life for contemplation and prayer.
New Questions for a New Day - Opportunities for Churches to Reframe
Tuesday, January 26
1:00-2:00 PM
Leader – Michelle Snyder, MDiv LCSW

The pandemic presents an opportunity for churches to reframe their thinking and reboot their vision. Rather than tweaking what has always been done, this moment invites churches to embrace an expanded vision of community, catch up with societal trends, and rethink the use of new technologies.
Michelle Snyder, MDiv, LCSW, has been doing organizational consulting for over 10 years. With training in theology, systems theory, and organizational intelligence, she brings a unique perspective to her consulting and coaching work with middle judicatories, congregations, nonprofits, and clergy. Michelle has co-authored the book Life, Death and Reinvention: The Gift of the Impossibly Messed-Up Life (Magi Press, 2016).
Online Worship Makes Evangelism Less Intimidating for Many
One apparent advantage of an online worship format is that people seem to be more inclined to extend and respond to invitations to check out church online. Virtual evangelism is proving easier, less intimidating, and more spontaneous than face-to-face evangelism.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that worship attendance has increased rather significantly for many congregations that are now worshipping online in comparison to their previous in-person attendance. Many factors are likely contributing to this rise. But one may be the ease and comfort of “virtual evangelism.” Read more
NYDIS' 2019-2020 Partnership Awards Olivet Presbyterian Church is Recognized
New York Disaster Interfaith Services (NYDIS) gives a special tribute to Olivet Presbyterian Church's work with Project Hospitality.
Winter/Spring 2021 Continuing Education at Union Presbyterian Seminary
The Leadership Institute at Union Presbyterian Seminary is committed to equipping and inspiring church and ministry leaders.
Their desire is to foster the continuing, ongoing process of leadership and professional development for pastors, educators, and lay leaders alike. They invite you to explore how they may partner together to strengthen our witness and service to the church in the world. 

For more information about the programs listed below and other programs of the Leadership Institute, please visit their website.
Virtual Clergy Self-Care Retreat
Saturday, January 30, 2021
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. EST - Learn more

Social Media Deep Dive for Churches 4-part series
Led by: Christen Kinard
Founder, Digital Congregations
Dates: Thursdays, January 21, 28, and February 4, & 11
10:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. EST
This workshop is near capacity; a waiting list will be started, if needed.

The New Testament & Contemporary Social Concerns
Led by: Dr. John Carroll
Professor of New Testament
Union Presbyterian Seminary
Dates: February 2 and February 9
2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. EST click here
This workshop is a re-boot of their recent October workshop that reached full capacity.
Upcoming Pathways Online Courses 
These online courses meet weekly for five-weeks, one class meeting per week. Class sizes are limited. Waiting lists will be generated, as needed.
The Christian Life
Led by: Dr. Cindy Kissel-Ito, Associate Professor of Christian Education
Dates: Tuesdays, January 5 - February 2, 2021
Pastoral Care
Led by: Dr. Carol Schweitzer, Associate Professor Emerita of Pastoral Care 
Dates: Thursdays, January 7 - February 4, 2021
Reformed Theology/Church History
Led by: Dr. Paul Galbreath, Professor of Theology
Dates: Mondays, January 25 - February 22, 2021
Mission & Evangelism
Led by: Dr. Aram Bae, Adjunct Instructor
Dates: Tuesdays, February 16 - March 16, 2021
Preaching the Bible
Led by: Dr. Rich Voelz, Associate Professor of Teaching & Worship
Dates: Thursdays, February 25 – March 25, 2021
Worship & Sacraments
Led by: Dr. Paul Galbreath, Professor of Theology
Dates: Thursdays, April 15 – May 13, 2021
NEW Course Offering Polity & Administration II
Led by: Rev. Carson Rhyne, Adjunct Instructor
Dates: Tuesdays, April 27 – May 25, 2021

The Black Church, This is Our Story, This is Our Song
A two-part series reveals the broad history and culture of the Black church and explores African American faith communities on the frontlines of hope and change. Featuring interviews with Oprah Winfrey, John Legend, Jennifer Hudson, Bishop Michael Curry, Cornel West, Pastor Shirley Caesar, Rev. Al Sharpton, Yolanda Adams, Rev. William Barber II, BeBe Winans, Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie and more

THE BLACK CHURCH: THIS IS OUR STORY, THIS IS OUR SONG will premiere February 16 and 23, 2021 at 9:00 p.m. ET on PBS stations nationwide (check local listings). This moving four-hour, two-part series from executive producer, host and writer Henry Louis Gates, Jr., the Alphonse Fletcher University Professor at Harvard University and director of the Hutchins Center for African and African American Research, traces the 400-year-old story of the Black church in America, all the way down to its bedrock role as the site of African American survival and grace, organizing and resilience, thriving and testifying, autonomy and freedom, solidarity and speaking truth to power. The documentary reveals how Black people have worshipped and, through their spiritual journeys, improvised ways to bring their faith traditions from Africa to the New World, while translating them into a form of Christianity that was not only truly their own, but a redemptive force for a nation whose original sin was found in their ancestors’ enslavement across the Middle Passage.

Renowned participants in the series include media executive and philanthropist Oprah Winfrey; singer, songwriter, producer and philanthropist John Legend; singer and actress Jennifer Hudson; Presiding Bishop Michael Curry of The Episcopal Church; gospel legends Yolanda Adams, Pastor Shirley Caesar and BeBe Winans; civil rights leaders Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. William Barber II; scholar Cornel West; and many more. Through their interviews, viewers will be transported by the songs that speak to one’s soul, by preaching styles that have moved congregations and a nation, and by beliefs and actions that drew African Americans from the violent margins of society to the front lines of change.
2020 - 2021 Presbyterian Planning Calendar - Order Your Copies Today!
This 16-month, official PC(USA) calendar (September 2020 – December 2021) is an outstanding and well-loved resource for pastors, church leaders and members interested in the life and mission of the church. It features monthly planning and worship suggestions, lectionary readings, a liturgical color guide, fold-out synod, presbytery and world maps, plus directories of PC(USA) staff, offices, synods and presbyteries. The wirebound calendar measures 8½ x 11″ and is punched to fit a standard binder or hang on a wall.

Order copies today!
Single calendars are $16.95; 10–49, $14.50 each; 50+, $9.75 each. Shipping is additional. When ordering, please ask for ISBN 978-1-7328467-0-8. Order online or call the PC(USA) Church Store at 1-800-533-4371.

  • Joys and Congratulations to Rev. Emily Brewer, VM, who on November 16th gave birth to a son, Bernard Daniel Eingold.
  • Prayers to the family and friends of Rev. John Carl Bowers, HR (Ft. Schuyler and Homecrest), who the Presbytery office learned of his death
  • Prayers for all new cases and deaths related to Covid-19 known to members of our congregations
  • Those infected by Covid-19 and those treating them.
  • Disparities inflicted upon Black, Indigenous, and Persons of Color
2021 Minister's Minimum Compensation
Below you will find a link to the presbytery approved ) Minister's Minimum Compensation for the 2021 calendar year. The 2021 Minister Minimum Compensation remains the same as 2020*. 

*The range for moderating a session increased to $250 - $300

We hope this is helpful!
2021 Presbytery Meeting Dates
All material for Presbytery meetings must be emailed to the Stated Clerk by the due date and no later than 5:00 pm at [email protected]
Presbytery Meeting Dates
Saturday, March 6, 2021
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
Saturday, Sept. 25, 2021
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Material Due Dates (no later than 5:00 PM)
2020 Commission on Ministry Dates and Material Deadlines
All material for COM's consideration must be emailed to the commission at [email protected]
COM Meeting Dates
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Tuesday, April 21, 2020 (NEW DATE)
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Tuesday, October 6,
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
COM Material Due Dates (no later than 5:00 PM)
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Tuesday April 13, 2020 (NEW DATE)
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Tuesday, May 26,2020
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Tuesday December 22, 2020
On Calling a Pastor
On Calling a Pastor, is a resource for pastor nominating committees and mid councils is now available. Each section of the manual builds upon the next to walk users through the call process highlighting the partners in the call process, polity, using the CLC system, and emphasizing the need for spiritual discernment. The resource is in PDF format. It may be read online or downloaded and printed. "On Calling a Pastor" includes videos, links to online resources, case studies, and "teach the teacher" Power Points for those training pastor nominating committees. Download the full handbook or individual chapters. You may also watch supplemental videos. To access the video links from within the PDFs, click on the icons found in the various chapters.

The Church Leadership Connection (CLC) staff is here to serve you. If you need any assistance or have questions, contact them by phone at 888-728-7228, ext. 8550, or by email at [email protected].
Employment Opportunities Within and Around the Presbytery of NYC
Congregational Searches on PC(USA)'s CLC System
The following congregations in our presbytery are currently engaged in active searches:

  • First Presbyterian Church of Whitestone, Solo Pastor, Part-time
  • First Presbyterian Church of Newtown - Interim Pastor, Part-time
  • Fort Washington Heights Presbyterian Church - Solo Pastor, Part-time 
  • St. Augustine Presbyterian Church - Solo Pastor, Part-time

Congregations within our presbytery are currently seeking to fill these positions:

Congregations outside the bounds of New York City Presbytery seeking to fill positions:


PC(USA) National Office
  • The Presbyterian Church (USA) national office in Louisville, KY, is currently hiring. Click here for a list of open positions to share with your constituents. To access all job opportunities and online applications, please visit PC(USA)'s website. Referrals are welcome!
Stay Connected to the Presbytery of NYC
Help your congregation's members stay connected with the latest news and opportunities in and around the presbytery by subscribing to Happenings In & Around the Presbytery, the Presbytery's electronic newsletter. Keep members updated and apprised of Presbyterian events, resources, grants, and opportunities.  Have members fill out the contact information form so that their email addresses can be added to our subscribers list. Click here for the Contact Information Form. Once completed return the form to the presbytery office or email it to Yzette Swavy-Lipton.
Need an address or phone number for a church or a member of the NYC Presbytery? No need to call the office to get that information. You only need to log into the Presbytery ACS Database System and viola, the information is right at your fingertips.

If we have your contact information in our database you only need to create an account within the ACS System. If we do not have your contact information click here for the Contact Information Form. Once completed return the form to the presbytery office or email it to Yzette Swavy-Lipton so that you can be added to the database.

The ACS Member login Instructions will walk you through the process of creating an account. Once you have setup an account there is an option to download ACS's Church Life App for your mobile phone (iPhone and Android).