Our Vision: "To Humbly Serve God through Loving and Caring for Others"
Worship at MZUMC
We are excited to be worshiping together in-person as well as continuing to have an online presence. We are live streaming our worship services on our YouTube page at 10:00 am. Previously recorded and streamed services can also be found here at any time.

To access the worship service please see our YouTube Channel or go to Youtube.com and search for Montrose Zion UMC to access our page which appears as a big “M” in a gray circle. You will find our worship there! Try it out this week and catch up on any past services you may have missed! 

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Sunday Worship

10:00 am

Children's Bulletin Ages 3+

Children's Bulletin Ages 7+

Prayer Concerns

Don Barker

Dorris Benson

Collins Family

Jeff Davis

Kaye Davis

Liming Family

Pennington Family

*Please call the church with any prayer requests or pastoral care needs

News and Opportunities to Serve

December Mission Challenge

For the month of December, we are collecting diapers for OPEN M. Packs can be opened or unopened. There is a drop box outside the main doors or they can be left on the table in the Gathering Area.

Christmas Schedule

Children's Musical - Sunday, December 18 at 9:00 am 11:00 am with a bake sale and breakfast in between services

Longest Night Service - Wednesday, December 21 at 7:00 pm

Christmas Eve Services: Saturday, December 24 at 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Christmas Day Service: Sunday, December 25

Celebrating Jen's Graduation

Please celebrate that Jennifer Dyer has finished her coursework for her degree. We will more formally recognize Jen and her hard work over many years this May when she officially graduates.

Permanent Endowment

The Permanent Endowment Committee has met and decided on the following distributions:

*Church - $2,200 for the Sound System

*OPEN M - $2,500 for food for children

*Athletes in Action - $2,752 for a mission trip to Italy

Acme CashBack

Acme CashBack has begun! Receipts dated August 4th and later through December are eligible for CashBack. Please put receipts in the bin on the wall by the Welcome Center. 

Continued Support for the Liming Family

Thank you so much for the love and support everyone has shown! We know so many want to continue to help the Liming family; we are continuing to collect for the Love Offering - please put "Liming Family" in the memo line.

Common Threads

Common Threads Closet is a non-denominational non-profit that distributes clothing, shoes, and small household items to those in need and in a setting that they can choose the items that they want and need. There is a box in the coat room to collect any items you wish to go to this organization.

December 12 "The Connector"

Haven of Rest December Needs (click here)

Adult Class Opportunities

Java & Jesus (J & J) – Sundays 11 am – Room 8


Come for a time of fellowship to dive a little deeper into the scriptures and themes that will be used for Sunday worship. Grow deeper in your faith and build lasting relationships. No preparation needed. Join us in Room 8 in the basement Sunday mornings at 11 am.


Contact: Jo Quandt (330)714-6303 with questions or for more information.

Wired Word Adult Sunday School - Sundays 11 am - Room 4

We use Wired Word, which discusses a different topic each week; it starts with something in the news and then relates it to scripture with discussion questions. You are welcome to join without any preparation and drop in intermittently when we meet at 11:00 am after worship. Contact Renee Williams or Samantha Gunkelman with any questions.

Contact: Samantha Gunkelman and Renee Williams



TUESDAY’S WITH BILL – 9:30 am – Conference Room


Come and join us on Tuesday mornings for our weekly bible study. We will explore the upcoming Sunday’s scripture. If you are not a bible expert, fear not. If you hope to be a bible expert after being a part of the class, you may not be! But if you are looking to see how the Scripture teaches us to live more fully into the life that God has given us, then please come! We meet at 9:30 am in the Conference Room! (Last Tuesday of the month we go to the Akron Canton Food Bank - let Bill know if you'd like to join also)


Contact: Rev. Bill Liming

Children's Ministry
Contact: Cyndi Liming limingcmboa@icloud.com

Children's Bulletins are available on the tables in the back of the sanctuary for kids ages 3+ and 7+.

Check out the Children's Ministry Website for updates here


Sunday School and Children's Church lessons can be found on the church's YouTube Page. Each week Cyndi will be recording new and interactive lessons that your child can listen to from home!

Student Ministry
Contact: Jennifer Dyer mzumcstudent@gmail.com

There will be no youth group this week. We are attending the Christmas musical and pancake breakfast.

Youth Christmas Movie Day

As has become our tradition we will again have a Christmas movie day on December 28th starting at 10:00 am. There will be popcorn, hot chocolate and possibly a movie themed snack. This is a fun event to break up the Christmas break.

Game Night

Get it on your calendars early. All youth are invited to a Youth game night Sunday January 8th from 6-7:30 pm. Please bring your favorite snack to share. We will have board games, card games as well as the gym open for basketball to play. Bring a friend and I'll see you there! 

Contact: Sharon Paige spaige@mzumc.org

The Preschool will be closed for our Winter Break from

 Friday, December 16th through January 3rd.

 We will return to school Wednesday, January 4th 2023!


January Preschool Newsletter (click here)

Preschool December Newsletter (click here)

January Snack and Activity Calendar (click here)

December Snack and Activity Calendar (click here)

Music Ministry
Contact: Joe Leaman joeleaman@me.com

Anyone who is interested in providing Special Music during the special music time on Sunday mornings, please contact Music Director, Joe Leaman via email: joeleaman@me.com.

October Financial Update

October Income Statement

October Balance Sheet

Church Calendar

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday

8:30 am - 2:30 pm

Sunday, December 18

9:00 am Christmas Musical

10:00 am Pancake Breakfast and Bakesale

11:00 am Christmas Musical

6:30 pm Troop 380 Meeting 

Monday, December 19

6:30 pm Troop 380 Meeting

Tuesday, December 20

9:30 am Tuesdays with Bill

8:00 pm AA

Wednesday, December 21

7:00 pm Longest Night Service

Thursday, December 22

Friday, December 23

Church Office Closed

Saturday, December 24

5:00 pm Candlelight Service

7:00 pm Candlelight Service

7:30 pm AA

7:30 pm Al Anon

Contact Information
565 N. Cleveland-Massillon Road, Akron, OH 44333

Rev. Dr. Bill Liming x202



Katie Constantine

Office Manager



Jennifer Dyer x204

Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries


Sharon Paige x205
Preschool Director
Cyndi Liming x206
Children's Ministry Director
Joe Leaman x207
Music Ministry Director
Visit our website
Donate to the Church