From the Manager
Teresa Herrera
SVCW Manager
With the year and the decade closing, it seems particularly meaningful to look back on what’s occurred and to look forward to what’s coming. I’m particularly proud of this agency's accomplishments over the past decade. I appreciate the people who work so hard to make SVCW the stellar agency that it is.
This past decade has seen an enormous amount of change in how we operate within all aspects of the agency. I continue to be awed by the flexibility our staff has shown. We’re making significant progress in rehabilitating our facilities, and those activities have touched every process and support facility within the treatment plant. We changed the way we perform our accounting and financial processes as well as the system we use to track our maintenance efforts. We moved staff into a new control building. We embraced the design-build project delivery method -- with great success -- and we’ve responded to numerous regulatory and legislative changes placed upon us.
Every decade brings about significant change; ten years is a really long time. As the world seems to change quickly in this day and age, we continue to be flexible and adjust as new information arrives.
Looking forward, our emphasis will shift from large construction projects to operating and maintaining our new facilities through process optimization and preventative maintenance. We’ll have an ongoing, robust capital improvement program to maintain our assets, and when construction is complete and we’ve returned to normal operations, staff will be able to sharpen their focus on optimization of those assets.
I’m looking fondly and appreciatively upon the past, and anticipating a fulfilling and evolving tomorrow.
Best wishes to all! I hope your holidays and the New Year brings you safe and rewarding experiences.