December 1st, 2024

We stream our sermon LIVE Sundays @ 10:00am.

Please click here to watch online.

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Community of Grace!



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Community of Grace

Sermon Notes

Verse of the Week

"Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel."

Isaiah 7:14

Ministry News

Prayer Ministry | Sundays @ 8:30am

Join us in corporate prayer on Sunday mornings. It's a wonderful opportunity to come together as a community, united in worship and purpose. Let's lift our voices and hearts together, embracing the power of collective prayer. We look forward to seeing you there and sharing this time with you via Zoom from 8:00 am - 8:30 am. Click on the Zoom link here. Meeting ID: 598 261 804, Passcode: 053343. If you have questions, email Kathleen Chandler.

Students of Grace | Wednesdays @ 6:30pm

Christmas is one of those holidays that feels timeless. The traditions, music, and made-for-TV movies not only connect us, but also the other parts of our lives. It's a season that invites us to be nostalgic and think about memories from Christmases past. In this series from the Gospels, we'll take a look at the Christmas story to remember that what we heard long, ago can still help us grow today. As we reflect on the Christmas story, we will remember how Christmas reminds us that Jesus is our Savior, that God can be trusted, and to trust that God is with us.

Join us Wednesday evenings at the Lighthouse! For more info, please reach out to Pastor J.

Children's Ministry | Sundays @ 10:00am

At Christmas, gifts are all around us, but we know the holiday isn't about the toys—it's about the joy of Jesus' birth. We might experience joy from opening up gifts, but God gives us even greater joy through Jesus. In this 5-week series, kids will learn all about the joy Jesus brought into the world. They'll learn Jesus is the savior God promised, how God sent Jesus at the perfect time, that Jesus brings joy to the world, and what it means to say Jesus is God's greatest gift.

Guys Grub Group | 3rd Wednesdays @ 12pm

Guys Grub Group-GGG is starting back up on 11/20! It's a great time to get together and just chat and hang out over lunch. Different restaurants are chosen each month. Reach out to Bob Cale for location details.


Coming up

Operation Christmas Child: Dec 6th | 6pm

Join us as we fill and help send gift-filled shoeboxes to children in need around the world with the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are looking for volunteers to pack a box and for help at the warehouse to process boxes on 12/06 @ 6pm. Email Mitty Spidel to help at the warehouse!

Christmas Secret Sisters Gift Exchange: Starts Dec 8th

 Sign up at the "Get Connected" table to participate. Dates will be from December 8 thru 29. With a lunch get-together to find out who your Secret Sister is after service on the 29th.

Toy Giveaway Event: December 14th | 8am-11am

Our Toy Giveaway event is just around the corner! Last year, thanks to everyone's efforts, we were fortunate to provide over 600 toys to families in need. As the number of families continues to grow, we are seeking volunteers for family helpers, prayer table support, and wrapping station helpers. This is a truly rewarding opportunity to give back to our community! You can volunteer for one hour or all three! Please email Holly Vogel to sign-up for any of the above stations and time your able to serve.

Christmas Musical: December 21st | 6pm

Our amazing drama team is back for a one night only amazing Christmas Musical! Elf on the Shelf Discovers Christ in the Carols. Join us for an evening of merriment and fun as the Elf on the Shelf uncovers the true meaning of Christmas. You will not want to miss out on this joyous event.

Christmas Eve Service: December 24th | 5:30pm

Join us on Christmas Eve for a beautiful and serene candlelight service. It promises to be a wonderful occasion for coming together and celebrating the birth of Jesus on this special night. Share the event on facebook!

Facility Manager Position 

We are looking for a facility manager to take care of the cleaning and minor maintenance needs around our campus. This is a part-time position that starts on January 1, 2025. If you are interested or have questions, please contact Pastor Joel or Pastor Chris.


Weekly Ministries

Student Ministry: Wednesday nights, 6:30pm. South Building. See Pastor J.

Men: Tuesdays @ 6am. Pastor Joel at 720-231-1838. Studying through Luke.

Women: Fridays @ 9:30am. Contact Judy Cale for more info.

RightNow Media

Text Registration Code - Text "COMMUNITY" to 49775

Giving 11/24/2024

Last Week: $9,209

Weekly Budget: $10,345

Year To Date Giving: $448,846

Year To Date Budget: $486,215

Below are the ways that you can contribute your tithes and offerings to the church.

  • Write a check to the church.
  • Bill Pay through your banking institution.
  • You can give securely online: Online Giving


Joel Bundick – Senior Pastor

Chris Hart – Associate Pastor

J. LloydPastor of Youth and Discipleship

Samantha Sloan - Children's Director


David Finton – Worship Pastor

Rhonda Mott – Finance Administrator

Holly Vogel – Marketing & Office Manager

John Carroll – Media Director

Carol Bryan - Facilities Manager

303-522-2293 (Text)


Joel Bundick        720-231-1838

Bob Cale              303-378-190

Roger Chandler 303-766-9058

Ben Durkee         303-720-4464

Joe Eichenseer  720-280-9966

Kevin Fisher       316-218-2583

Tom King             303-506-5551

Tom Wager         605-769-0255

Bob and Judy Cale: Sunday, 8:30 am


Jim and Carol Bryan: Tuesday, 5:30 pm


Steve and Cris Veteto: Tuesday, 6:30 pm


Joel and Catherine Bundick: Tuesday, 7:00 pm


Roger and Kathleen Chandler: Wednesday, 6:00 pm


Chris and Melanie Hart: Thursday, 7:00 pm


4343 S. Flanders St.

Centennial, CO 80015


Community of Grace Website

Hours of Business:

Sunday: 8am-12pm

Mon-Thurs: 9am-4pm

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