December 20, 2022

In this edition of ENews:

  • 2022 Christmas Message from Presiding Bishop Curry
  • St. Brigid's of Kildare, Rio Vista Closes Doors
  • Dates for 2023 Congregation Leadership Conferences Announced
  • Diocese is seeking volunteers for Faith X Leadership Team
  • Latino Ministries Team Gathers for Planning
  • CDSP Announces next CALL Sessions

2022 Christmas Message from

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

Click to View

Around the Diocese

St. Brigid's of Kildare, Rio Vista Closes Doors

Faithful members and friends of St. Brigid's joined with Bishop Megan, The Rev. Sandy Honnold (current deacon), The Rev. Susan Reeve (founding deacon), The Rev. Mack Olson, The Very Rev. Perry Polk (dean), The Rev. Dr. Arthur Holder, and Anne Seed, Wingfield Deanery delegate to the Board of Trustees. Photo by Emma Green.

Last Sunday, Bishop Megan and several clergy joined the faithful members of St. Brigid of Kildare, Rio Vista, for their final service. Assisted by Deacon Sandy Honnold, the Bishop preached, celebrated the Eucharist, and joined in fellowship with the members present. While it is sad to know that the church has closed, we know that members will continue to be active in other churches and in the diocese. Thank you, good and faithful members of St. Brigid of Kildare, for your witness and ministry.

Office of the Bishop

Don't forget to check out the

2022 Advent Calendar!

See the Advent Calendar

Diocese Christmas Service Schedule

Click here to see a current list of Christmas services scheduled throughout the diocese.

If your church isn't listed, please send a copy of your service schedule to:

Office of the Bishop Holiday Hours

The Office of the Bishop will be closed Friday, December 23 at 12:00 pm, through Wednesday, December 28 at 9:00 am to observe the Christmas holiday.

No E-News next week

The E-News will return on Tuesday, January 3, 2023.

Dates for 2023 Congregation Leadership



Mark your Calendars! Here are the topics, dates, and locations for the 2023 Congregation Leadership Conferences. All Conferences are scheduled on Saturdays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Registration information will be announced in the future.

  • February 23 | Vacation Bible School | St. John’s, Chico

  • March 25 | Vestry Training | Grace, St. Helena

  • May 6 | WordFest! | Location: Online

  • June 3 | Stewardship | Incarnation, Santa Rosa

  • September 16 | Disaster Preparedness | St. John’s, Roseville

Canon to the Ordinary

Diocese Assembling FaithX Small Church Vitality Leadership Teams

What is the Faith X Project?

Northern California is one of five dioceses chosen by the FaithX Project to participate in a three-year Vitality Improvement Program for Small Congregations (V.I.P) along with 7-10 of our small congregations (average Sunday attendance of between 30-50 people). Other dioceses are: ArizonaMarylandMississippi, and Pennsylvania.

Over the next three years FaithX will train the leadership of participating dioceses to use tools such as their Congregational Vitality Assessment – Judicatory Dashboard and Neighborhood Insights Reports to triage our congregations, identify those small congregations that could most benefit from the three-year program, and establish a vitality and sustainability baseline for measuring their progress. They will also work with dioceses and their congregations to create communities of practice, within which clergy and lay leaders of participating congregations can celebrate success, learn from failures, generate creative ideas, and provide mutual support.

Click here to learn more about FaithX:

What's Next?

  • In late January/early February 2023, we will be accepting applications for qualified churches.

  • We are currently assembling a team of 7 to 8 lay people, deacons, and priests who can make a three-year commitment to the project who:

  1. Represent the geographic diversity of our diocese
  2. Have more than one primary language (esp. Spanish and Tagalog) and/or who represent diverse ethnic/racial communities
  3. Are curious about the process
  4. Can deal non-anxiously with questions and tolerate discomfort (i.e. esp with churches dealing with change and open questions)
  5. Can take the longer view
  6. Love our Church, our Diocese, who like working with a team and with people, and who want to help our modest-sized churches thrive.

The team will share spiritual practices, grow together as working partners, and gain skills related to congregational vitality assessment and support.

If you are interested in serving on this team, click on this link:

Applications are due by noon on Wednesday, January 4

Missioner for Church Life

Episcopal Church Foundation offers Financial Resources for Churches is the Episcopal Church Foundation’s comprehensive, self-service, low-cost subscription site for raising financial resources for your Episcopal parish.

It includes comprehensive resources for: 

To sign up, go to:

It is only $99.00 for a year subscription! If you’d like to learn more, or if your congregation needs assistance with covering the cost, be sure to email the Missioner for Church Life, the Rev. Mack Olson, at

Lenten Book Study Announced

Diocesan-wide Lent 2023 book study

For the season of Lent, Canon Julie Wakelee and Missioner for Church Life Mack Olson will lead a five-week study of Amy-Jill Levine’s Entering the Passion of Jesus

We’ll meet on Zoom each Wednesday in March from 7:00 – 8:00 pm.  

Registration information will be available soon.

Latino Ministries team gathers for planning

Members of the Latino Ministries Team gathered at the Office of the Bishop: The Rev. Tammy Smith-Firestone, Lynn Zender, The Rev. Mack Olson, Canon Julie Wakelee, Bishop Megan Traquair, The Rev. Grant Bakewell, Anne Seed, and Maria Ramirez. Joining on Zoom were Anne Nykamp, and The Rev. Amy Denney-Zuniga.

Last Thursday, members of the diocesan Latino Ministries team joined together for a day of remembering, discerning, and forward planning.  Many topics were covered, from leadership, to resources, to our partner diocese of Honduras. We began by giving special thanks to Lynn Zender for her work of many years as the one who promoted and carried forth the seeds for this work (and, in absentia, we hailed Jim Schaal, as well!).

In 2023, we will focus on these areas: 

  • Supporting existing ministries (especially in the Napa Valley, where Grace | St. Helena, St. Mary’s | Napa, and soon St. Luke’s | Calistoga partner to share regular worship in Spanish); and 

  • Building capacity, resources, and new ministries/opportunities for regional connections around the diocese.

The Rev. Anthony Guillen, Missioner for Latino Ministry for The Episcopal Church, will visit our diocese in 2023 and offer an in-person Latino Ministry Competency Training, as well as consult with leaders on paths forward. 

We are pleased to announce that the diocese has made a grant of $5,000.00 to our Napa Valley churches to support Spanish-language training for adult leadership in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, a Montessori-based Sunday school program.

If you, or someone you know, is interested in being part of Latinx ministry in the Diocese of Northern California, please contact Mack Olson ( or Julie Wakelee

El jueves pasado, los miembros del equipo diocesano de Ministerios Latinos se unieron para un día de recordar, discernir y planificar. Se cubrieron muchos temas, desde liderazgo hasta recursos, a nuestra diócesis compañera de Honduras. Comenzamos agradeciendo especialmente a Lynn Zender por su trabajo de muchos años como quien promovió y llevó adelante las semillas de este trabajo (¡y, en ausencia, también aclamamos a Jim Schaal!).

En 2023, nos centraremos en estas áreas:

Apoyar los ministerios existentes (especialmente en el Napa Valley, donde Grace | St. Helena, St. Mary’s | Napa, y pronto St. Luke’s | Calistoga se asocian para compartir el culto regular en español); y

Desarrollar capacidades, recursos y nuevos ministerios/oportunidades para conexiones regionales alrededor de la diócesis.

El Rev. Anthony Guillén, Misionero para el Ministerio Latino de la Iglesia Episcopal, visitará nuestra diócesis en 2023 y ofrecerá una Capacitación en Competencia para el Ministerio Latino en persona, y consultará con líderes sobre los caminos a seguir.

Nos complace anunciar que la diócesis ha otorgado una subvención de

$ 5,000.00 a nuestras iglesias del Valle de Napa para apoyar la capacitación en español para el liderazgo de adultos en la Catequesis del Buen Pastor, un programa de escuela dominical basado en Montessori.

Si usted, o alguien que conoce, está interesado en ser parte del ministerio LatinX en la Diócesis del Norte de California, comuníquese con Mack Olson ( o Julie Wakelee

Episcopal Foundation

It's not too late to support the many ministries in the The Bishop's Partnership Appeal Book of Dreams!

Click Here to give.

Making a difference has never been so easy!

Spiritual Formation

The Episcopal Dioceses of El Camino Real, Northern California and San Diego are accepting applications for a course opening in the winter of 2023 to prepare individuals to apply for a Lay Preaching license. We are forming cohorts of students in Spanish and English and seeking adult learners of all ages and educational backgrounds who are actively involved in ministry in their congregations and demonstrate gifts in lay leadership. Participants must be members of a congregation within one of our three partner dioceses.

Who is this for? Lay members of our congregations with gifts for preaching and leadership in ministry.

What will we study? Biblical exegesis and preaching theory and practice.

Where will we meet? On Zoom

When will we meet? Once each month on a weekday evening

The application:


Questions? Contact the dean:

The Rev. Kathy

Las Diócesis Episcopales de El Camino Real, el Norte de California, y San Diego están aceptando solicitudes para un curso que se abrirá en el invierno de 2023 para preparar a las personas para solicitar una licencia de Predicación Laica. Estamos formando cohortes de estudiantes en español e inglés y buscando estudiantes adultos de todas las edades y antecedentes educativos que participen activamente en el ministerio en sus congregaciones y demuestren dones en el liderazgo laico. Los participantes deben ser miembros de una congregación de unas de nuestras tres diócesis asociadas.

¿Para quien es esto? Miembros laicos de nuestras congregaciones con dones para la predicación y liderazgo en el ministerio.

¿Qué estudiaremos? Exégesis bíblica y teoría y práctica de la predicación.

¿Dónde nos vemos? Zoom

¿Cuando nos reuniremos? Una vez al mes en la noche de un día laborable

La aplicación:

¿Preguntas? Póngase en contacto con el decano: 

La Rda. Kathy Lawler

Winter Term online courses at CDSP’s Center for Anglican Learning and Leadership are now open for registration! CALL courses are taught online by experienced instructors, and last for seven weeks. The courses are asynchronous, which means that students don’t have to be online at a specific time of the day but can do the work as their schedule allows. CALL courses are open to anyone for theological formation and personal enrichment. Courses this term include homiletics, Hebrew Bible, spirituality, church history, pastoral care, liturgical leadership, and diaconal studies.

The seven week courses run January 23 – March 13, 2023.

Full course descriptions and links to register are available here:


Cost: $245 ($215 for students from CALL partner dioceses)

Trinity Cathedral

35th Annual Diocesan Choir Festival 

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Trinity Cathedral | Sacramento

All choral singers throughout the Diocese are invited

Guest conductor will be Dr. Bruce Neswick, the recently retired Canon for Cathedral Music Trinity Cathedral in Portland, Oregon. 

For more information, and to register:

Upcoming Events around the Diocese

e.e. cummings and the Joyful Poetry of Advent

Wednesday December 21 at 7:00 pm

Join Zoom:

Download resources: Pamphlet for use on an e-reader Pamphlet for printing

The poems we’ll be reading

Thursday Night at the Cathedral | Advent Formation

Join us for an evening service in the cathedral at 6:00 pm. Then eat together in the Assembly Area. (Bring bag dinner) At 7:00 pm hear a brief talk about Advent and then join in on a discussion. 

December 22 | Sister Kelly Dunlap speaks on Love

Job Opportunities Around The Diocese

St. Paul's | Sacramento is seeking a Music Director. 

Read the job announcement here.

Diocesan Commissions | Committees | Ministries

Commission on the Environment

Commission for Intercultural Ministries

Commission on Ministry

Christian Formation Committee

Episcopal Community Services

Ministries of Health Committee

Investment Fund Committee

Disaster Preparedness

Recovery Ministries

Episcopal Foundation of Northern California

Center for Bible Study

The ENews is published weekly on Tuesdays.
To submit news/events, please email by Wednesday of the prior week
Submit a Calendar Event

The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

Making Disciples, Raising Up Saints & Transforming Communities for Christ

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