Generating Excitement for the
Sport of Snowmobiling

December 2013 Newsletter

Contact Us

1600 E Century Ave, Ste. 3

Bismarck, ND 58503


701-328-5363 Fax

Upcoming Events:     

December 28: Mouse River Sled Runners Fun Run - Sno-Trails

December 31: Membership Renewal Deadline - 1 lucky member will win a vaction package to the Red River South Trail System

January 1, 2014: Happy New Year Friends

January 4, 2014: Magic City Driftbusters Fun Run - Sno-Trails

January 10-11, 2014: 5th Annual Pink Ribbon Riders ND Snow Run - Bottineau, ND

January 18, 2014: Beaver Valley Sno-Goer's Banquet - Linton, ND

February 8, 2014: State Ride - Walhalla, ND

February 15, 2014: International Ride

February 15, 2014: SnowJam - Mapleton, ND

The December 2013 e-newsletter includes information on the following:  Project Ride, Membership Survey, Club Officer Forms, Foremost Insurance and Sled'N Snap.


Raffle Tickets

SND is running low on raffle tickets.  If you are interested in helping sell them or purchasing them, please contact the office.  Tickets will be drawn at State Ride February 8th in Walhalla, ND.  Thanks to everyone that has helped sell tickets. If you have sold tickets, please provide everything to the office. 


Project Ride

Join or renew your membership with SND by December 31st, 2013 to be entered into a drawing to win a Vacation Package to visit the Red River South Trail!  Contact SND for a list of clubs!


35th State Snowmobile Convention

Thanks to everyone that participated in the 35th state snowmobile convention December 6th and 7th in Grand Forks, ND.  Your support and dedication to the program is awesome and we look forward to working with all of you during the 2013-2014 season.  During the annual meeting a survey was distributed to the membership that focused on membership, the Sno-Dak News and potential legislation.  This survey has been made available online for all of you that would like to provide input but were unable to attend the meeting.  Click here to take the survey!  Survey responses are appreciated by January 15, 2014.


Heather LeMoine with the North Dakota Department of Commerce - Tourism Division provided an excellent presentation during lunch focusing on marketing opportunities and the snowmobile industry. Clubs and trail systems interested in submitting events and press releases to North Dakota Tourism please visit:


Click here to view Heather's presentation!


Club Officer Forms

The Club Officer forms were due December 15th.  If you haven't provided this information to SND, please do so as soon as possible so we can update records with the latest information.  Click here for the form!


Foremost Insurance

Go ahead and get outdoors with Foremost, an endorsed insurance provider for SND bringing you the latest in coverage and safety education discounts! Click here for more information!


Register your snowmobile in North Dakota and sign up for Sled'N Snap at!  All entries are eligible to win a two place aluminum tilt trailer.  Only residents of Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba and North Dakota are eligible to win the trailer prizes.  Residents and non-residents are eligible for North Dakota's prizes.  North Dakota residents can register snowmobiles here. Non North Dakota residents can purchase an Out-of-State Public Trails & Lands Access Permit here.


North Dakota Prizes Include:

  • $100 Cenex Gift Card 
    North Star Coop
  • Cooke City, MT Vacation Package 
    including 2 Night Stay at Super 8 and 4 meals
    donated by 
    Johnson's Sport Center/Bearclaw Sales & Service
  •  3 Scorpion Helmets (1 - M, 2 - XL): from Scorpion EXO
  •  50% off 2 Day - 3 People Guide Trip: from 3C Guiding



  1.  Local clubs can request SND Promotional Bags for events; all request must be received 2 weeks in advance  of the event date
  2. Take a Friend Snowmobiling Contest due March 31st
  3. Sno-Dak News Space & Materials Deadlines for additional issues
     - February 2014: January 1, 2014
    -March 2014: February 1, 2014 
  4. Sno-Dak News Club Special

This message is brought to you by Snowmobile North Dakota and our international partners.