Providing current news on Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska's
government, administrative, and program activities.
- DECEMBER 2016 -
News in this Edition...
  • Second Vice President Will Micklin Provides Testimony to United Nations General Assembly
  • First Vice President Rob Sanderson Jr. - North Pacific Fishery Management Council Update
  • Executive Council Members Attend Listening Session with Trump Native American Coalition and Transition Team
  • Tribe Calls on President Obama to Take Immediate Action to Safeguard the Peaceful Water Protectors at Oceti Sakowin Camp
  • New Online Recruitment and Employment Application
  • Peer to Peer Visit with Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community
  • New Barista Training Program
  • Take Caution When Harvesting Shellfish
  • Women's Support Group
  • Positive Indian Parenting Class
  • Juneau Client Service Informational Fair
  • 2017 Annual Caregivers Workshop
Second Vice President Will Micklin Provides Testimony to United Nations General Assembly
Second Vice President (VP) Will Micklin, along with several other tribal representatives from the World Conference of Indigenous Peoples, recently provided testimony to the United Nations (UN) General Assembly on the need for formal recognition and participation of indigenous governments on the UN. Currently, the UN does not recognize indigenous governments. 

“It’s a high priority for indigenous governments to have their elected representatives participate in these venues and add to the record through this enhanced participation,” said 2nd VP Micklin.

The consultation was the first of four consultations called for by the President of the UN General Assembly to exchange views regarding the development of a new status for indigenous governments, including a new UN body to accredit indigenous governing institutions. The UN General Assembly is expected to make a decision on the matter before its current session ends in September 2017.

Video Recorded Testimony:
Video 1 • Video 2 • Video 3
First Vice President Rob Sanderson Jr. - North Pacific Fishery Management Council Update
First Vice President Rob Sanderson Jr. recently provided testimony during the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC) December meeting. VP Sanderson has remained vigilant on the issue of reducing bycatch in the Gulf of Alaska. To read VP Sanderson’s report on the NPFMC meeting which covers bycatch, recreational quota entity, and electronic monitoring for the observer program, click here.

The NPFMC is one of eight regional councils established by the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976 to manage fisheries in the 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone. NPFMC primarily manages groundfish in the Gulf of Alaska, Bering Sea, and Aleutian Islands, targeting cod, pollock, flatfish, mackerel, sablefish, and rockfish species harvested by trawl, longline, jig, and pot gear. The council also makes allocation decisions for halibut in concert with the International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC). 
Executive Council Members Attend Listening Session with Trump Native American Coalition and Transition Team
Second Vice President Will Micklin and Fourth Vice President Jacqueline Pata attended a listening session hosted by the Western Caucus Foundation on December 14th to provide an opportunity for tribal leaders to identify issues important to Alaska Natives and Native Americans for the Trump Administration. Representative Markwayne Mullin, Chair of the Trump Native American Coalition, along with other coalition and transition team members attended the listening session. Representative Mullin facilitated the meeting and is charged with providing the transition team with two to three specific initiatives that can be accomplished within the first 100 days of the Trump Administration. Tribal leaders were given an opportunity to provide key recommendations which were summarized into five areas: infrastructure, education, sovereignty, over regulation, and economic development. Alaska tribes are encouraged to submit their recommendations to the Trump Native American Coalition at [email protected].  

To read the report on key recommendations identified by tribal leaders during the listening session, click here.

Tribe Calls on President Obama to Take Immediate Action to Safeguard the Peaceful Water Protectors at Oceti Sakowin Camp 
In a letter dated December 1st, Central Council called on President Barack Obama to take immediate action to stop the violence and civil rights violations being committed by agents of Dakota Access, LLC and law enforcement agencies against peaceful Water Protectors at the Oceti Sakowin Camp.

“It’s time for the United States to end its history of abuse and human rights violations against this land’s Indigenous peoples,” said President Richard Peterson. “I call on President Obama to take immediate action to end this escalating violence before someone loses their life.” 

Central Council also requested President Obama federalize the North Dakota National Guard to protect the Water Protectors, order the Department of Justice to investigate and, if warranted, prosecute the private security personnel and all law enforcement officers who are violating laws and committing acts of violence against the peaceful Water Protectors, and rescind the Army Corps of Engineers’ order to remove the Water Protectors to a "free speech zone".

To read the full press release, click here.
New Online Recruitment and Employment Application
Central Council’s Human Resources department has transitioned to bambooHR, an online Human Resources Information System. The new system includes a fully-electronic employment application processing system which now makes it easier than ever to apply for positions with Central Council. To apply, visit Central Council's Current Job Openings page, select the position you’re interested in, and follow the steps to submit your application! Central Council offers competitive pay, good employee benefits, and the opportunity to join a great team. If you’re looking for a new employment opportunity, please consider applying!

For more information on the employment application process or current job openings, please contact Central Council’s Human Resources department at [email protected] or 907.463.7707. 
Peer to Peer Visit with Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community
A team of Central Council employees recently participated in a two-day peer to peer exchange with the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (Salt River) Social Services department. The peer to peer exchange was sponsored by Casey Family Programs under a five year agreement/partnership with Central Council.

The Salt River tribe was selected for the peer to peer visit for their comprehensive child welfare program. The 80-person Salt River Social Services department handles all aspects of child welfare (i.e. investigates reports of harm on tribal children, provides intensive in-home services to children and families, place children into foster care, and licenses and manages tribal foster homes). In addition to social services, Salt River provides a multitude of services to their community funded through tribal revenue.

As the Tribal Family and Youth Services department continues to build their Child Welfare program and partner with the Tribal Court on transferring cases from the State of Alaska, the peer exchange provided an important opportunity to learn how other tribes are providing an all-inclusive program to provide an array of services to their tribal citizens.

S erving children and families and the need for collaboration between programs was the important message received and the common thread of all presentations provided during the visit. The Salt River Social Services department has developed close relationships between the local police and fire department, behavioral health staff, schools, tribal court, and many others in order to ensure the safety of all their tribal children.
New Barista Training Program
Central Council’s Vocational Training & Resource Center is pleased to announce its new Barista training program! The training program begins January 9th and is also available via distance education. Each lesson includes video, audio, and/or animation and ends with a quiz to check for retention in preparation for the final certification exam. Students will also be introduced to point of sale (POS) and inventory management and learn soft skills such as customer service, interpersonal and business communications, work discipline, working in teams, and problem solving and critical thinking.

Upon completion of the training program, students will receive a certificate of completion, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Food Service Card (available only to students who complete the in-person training), and refresher quick tips available via email or smartphone.

Register Now:

Take Caution When Harvesting Shellfish 
Elevated levels of Paralytic Shellfish toxins have been discovered recently in various communities throughout Southeast Alaska. Central Council wants to take this time to remind tribal citizens to be cautious when harvesting shellfish and make sure to visit the Southeast Alaska Tribal Ocean Research’s (SEATOR) website or Facebook page for the latest shellfish biotoxin reports. 

Central Council’s Native Lands & Resources department along with other partners, otherwise known as the Southeast Alaska Tribal Toxins (SEATT) network, have been monitoring phytoplankton activities throughout Southeast Alaska in an effort to increase communication on findings related to shellfish toxins, harmful algal blooms, and ocean acidification. 

The SEATT network was formed in September 2013 to coordinate Southeast Alaskan Tribal responses to the threat of toxic shellfish and harmful algal blooms (HABs). Each SEATT partner monitors phytoplankton activity at one or more local sites, collects and filters water samples to analyze for cellular toxins, records environmental parameters, and collects shellfish for testing for toxins that could cause Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP). 

To learn about harvesting shellfish safely, please watch the Safe Shellfish video.
Women's Support Group
Dates:   Tuesdays (January 3 - March 21, 2017)
Time: 6 - 8 PM 
Location: Andrew Hope Building (Juneau, AK)   

The Women’s Support Group is sponsored by Central Council’s Tribal Family and Youth Services department. The 12-week program uses a culturally-based approach to help women learn how to be accountable for their anger, deal with stress, communicate their needs, and listen to the needs of others. The support group integrates Western therapies with traditional Native American spiritual healing practices and traditional tribal teachings and values.

For more information, please contact Margaret Katzeek at 800.344.1432, 907.463.7336, or [email protected].
Positive Indian Parenting Class
Dates: Wednesdays (January 4 - March 8, 2017)
Time: 5 - 7 PM 
Location: Andrew Hope Building (Juneau, AK)    

The Tribal Family & Youth Services department is pleased to offer their next round of Positive Indian Parenting classes. This 10-week program is for parents interested in learning the values expressed in traditional Native American child-rearing practices and how to apply them to modern-day parenting.

All Alaska Native and American Indian parents are welcome to attend. Dinner is provided and door prize drawings will be held on the last day of class!

For more information, please contact Tribal Family & Youth Services at 800.344.1432 or 907.463.7360.
Juneau Client Service Informational Fair
Date: January 14, 2017
Time: 10 AM - 2 PM 
Location: Juneau T&H Community Council Building (Juneau, AK)  

Mark your calendars! Central Council will be holding a Client Service Informational Fair at the Juneau Tlingit & Haida Community Council building on January 14th. The fair is an opportunity for tribal citizens to learn about Central Council’s programs and services, eligibility requirements, ask questions, and receive a new Tribal ID card.

For more information on the fair, please contact the Program Compliance department at 1.800.344.1432, 907.463.7143, or [email protected]

2017 Annual Caregivers Workshop
The Tribal Family & Youth Services department is pleased to host the 2017 Annual Caregivers Workshop on January 26, 2017. Don’t miss out - this well attended event will offer valuable resources for elders, family members, and caregivers (i.e. spouse, sons, daughters, grandchildren, or friend).

Agenda Topics:
Health Education • Falls Prevention • Alzheimer’s Resources

  Our Mission
“Preserving our sovereignty, enhancing our economic and cultural resources, and promoting self-sufficiency and self-governance for our citizens through collaboration, service, and advocacy.”