Saint Luke's Episcopal Church

Scituate, Massachusetts

 Mission Tidings
 Dec. 2017
In This Issue
From your Bridge Priest

"The Advent Season Is a Season of Waiting"
Jesus stands at the door knocking (Rev. 3:20). In total reality, he comes in the form of the beggar, of the dissolute human child in ragged clothes, asking for help. He confronts you in every person that you meet. As long as there are people, Christ will walk the earth as your neighbor, as the one through whom God calls you, speaks to you, makes demands on you. That is the great seriousness and great blessedness of the Advent message. Christ is standing at the door; he lives in the form of a human being among us. Do you want to close the door or open it?...

Christ is knocking. It's still not Christmas, but it's also still not the great last Advent, the last coming of Christ.  Through all the Advents of our life that we celebrate runs the longing for the last Advent, when the word will be: "See, I am making all things new" (Rev. 21:5)

The Advent season is a season of waiting, but our whole life is an Advent season, that is, a season of waiting for the last Advent, for the time when there will be a new heaven and earth.
(excerpts from God is in the Manger by Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

This Sunday we enter the 4 week period of waiting before the great feast of Christmas.   As Dietrich Bonhoeffer said in his book, God is in the Manger/Reflections on Advent and Christmas, "our whole life is a season of waiting".   For all of you at St. Luke's this is also a time of waiting for another reason.   You are waiting to find out who your next priest-in-charge will be.   Waiting can cause many emotions: excitement, anxiety, hope, fear, for instance.     I pray that each of you will spend this time of waiting in an intentionally prayerful and hopeful way.   Let us each pray during Advent that our hearts will be prepared to greet the Christ Child - with hope and great joy.   Pray for the Vestry as they begin the process of interviewing the candidates.   Pray also for the priest who will eventually be selected to be your next priest.   May your waiting be filled with hope and excitement for the future here at St. Luke's.
In peace, Mother Billie+  
Mini Fair- After Services This Sunday
Come to browse, come to buy...unique gifts, handcrafted ornaments, yummy jams and much more!
Calling All Child Stars
Christmas Pageant Nativity
The Christmas Pageant is looking for a few good Angels and Shepherds.  Also seeking a few sheep and cows.  Only one rehearsal and one performance - what could be easier?  Rehearsal Saturday, December 16, from 9:30 to 11 and performance on December 17 at the 10 o'clock service.  Questions?  Ask Deb Carleton at [email protected].  It's going to be fun!  Don't miss out.
Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's grief.
Do justly now.
Love mercy now.
Walk humbly now.
You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.
Jewish Voice for Justice, posted on Facebook, 11/14/17
Church School Reaching Out
Remember the Coat Drive: We will be collecting new and gently used coats and jackets through December. This week we delivered over 100 coats to Father Bill's & Mainstream in Brockton. They had lots of socks and blankets, but no coats. Coats were on top of their wish list! Thanks to each of you who contributed!
December 3- Regular Classes.
December 10- Regular Classes.
December 17- Christmas Pageant
December 24- No Church School. Merry Christmas!
December 31- No Church School. Happy New Year!
Our wonderful staff: Adrienne Wood, Madi Parker, Fred Wescott, Shey O'Grady, Richie Gilligan, Gayle Beaudoin, Paula Rooney, Paul Antenore, Sylvia Davis, Debbie Carlino.
Rest in Peace: George Wilhelms, Jr.        
"Rest eternal grant to him, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon him."   

We have just learned of the passing of Joyce Barthold's father, George Wilhelms, Jr. on Sunday, November 26th.
Details will be forthcoming about a local memorial service.
All Parish Potluck Dinner- Dec. 10th, 5 pm   
Join Rev. Billie Mae and the Vestry for an all-parish potluck dinner in Dutton Hall.
Bring a dish to share, enjoy fellowship and share memories of St. Luke's  through the years as noted on our Timeline.
Those with last names A-M are asked to bring a main course or appetizer, last names N-Z, please bring a dessert. Sign up sheets are in the Narthex. Please let us know if you need a ride.  Hope to see you there!
Christmas Flowers 
Would you like to remember a loved one in a special way this Christmas?
Please look for the Christmas Flower envelopes in the pews...simply note your dedication and return the envelope with your donation before December 20th.
Stewardship-   Building the Bridge
If you have pledged--Thank you!
If you have not pledged, please consider making a pledge at this very important time for Saint Luke's.
Comfort and Joy: December 20th  
let your light shine
On December the 20th, Comfort and Joy: A Service for the Longest Night of the Year (formerly Blue Christmas) will be held at First Parish, Unitarian Universalist Church - Scituate at 7 PM.   This service is offered by the Scituate Clergy.   All are invited to attend - but especially those who may be grieving.
No Community Dinner in December
There will be no Community Dinner offered this month as it falls on Christmas Eve. Best wishes to all for a Blessed Christmas!
Greening of the Church- Dec. 22nd
Please join the Altar Guild on Friday, Dec. 22nd at 10 a.m. as we decorate the church for Christmas. All are welcome including those with sturdy backs and strong arms. Cut greens are most appreciated!
Christmas Services 
Christmas Services
December 24th :
Last Sunday of Advent- 9 AM
Christmas Eve: 4 PM, Family service, Holy Eucharist
9 PM, Choral Festal Eucharist, candlelit
Christmas Day: 10 AM, Holy Eucharist, no music.
Volunteers needed for all services. LEMs, Lectors, Ushers (at 4 pm only). Please consider helping at the service you plan to attend.
I had no response from my previous article offering to do training for ushers, lay readers, and acolytes.   If you are interested, speak with me and I will set up a time with you.     There will be an official diocesan training of Lay Eucharistic Ministers in the late winter-early spring.   Thank you, Mother Billie+