Philadelphia Chapter Newsletter  
Act quickly to sign up for DECEMBER EVENTS!
* New Event 

Phyllis Barsky
Jill Braid
Linda Diamond
Ellen Lorch
Jeanne Speice
Jeanne Vissa

WELCOME Orientation  

  2:30 PM  Center City

See a friend's name on the list?  Contact them via


Looking for a different way to get more involved in TTN?

Informal roles include leading/participating on committees, special projects or segments of work for Steering Committee functions.

Formally, assume a role on the TTN Steering Committee or one of our individual Committees:
Membership, Events, Programs, Giving Circle, Peer Groups, Marketing, SIGs, Volunteers, etc. 

Love making new connections with a terrific group of women and feeling like your'e part of something bigger than yourself?

Learn more:
Jane Siegel at:
Donna Root at:

Peer Groups are small groups where TTN women connect - face to face - to explore what's next together.

Questions?  Contact Marcia Goldstein at

Look at our up-to-date
Events Calendar to see what's coming up.

For Member-only events, you must be logged into your TTN account.
Find complete list of SIGs and let us know ideas for new groups.

Do you know about TTN's 
"Help Insurance"?


Promote your product or service to TTN members. 

Our community of incredibly accomplished women may have exactly what you are looking for.


*The Transition Network - National


*TTN Mission Statement and Core Values


*TTN Resource Center 


*Contact Us

Dear Philadelphia Chapter Members and Guests,

It's been a year of transition for the Philadelphia Chapter.   A dedicated team of women, the Chapter Steering Committee, has always been committed to our success. During the past 12 months, our Steering Committee saw many changes.

We said goodbye to wonderful leaders, some of whom were founding members of the chapter:  Mary Klein
(Giving Circle), Margie Cole  (Membership), Joan Applegate (Transition Peer Groups), Chrissa Merron (Leadership Engagement), Alice Milrod (Special Interest Groups) and Jean Brubaker (Events).  All have been instrumental in building and guiding our Chapter to its current success.

And we've welcomed new Steering Committee members:   Susan Vineberg (Giving Circle), Donna Root (Membership), Marcia Goldstein (Transition Peer Groups), Jane Siegel (Leadership Engagement), Joanne Bowes (Special Interest Groups),  Marion Blow (Events) and Marsha Yankelev (Programs).  During this leadership transition, the Steering Committee has continued to deliver quality activities and connections to you, our members.

And our Chapter continues to grow and thrive. To meet the challenge of our growing membership (more than 350 in Philadelphia!) and expanding activities and opportunities, we have redesigned our Chapter leadership team, including more activities for our members and support for our expanded offerings. Click here to see the new Steering Committee design.

As you know, our Chapter leaders are all member volunteers who commit time, effort and energy to provide all our wonderful activities.

This expansion provides many opportunities for more members to become involved in chapter leadership, making even closer connections and having an impact on our chapter.

We look forward to hearing from you, what you like most about our programs, what more can we do, how you would like to become more involved. We are all "stock holders" in our chapter, working together to experience the services and the community we create.

Early in 2018, we will share our Chapter objectives. This will be our Chapter's 10 year anniversary!  Watch for our celebration in the coming year.

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and joyous Holiday Season!

Warm Regards,
Chair, TTN Philadelphia    

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Peer Groups:  A Welcome Seat at the Table
This story speaks to what makes our Peer Groups so special.

Our Peer Group meeting was about to get started. As always, there was a lot of energy in the room as the facilitator tried to get the check-in going. A member said, "Before we start I really want to give someone a shout out. A member of our group did something that had a real impact on me."

In September I signed up for the trip to the African American Museum in DC.  I didn't yet know too many people in TTN.  I was not on the bus with everyone as I was coming from a trip to Maryland. There were some familiar faces when I arrived but I got my ticket and ended up touring the museum on my own.

And then it was time for lunch. As I approached the cafeteria I felt that pit of the stomach feeling so many of us remember from Middle School. The same thoughts ran through my mind... "Who will I sit with? Will I end up sitting alone? Will anyone notice?" And then I heard a voice call my name and someone came rushing over. "There you are. We were looking for you. We couldn't find you but saved you a seat at our table."

I had only been to a few peer group meetings but this woman was looking out for me. We were not yet friends but we belonged to the same community within the bigger TTN community. Her actions spoke to the connectivity that I feel growing each month within our group. A shout out to her and to all we are becoming as a group.

And then the group got underway... 
Reminder To Scroll Down To End Of Newsletter

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Giving Circle Exceeds Goal for 2017
Mary Klein with Vo-Tech Interns
The TTN Philadelphia Giving Circle is completing its fifth year on a high note. This year we increased our grant from $15,000 to $20,000. Through the generosity of our members, we exceeded that goal and will be able to make an even larger grant in 2018. Your tax deductible donation made before December 31st will help us make 2018 an even greater year.

Despite this growth, many TTN members are still not aware of our Giving Circle. First and foremost, we are committed to improving the lives of the women and children in the Greater Philadelphia area. We come together, pool our resources and make a joint decision about where to donate our money.  In the process we learn about the many pressing needs in our community and meet the dedicated and talented people who are working to address them. Our 2017 grant was a Win/Win for Philly women young and old. We gave $15,000 to Rebuilding Together Philadelphia's VoTech in the House! Our funds supported free health and safety repairs for low income senior women home owners, enabling them to age in place. And the icing on the cake? The repairs provided real life work experience for Philadelphia VoTech students, many of whom were girls!

We encourage all TTN members and their friends to join the Giving Circle. A donation of $200 is required to become a voting member and have YOUR choice be heard. If you are interested in becoming a voting member or in simply making a donation of any amount you choose, click HERE and follow the instructions for making your online or mail-in contributions via the Philadelphia Foundation.  

To learn more about the Giving Circle, contact Susan Vineberg at

Give Together To Make A Difference!
SIG Corner:  Look What We've Been Up to Lately
TTN members are jumping into Fall with lots of activities in our SIGs.  Several SIGs have been so successful we're adding new groups to accommodate as many TTN members as possible. Take a look at what some of our SIGs have been up to lately.  Come join us! 

The Grateful Veg, a Special Interest Group (SIG) devoted to working towards a plant-based diet, toured Mom's Organic Market in Center City. The group received an education about organic produce and products and couldn't resist purchasing items after the tour.

The group's future plans include a Pot Luck dinner in January, a talk on how to shop at the Asian markets in Center City and a group sharing of holiday recipes. For information on joining The Grateful Veg, please contact Cindy Benamy at

The Art Appreciation SIG had a fantastic time vising the studio of Junk Sculptor, Leo Sewell. Leo is originally from Annapolis, MD and has lived and created art in Philadelphia since 1974. He remembers delighting in finding objects in nature as a child and this sensibility informs his "Found Object" art today.

While this Art Appreciation SIG is At Capacity, a new group is forming.  The organizational meeting will be held on December 7th at 2PM at the home of SIG Chair, Joanne Bowes. Carol Greco, the SIG Lead of the existing SIG, will share her experience on getting started. If you'd like to attend, please contact Joanne at for more information.

Find out what other SIGs have been up to: Click Here. 

Caring Collaborative Needs Your Help

For the past two years, Caring Collaborative (CC) members have shared doctor recommendations, personal experience with various medical procedures and done a bit of hand-holding when test results were not as expected.

Members make requests through the CC's dedicated email and these requests are forwarded to all members. The email box is checked on a daily basis. It is not time-consuming, yet a very important role since it is how CC connections are made.

We now need someone to take over this volunteer responsibility so that this aspect of the CC can continue to function. Over the past two years, we have averaged only three requests a month. The mailbox can be checked from anywhere.

Our Chapter has over 85 members of the Caring Collaborative so the service is clearly valued by our members. What a great way to support the Chapter and allow us to continue to offer this important service by making a small commitment of your time.

If you would be willing to take on this 
role, please contact Jane Siegel at .  

We hope to hear from you!

Programs Update:  Live Your Legacy Workshop 
This is a great way to end the year and jump-start 2018!

Who am I meant to be now?   At this point in your life, what do you care about? What brings you joy? What values do you want to model? How can you pass on these values and engage children, grandchildren, and friends?  

Join us for a stimulating and interactive presentation with Barbara Shaiman where you will be given assessment tools, strategies and reflection guides to help you take action and create projects for personal growth and social change, and add more meaning and purpose to your life.  

Thursday, December 7, 2pm - 4pm, Center City.  Click HERE for more information and to register.   
Events 2017 Montage - Come Join Us in 2018!