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Executive Director Report
HO ! HO ! HO !

Christmas in Mississippi is looking beautiful. Neeley and I have been traveling around the state the last few weeks – we might not have snow – but we sure have Christmas cheer with all the lights and decorations. I don’t think I have ever seen our State more festive, from our State Governor’s Mansion to the historical fire station in Mount Olive. 

Keep Mississippi Beautiful Board of Directors, Neeley and myself want to WISH everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 

You “litter bugs” out there – the Elves are watching……………..

2018 Keep America Beautiful's
President Circle Recipients
KMB's Board of Directors December Meeting
December 6, KMB hosted our December Board of Directors meeting with Sue Smith, National Trainer from Keep America Beautiful, who conducted board training.

At this meeting, we thanked Stephanie Hutchins for her dedication and service that she has given to KMB for over 20 years. Stephanie has been recognized not only from Keep America Beautiful being a Lady Bird Johnson Award winner, but also receiving the Pat Fordice award and others as well from Keep Mississippi Beautiful. Stephanie has been a loyal volunteer and Keep Mississippi Beautiful will miss her and always will welcome her at any time to all KMB functions.
Byram and Mount Olive to Become Affiliates
We are so thrilled to have the city of Byram and Mount Olive working to join our affiliate network. December 6 and 7, Keep America Beautiful National Trainer, Sue Smith, conducted Community Trainings which is the first of two trainings that is required to become a certified Keep America Beautiful affiliate.

Sue has left these communities with "homework" and will be back in April to officially certify them where we will welcome them to our Keep Mississippi Beautiful /
Keep America Beautiful network.

Help Us, Help You
Keep Mississippi Beautiful is now enrolled in the Kroger Community Rewards Program!

If you have a Kroger Plus Card, please help us earn rewards by registering online. If you do not, Plus cards are available at the customer service desk at any Kroger.

  • Sign into your kroger.com account
  • Scroll to the very bottom and click "Kroger Community Rewards" under the Community tab
  • Enroll to help Keep Mississippi Beautiful- GJ773

It does not cost any extra to enroll to support us. Kroger will donate a percentage of your grocery bill to help us clean and green Mississippi!

Please share this information with your board members, volunteers, friends and family!
Keep America Beautiful will host its 2019 National Conference at the  Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel, from Feb. 6-8, 2019.

Keep America Beautiful's National Conference is the premier annual educational, training and networking forum presented for the benefit of our National Affiliate Network, partners and sponsor organizations. The Conference empowers affiliates to strengthen and grow more successful programs at the state and local level and offers a unique opportunity for participants to expand their knowledge base, share their challenges and successes as well as network with their peers from across the country.

Meet our New Affiliate Directors
We are excited to introduce you to a few new faces in our Affiliate Network! These ladies are excited to get to work to make their communities a more beautiful place to live!

Keep Pearl Beautiful:
Stacy Chadic

Keep Natchez/Adams Co. Beautiful:
Anita Smith

Keep Picayune Beautiful:
Christy Goss

Keep Brookhaven-Lincoln Co. Beautiful:
Katie Nations

Thank you to Sue Smith for sharing Keep America Beautiful's tools to help them along the way!
Keep America Beautiful/Coca-Cola Public Spaces Recycling Bin Grant Program
Deadline: December 30, 2018

The Keep America Beautiful/Coca-Cola Public Spaces Recycling Bin Grant Program is designed to increase access to recycling in community public spaces across America. The 2018 program will distribute 4,500 recycling bins in public space locations ranging from athletic fields to fairs and festivals to downtown streetscapes and playgrounds and other on-the-go settings. Grant applications will be available online through Dec. 30 (11:59 p.m. EST), 2018.

For more information and to apply,  click here

Keep America Beautiful's Hefty EnergyBag Grants
Deadline: Jan. 31, 2019
The Dow Chemical Company  is again teaming up with Keep America Beautiful to award up to $100,000 in grants for organizations to establish  Hefty ®  EnergyBag ®  programs in their communities. The Hefty ® EnergyBag ®  program, led by Dow and Reynolds Consumer Products, offers an innovative approach to diverting hard-to-recycle plastics.

The  grant application  is open to municipalities, nonprofits, materials recovery facilities and other qualifying organizations through Jan. 31, 2019. Dow will equip grant recipients with a framework for developing a successful program in their communities, and will facilitate planning, implementation and measurement. Recipients will manage their local programs and solicit involvement from key community stakeholders. Dow and Keep America Beautiful will host two one-hour webinars on  Nov. 7  and  Dec. 12  to review the application process and describe how they will evaluate grant applications.

Stand for the Land Cigarette Receptacles
Rolling Deadline
Keep America Beautiful affiliates and partner organizations have an opportunity to participate in a Philip Morris USA initiative to place 10,000 litter stands to collect cigarette butts in communities nationwide and educate adult smokers 21+ on the importance of disposing of their cigarette butts properly. 

Adult smokers are being given the opportunity to enter locations (city and zip code) on a map to indicate where they would like to see a litter stand installed. As stands are placed, an interactive map populates featuring local stories and showing locations that have been selected.

Keep America Beautiful and Philip Morris USA request your help in finding locations to place litter stands to provide opportunities for adult smokers to dispose of their cigarette butts properly. Keep America Beautiful Affiliates are able to request free litter stands (with no shipping cost to you) by emailing [email protected] .

  • Install the litter stand(s) in an accessible place (e.g., outside entrance to retail location, or transition point where adult smokers commonly dispose of cigarette butts). Hardware is included to mount each receptacle.
  • Maintain litter stand(s) (e.g., regularly empty cigarette butts into garbage).
  • Share the GPS coordinates of each litter stand's location with KAB to include on the interactive map. GPS coordinates can be identified in several ways:
  • Enter the litter stand location/address into https://www.latlong.net/ and record coordinates.
  • Using Google Maps, right-click the place on the map. Select "What's Here?". At the bottom of the map, a card with coordinates will appear.

Keep America Beautiful's Community Restoration and Resiliency Fund 
Rolling Deadline 
Keep America Beautiful's Community Restoration and Resiliency Fund benefits Keep America Beautiful Affiliates that serve communities directly affected by natural and environmental disasters. The fund provides immediate and long-term support for initial and ongoing cleanup efforts and helps rebuild vital public spaces: parks, greenways, community gateways, Main Street/downtown areas, open spaces and more. 

KMB now accepting Affiliate's 2019 Great American Cleanup State-Wide Kick Off Proposals
Keep Mississippi Beautiful is asking Mississippi Affiliates to submit proposals for our 2019 Great American Cleanup State-Wide Kick off event.

In the proposal, please include proposed date for kickoff event, project plans, partnership/sponsors/donations, plans for volunteers, itemized budget, and photos of what is currently there.

Proposals are due by Monday, January 7, 2019! 
Mississippi Coastal Cleanup
Our friends from Mississippi Coastal Cleanup had over 2,649 volunteers removed trash from Mississippi’s coastline, waterways and barrier islands as part of their cleanup event on Saturday, October 20. Spanning across Mississippi's coastal counties – Jackson, Harrison and Hancock – there were over 30 cleanup sites for volunteers to easily join the cleanup effort, covering over 50 miles of Southern Mississippi’s beautiful coastal region. Throughout the cleanup, volunteers filled 1,059 bags with trash resulting in an astounding 20,756 pounds! Check out this info-graphic of the Top 10 Trash Items collected!
Future Dates:
Feb. 6-8 Keep America Beautiful Conference- Baltimore, MD
Feb. 27 KMB Legislative Day
Apr. 25 KMB Annual Awards, Country Club of Jackson