DECEMBER 2018 Newsletter
When people partner with COMP ACT ministries, it is a pure act that is genuinely caring for orphans in distress! They are demonstrating COMPassionate ACTion!

James 1:27 says, Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.” [emphasis mine]

COMP ACT ministries like Hillcrest Children’s Home, Highlands Maternity Home & Adoption Placement Services and Foster Care Placement Services are ministries that not only advocate for or do good deeds for orphans, these ministries truly “care for orphans” 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year! This ministry started doing this in 1944 and has continued without an hour of closure ever since! YOU MAKE THAT HAPPEN!!!! 

Some have suggested that foster children, children of the imprisoned, or children of neglectful parents are not true orphans. They are mistakenly interpreting verses like James 1:27 by applying modern 21 st Century meanings to 1 st Century words.  Orphans in the Bible were simply without parents or abandoned. It didn’t necessarily mean that their parents were dead. Even if one wanted to say that an orphan is only one whose parents are not living, missing parents of children leaves them nonetheless functionally orphaned . 

Furthermore, what if you were not just orphaned, but you were severely abused or traumatized? You would not just be a vulnerable child; you would be among the most distressed children in your world.

Good friends of COMP ACT give faithfully every month to this care-giving ministry; sometimes giving special gifts for special occasions and projects. WE ARE SO THANKFUL FOR THEIR GENEROSITY AND CHOOSING OF THIS MINISTRY! We depend on such giving to operate.

The COMP ACT ministry team and volunteers faithfully represent Christ through partnered offerings to bring outstanding COMPassionate ACTion to these children.

If you have not already done so, please consider partnering with us through prayer and giving this Christmas season or as an END OF THE YEAR GIFT!  CLICK HERE TO GIVE! Help us bring the love of Jesus Christ to these precious children!  THANK YOU FOR YOUR PARTNERSHIP!

On behalf of your partners in ministry for children,

Jay Mooney
Executive Director
End of Year Giving
End of Year Giving
As the calendar year-end approaches, we want to express our deep, heartfelt thanksgiving for the financial support of our sponsors and partners this year! Thank you for your faithfulness to this effective and longstanding Assemblies of God ministry. We are your Assemblies of God national child welfare agency. We are donor-dependent. Without faithful supporters to this ministry the fatherless children and youth in our trust may not know the redeeming love of Jesus Christ.
It is important to note that 2018 donations must be dated and postmarked by December 31, 2018 for the gift to qualify as a 2018 tax deductible gift.

Perhaps the LORD has blessed you again and you are considering a year-end gift to a deserving compassion ministry. PLEASE REMEMBER the ministries of Assemblies of God COMPACT Family Services:
  • Hillcrest Children's Home
  • Highlands Maternity Home
  • COMPACT Foster Care
  • CompaCare

If you would like to send a tax deductible gift for 2018, you can click below to give securely online or mail a check to:

COMPACT Family Services
2325 Malvern Ave
Hot Springs, AR 71901
Thank You!

Christmas season at COMPACT is one of the happiest ones around. We love seeing incredible donors give out of compassion for our ministry and the children and youth we serve. Your compassion and love is overwhelming. Every single resident is getting an abundance of gifts this year. But more importantly, they are being shown and told the story of Christ over and over again this year.

On behalf of our residents, we want to shout THANK YOU to everyone who has given to this Christmas season and to those of you who have kept our residents in your prayers throughout the year.
Upcoming Birthdays
Birthdays are a big deal to our residents here at COMPACT. Sometimes we get to throw a child their first birthday party ever. Sometimes it is hard to spend a birthday apart from their biological family. Below is a list of upcoming birthdays on our campus. Please consider sending a card of encouragement to uplift and brighten a child's birthday.
Tyler* - 20 - Male
Belle* - 8 - Female
Jay* - 14 - Male

Rodgers* - 11 - Male
Lisa* - 16 - Female
Larry* - 16 - Male

*In order to protect the identity of our residents, the names listed above are pen names. Pen names reflect actual children on our campus and have been chosen by each resident when they come to COMPACT.
Assemblies of God Family Services dba COMPACT®