December 2020
Social Gatherings and Organized Public Gatherings 
No indoor organized public events or social gatherings are allowed except with members of the same household. Individuals who live alone, including seniors, may consider having close contact with one other person. Outdoor organized public events or social gatherings are limited to a maximum of 10 people. [more…] 

Mandatory Mask By-Law 
Non-medical masks or face coverings are required in all indoor public spaces in Brampton and while standing in line outdoors. [more…] 

Snow Safety 
Winter weather is upon us! Our team works around the clock to ensure we are prepared to clear roads, City-owned sidewalks, transit stops, school crossings, and recreational trails so that residents can safely get to where they are going. See what roads and sidewalks have been cleared using the City’s Plow Tracker on, and new this year, on the 311 mobile app. [more…] 

Holiday Fire Safety 
Brampton Fire & Emergency Services would like you to keep fire and electrical safety on your mind this holiday season. Learn more about how to stay safe. [more…] 
Support Local 
The impacts of COVID-19 have been deeply felt by us all, and especially by our local businesses. Please support local whenever you can, to help our businesses and economy recover. [more...]

Task Force
The City continues to support residents through this pandemic with their four support task forces: Economic SupportSocial SupportSeniors SupportYouth Support. These task forces help provide all available resources that will help residents and businesses. [more...]  

City Hall and Corporate Facilities 
City Hall and corporate facilities remain open for in-person services by appointment only. Walk-ins are not permitted. [more...]

Curbside Pickup
When using curbside pickup – offered by local businesses, the Brampton Library, grocery and others, be sure to follow protocols for safe interactions of maintaining physical distancing from others and wear a mask/face covering. Remember to wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer when not possible to wash.
Recreation Facilities  
All City recreation facilities are closed to the public. Recreation at Home, a virtual programming hub, features a variety of video and printable tutorials to keep Bramptonians active, engaged and entertained. [more…] 

Winter Amenities
Bundle up for a safe and healthy visit to Winter Wonderland - an exciting winter full of outdoor activities, including new ice rinks, recreational trails, and more. Staying active is essential to our health and wellbeing and the City is offering many options for residents to enjoy safe, open air activities during the winter months while maintaining physical distancing. [more…] 

Events and Festivals Update
All in-person public events and performances hosted by the City have been cancelled but you can enjoy the holidays via Virtual Events and Live from the Rose Performances

Mental Health Resources  
Your mental health matters. A list of mental health resources is available for youth and all ages. [more…] 
COVID-19 Updates 
Stay up-to-date on the City's response to COVID-19. [more…] 

Community Resources 
The City of Brampton has created a hub for community resources that residents can access. [more…] 

Stay Engaged 
Learn about important City initiatives and share your feedback. Help us build the Brampton that you are proud to call home. Join the conversation and have your say! [more…] 

Keeping You Informed
Read the latest media releases about COVID-19 here.
Updates are also available in French, Punjabi, Urdu, Gujarati, Hindi, Tamil, Spanish, Portuguese, Tagalog, Italian and Vietnamese [more...]
As part of its commitment to being an open and accessible government, the City of Brampton encourages public participation in its decision-making process. For a full schedule of this month's public meetings, visit our website. [more...] 
Let's Connect
The City of Brampton offers a variety of ways for residents to stay up-to-date on news, events, programs and services.