Monthly Roundtable
Items for the Roundtable are to be emailed to [email protected] by the 20th of each month. 
December 2020

 Spotlight on 20 years of Sustainability at the...

Twenty years ago, in the very early morning hours, a young teenage girl on a trip with her church group knocked on the hotel room door of her chaperones asking for help. She was crying and shaking as she told the story of her friends, boyfriend and classmates pressuring her to use drugs and alcohol. She was concerned that she would lose all of them if she did not participate.

The next night, the chaperones listened to other members of the group share that her story was common in the school district - peers were using drugs and alcohol and you could not be "in with the popular kids" unless you did the same. The adults could not believe things were so bad in this small, rural community.

To develop a plan to support youth, additional conversations were held and led to a public meeting of over 150 people in November 2000 where the Valley Community Coalition was established. The Coalition received grant funding through the Drug Free Communities Support Grant from 2002 - 2012.

As part of the sustainability plan, Coalition members formed a transition team which worked to identify areas of focus to continue with the end of DFC and state mentoring grants. A fund development team was created and fundraising events like the SODA Basket Auction and Turkey River Classic Golf Tournament and Charity Event were continued.

Then in the summer of 2015, to align with the whole-grade sharing partnership of Valley and North Fayette Districts, the North Fayette Valley Community Coalition (NFVCC) was established to serve the almost 1,100 students of the NFV School District. The subgroups of the Coalition were identified as Mentoring, Youth Leadership Initiative, Parent Support, and Community Education.

After moving for the third time since the end of DFC funding, the decision was made to find a more permanent office and youth center space. Fundraising began and less than one year, we raised $125,000 and secured a low interest USDA to cover the cost of building the NFVCC Youth Family Learning (YFL) Center. The school provided a lot on the school grounds for construction and ongoing monthly pledges and rental fees help us pay our overhead and mortgage payments. The YFL Center was opened in October 2016.

The NFVCC is now in year three of a new DFC Support Grant and this has afforded the NFVCC the opportunity to reassess the climate of substance use in our communities. Our Coalition has worked to reduce underage drinking and nicotine use as well as increasing the perception of harm regarding marijuana products.
In addition to the action plan for the DFC, we have created action plans for every subgroup of the Coalition and with a new strategic plan, we have the unified and defined document that keeps all projects, regardless of funding streams, on task.

Our success is due to our community support and funding provided through annual fundraisers, annual appeals, personal donations, foundation grants, County funding, and partner funding through shared activities and mission.
We believe there are some keys to our success:
  • Regularly reviewed what was important - what do we have as an opportunity to grow? Where are changes needed?
  • Maintain strong partnerships with those that share our mission
  • Constantly recruit new members
  • Have an action plan and goals for anything you sustain - the structure is important to be able to share what you do with others
  • Develop and maintain the strategic plan - what is the goal?  This also helps with grants - you already have the mission and vision identified. Find the funding that fits that.
Our membership has ebbed and flowed, but having clearly defined goals and the documents that provide our coalition with structure has established how we conduct our work and recruit new members. It has not always been fun, but it has meant progress for the NFVCC as we work to fulfil our mission "to promote and support the health and well being of youth in the NFV community" for the past 20 years.

Great job, Stacie Schroeder, and the NFVCC Coalition! For more information, contact Stacie HERE


Legislative Virtual Learning Event on Marijuana- Tuesday, January 26, 7 p.m.

More information coming soon! 


Watch for questionable
marijuana-related advertising

AC4C has decided to collect any questionable marijuana-related advertising we see in Iowa whether it is on social media platforms, received in the mail, by email, signage, radio, TV, newsprint, etc.  Part of our action plan had been to find effective examples from other states of advertisement regulations. We have had difficulty in finding any good policy examples so we decided we would eventually try to develop some best practice advertisement regulations wording. The first step is to assess what advertisement is happening in Iowa already. Below are some examples members have shared. If you see something that you question, please share it HERE.  


Would you like to attend the CADCA National Leadership Virtual Forum?

If you are interested in attending the CADCA Leadership Virtual Forum Feb. 1-4,  but do not have the resources, please contact Jennifer by Dec. 21 so we can get the early bird discount for you.  We have funding to pay for a few members so first come, first serve! To learn more about the Forum click  HERE.  We can also schedule a time for attendees to meet with our Federal legislators virtually between Feb. 2-4. Those meetings must be scheduled by Jan. 13. 

Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Day on the Hill, Virtual Press Conference
 Feb. 25, Noon

We are planning a Virtual Press Conference for the same time we had scheduled our Day on the Hill at the Capitol in Des Moines.  A few youth and adults will be presenting their stories related to alcohol use, youth vaping and THC.  You will not want to miss this! 
We have decided to not meet in person for any part of that day, but will be providing a Day on the Hill Toolkit that includes a pre-recorded youth training to use with your youth prior to the press conference.
The press conference will be held live via Zoom, but will also be recorded. We are encouraging youth groups and coalitions to still try to meet with your legislators via Zoom or another virtual meeting platform. Please let us know if you need help locating your local state legislators or setting up a meeting with them. 
Our goal is that all groups have met with their legislators either before or a week after the Press Conference by March 5th and then can report back your success to us about how many attended youth trainings and how many coalitions had meetings with legislators.  Please invite you legislators to the live Press Conference. You will also be able to share the recording with them after. 
Register for the Press Conference HERE. An updated toolkit will be available soon as well

Mark Your Calendars!

Upcoming Events:
  • Retreat dates for the upcoming FY:                           
  • Mar. 10 & 11, 2021 -   Registration is open HERE! (Agenda to come after the new year.)   
  • June 29 & 30, 2021       
  • Sept. 15 & 16, 2021
  • AC4C Day on the Hill- Feb. 25, 2021, Virtual Press Conference at Noon (some info. below)

Resources to Share and Links to check out... 
Members keep up with the latest in the news

Looking for a training



Iowa State Patrol


Iowa Department of Public Health & Your Life Iowa


Partnership for A Healthy Iowa

(formerly PDFI) 


AC4C Board Members
Front - L to R: Jen Stolka, Katya Boltanova, Sandy Rayhons  Back L to R: Kris Rankin, Stacie Schroeder, Sue Greene. Not pictured: Lynne Coleman, Julie Furne, Kristin Frank and newest member, Lorelle Mueting. (Soon hopefully we can get together to get a new group picture.)

Connected Communities.
Effective Coalitions. 
Healthy Iowans. 

Unifying Iowans to reduce youth substance misuse
a state
and community level.

Join an Action Team or Work Group session every month!
Access the action team meetings on Mondays. Login information here
Other Substances Action Team
Next meeting - Jan. 4 @ 9:30am
Marijuana Action Team
Next meeting- Jan. 11 @ 9:30am 

Nicotine Action Team 
Next meeting- Dec 21 and Jan. 18 @ 9:30am 
Alcohol Action Team
Next meeting- Jan. 25 @ 9:30am
(No more December meeting as we met during retreat. Off for the holidays.)

Policy Work Group
4th Wednesday at 2:00 pm usually (December's was held during retreat. January 27 is next one.)
Meeting information can be found here
Click here for meeting minutes

To collaborate with the community and statewide entities to advocate and educate on substance abuse legislation, policies, and related issues.
Marketing and Communications Work Group (currently meeting with Capacity Work group)
Chair: Sue Greene
normally 3rd Monday at 2:00 pm 
To build skills and provide resources to members of AC4C 

Capacity Work Group (currently meeting with Marketing & Communications Group)

normally 3rd Monday at 2:00 pm 
Click here for meeting minutes

Create a network of professionals that have a diverse knowledge, experience and interest.
Medication Disposal Resources

Do you know about RALI Iowa?
Check out this organization and information about their virtual trailer HERE

More resources...

Mid-America Prevention Training Transfer Center (PTTC) recently featured AC4C on their Podcast.  Check it out and their website for training opportunities and other resources to support prevention here in Iowa. 
AC4C | [email protected] |
Alliance of Coalitions for Change
Katya Boltanova, Chair
Jennifer Husmann, Project Director, 319-462-4327 x 202