HUPOST Editor: Michelle Hill and Staff Editor: Amanda Oliveira
December 2020
New Marketing & Membership Committee Chair
We are pleased to welcome Vera Ignjatovic as HUPO's new Marketing and Membership Committee Chair!
The Early Career Researcher Initiative
Young Proteomics Investigators Club Upcoming Webinar - December 3, 2020
Researchers rely on their collaborative skills to drive science forward. For the next webinar of the Young Proteomics Investigators Club (YPIC) of the European Proteomics Association (EuPA), Dr. Jennifer Van Eyk will discuss the "Ins and Outs of collaborative science". Join us on December 3! Read more about the event here, and register here free of charge.
The HUPO Early Career Researcher Initiative welcomes new member:
Emily Hashimoto-Roth
The Early Career Researcher (ECR) initiative would like to welcome Emily Hashimoto-Roth as a new member. Emily will be in charge of raising the visibility of the ECR initiative worldwide. Emily is currently completing her graduate studies at the University of Ottawa under the co-supervision of Dr. Mathieu Lavallée-Adam and Dr. Steffany Bennett. Read more about Emily here...
The Human Proteome Project (HPP)
The microbiota world seen with the eyes of metaproteomics
By:Bruno Tilocca and Paola Roncada, HUPO B/D-HPP Food and Nutrition Team, University Magna Græcia of Catanzaro, Catanzaro, Italy
The animal gastrointestinal tract provides the perfect milieu for hosting the heterogeneous ensemble of microorganisms (bacteria, virus, fungi and protozoa) that are commonly harbored in the intestine. Here, microbiota members establish a complex and intricate network of interconnections among each other and the hosting organism. Recent investigations unveiled the importance of understanding the synergistic interactions between the host and its microbiota, enlightening how the fine orchestration of the gut microbiota composition and activity impact a variety of biochemical and physiological processes that are, in turn, responsible for both beneficial and detrimental health conditions in humans and animals. Read on here...
Highlight from HPP special issue in Journal of Proteome Research
The Human Proteome Project (HPP) Special Issue in Journal of Proteome Research will be published on December 4, 2020 with more than 15 articles and one editorial addressing different issues related to the human proteome. The Guest Editorial team comprising Drs. Young-Ki Paik, Gil Omenn, Lydie Lane, Eric Deutsch, Fernando Corrales, and Chris Overall (Associate Editor) were responsible for this 8th Special Issue. Read more C-HPP updates here...
A 20-year journey with the Human Protein Atlas
On November 19, 2020, Version 20 of the Human Protein Atlas was released, celebrating a 20-year journey into the body, including a new Single Cell Type Atlas, detailed data on the prefrontal cortex, and a new subcompartment of the nucleolus. A webinar summarizing the major updates is available here...
2nd Westlake Symposium for Clinical Mass Spectrometry on December 4, 2020 - Progresses and Perspectives of Mass Spectrometry-based Clinical Proteomics
Co-chairs: Steve Pennington, Fuchu He and Tiannan GUO Supported by Westlake University, CN-HUPO, and HUPO
The rapidly developing field of high throughput mass spectrometry-based proteomics is indispensable for precision medicine, however, its penetration into clinic has yet to prevail. On Friday 4th December the 2nd Westlake Symposium for Clinical Mass Spectrometry on Progresses and Perspectives of Mass Spectrometry-based Clinical Proteomics will gather experts from clinical medicine, proteomics and beyond with a goal of building a comprehensive view of the MS-based clinical proteomics landscape: the current status and the perspective for future development. The Symposium will address technical issues such as high throughput proteomic analysis of clinical specimens from (multi-center) cohort studies and integrative analysis of proteomics data with clinical and other omics data. Find out more here...
Proteomics/Proteogenomics Postdoc Position available immediately in New York City (Roehrl Lab at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center)
Disclaimer. HUPOST provides general information for subscribers. Submissions are welcomed from HUPO members. Articles are to be submitted to HUPO office by 20th of each month (date subject to change without notice) for review by the Editor for suitability. HUPO assumes no liability for errors or omissions in the contents.
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