The December 2020 Issue of the
Our Mission: To conserve and restore natural ecosystems and protect birds and other wildlife for the benefit of humanity and biological diversity in south King County and the world we live in.
Monthly Membership Meeting
Composition in Bird Photography
By Gary Luhm
Monday December 21, 2020 at 7 pm
Peregrine Focus Point
Bird photographers seeking to improve their art face many of the same challenges as any artist, as well as some that are rather different. A telephoto lens and design foundations like subject, perch and background are paramount, but not to be neglected are elements like line, shape, color, frame, perspective and negative space, among others. As well, though bird photographers excel with a telephoto lens, they often lack the experience or eye using shorter, equally valid, focal lengths. Join photographer Gary Luhm as he breaks down the art of composing images with birds, in simple bites specific to avian photographers.
Gary Luhm is a sea kayaker, bird watcher and landscape artist. In 1999, he acquired a 500mm f4 lens and began photographing birds in earnest, often by kayak. His bird credits include National Wildlife, Ranger Rick, Australian Birdlife, Sea Kayaker, The Nature Conservancy and an Audubon endangered species campaign that featured his Kittlitz’s Murrelet. 

Face Mask 1
Covid 19 virus Update - August 17, 2020
Jay Galvin

Due to the continuing outbreak of the Covid 19 virus, the RAS Board is suspending all in person activities until further notice. We would like to thank those members who responded to our online and mail in survey on this matter. Your input did help the Board in making this decision.

Online monthly meetings are on the 3rd Monday each month. A link to the meetings is available in our eNewletter and on our website.

Board meetings are on the second Wednesday, and are open to anyone interested in attending — contact Jay Galvin  [email protected] 

Look for more virtual upcoming events coming soon!
Upcoming Programs
- Dale Meland

  • January 18th - Jay Galvin & Dan Streiffert - Flaming Geyser State Park
  • February 15th - Eduardo Gallo-Cajiao.- High Politics and Bird Conservation: A View to International Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific and the Americas
  • March 15th - Robert Howson - Galanatious Birds
  • April 19th - Marcy Summers & Ellen Kirtzman.- AlTo (Alliance for Tompotika Conservation)
  • May 17th - The Dinosaurs Amonst Us - Part 2, The birds who co-existed with dinos;- Kim Dolgin
Seen and Heard
Photos and Video by Jay Galvin & Dan Streiffert

Flaming Geyser State Park
The salmon are making their annual fall appearance up the Green River and it's tributaries. Lots of chum on this creek next to the dormant geyser. The American Dippers dive into the frigid water looking for fresh salmon eggs.
Belted Kingfisher
Field Trips
by Heather Gibson
Lake Wilderness State Park
A Path Through the Woods
A self-guided Field Trip
Osprey, Ring-necked Duck, and American Wigeon. Mixed woodlands and the adjacent 40-acre South King County Arboretum offer Ruby-crowned and Golden-crowned kinglets, Yellow-rumped Warblers, Northern Flicker, Purple Finch, and Pine Siskin.
Directions: Take Hwy. 169 east to Maple Valley. From 169, turn right onto Witte Rd. After .7 mile, turn left onto SE 248th St. Look on your left for the arboretum sign and parking.
You will need a Discover pass to visit.

Common Yellowthroat
Cackling Geese Golden-crowned Sparrow
Photos by Jay Galvin
Rainier Audubon Christmas Bird Count Update
Sunday, January 3rd

Hooray! This is Rainier Audubon’s 40th CBC! Wahhh!

Unfortunately, this year our CBC is taking a different form with Covid-19 causing the twist. We will not host a public event. 

Our event is called CBC AT HOME on Sunday, January 3rd, 2021. Public may participate by sending in their bird sightings from their backyard/apartment courtyard. The people who live in the chapter circle will have their data sent to National Audubon and those outside our birding circle will have their data added to our 40th CBC celebration. 

You may download the Checklist PDF HERE.

We will have a virtual gathering to celebrate our 40th, including a species tally by our chapter renowned Charlie Wright. Join and share your results at our ONLINE Rainier Audubon 40th CBC CELEBRATION.
Rainier Audubon 40th CBC Celebration
Sun, Jan 3, 2021 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM (PST)

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3311
Access Code: 980-873-333
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:

If anyone has participated in a Rainier Audubon CBC in the past and would like to share a story or photo—they can send them to [email protected] 
A Snipe Hunt
by Thomas Bancroft
The organic muck on the beach formed a rolling carpet with lots of bumps and depressions; wave action during the last storm molded this place. The shoreline was wide, maybe a dozen feet, from the water’s edge up to the growing plants and then curled around Juanita Bay. I was snipe hunting and had my binoculars up to my eyes. One of these shorebirds should be hiding here.

King County Strategic Climate Action Plan
King County’s Strategic Climate Action Plan (SCAP) is a five-year blueprint for County action to confront climate change, integrating climate change into all areas of County operations and its work in the community. The SCAP provides a “one-stop-shop” for county decision-makers, employees, and the general public to learn about the County’s climate change goals, priorities and commitments.

Become a supporting member
  • One-year Individual Membership for donation of $25.
  • One-year Family Membership for donation of $30 or more.
  • There are no fees charged for donations made through the Paypal. Giving Fund.
Volunteers Needed
Prevent birds from flying into windows...
Parting Shot
Varied Thrush