With respect and gratitude for your leadership and service we wish you peace and restoration this holiday season.
The Vital Village Networks Team
Village Voices
Network members' voices bring good news and share highlights from
around our community.
Are you a school or organization interested in being a partner site with SJMP?
Social Justice Leadership in the Network
Congratulations to the 22 graduates of our 7th Annual Social Justice Mediation Institute! These community change agents are launching their 6-month service-learning pathways next month to use these tools for meaningful social change in their everyday lives or by serving as a volunteer mediator.
The Vital Village Social Justice Mediation Program (SJMP) aims to build the capacity of our neighborhood by training community members in conflict resolution skills that can be used at home, in the workplace, in schools, and beyond.
Did you catch Episode 13? Tune in to learn about the innovative work that the Essex County Council for Young Children is leading to foster a trauma-informed and resilient community in Newark. Listen here
Community Champion: Lucas Sensius
"Community leadership and knowledge is of incalculable value to public health and it is something that will stay with me throughout my career." Lucas Sensius describes his role at VVN as a Community Mobilization Coordinator, what he has learned, the lessons he will take going forward, and advice for future AmeriCorps VISTA participants.
In case you missed it- listen to the archived recording! This powerful discussion highlights local models for creating sustainable leadership pathways for parents, caregivers, and community stakeholders to design and implement systems change efforts.
Presenters: Allentza Michel, Founder of Powerful Pathways and Ann Ishimaru, Associate Professor of Education, University of Washington and Co-principal investigator, Family Leadership Design Collaborative
COVID-19 and the Reinforced Importance of Remote Work
“With the onset of the pandemic came the need for VVN to transition to a completely different format of work, from one that emphasized physical, in-person engagement to one that necessitated physical distance and flexibility.” Troy Biermann discusses the adaptations made by Vital Village Networks and its community members during the COVID-19 pandemic.
We are currently accepting nominations for the Unsung Hero Award! An unsung hero is an individual who extends themselves beyond expectation in their community or organization as a leader in maximizing child health and well-being. Past Awardees convene to review each nomination and we will announce the chosen recipient at the January 25th Network Connection meeting.
Network Events
Connect with Vital Village Network at these upcoming events. Click
event to RSVP or learn more.
Save the date for our January Network Connection Meeting: Emerging Brighter: New Year, New Hope! Join us for a visioning and design session to plan for an unprecedented year of service and social impact and transformation in 2021!
January 21st 12pm-1pm
Save the date for our first Boston Breastfeeding Coalition meeting of the new year where we will return to continue to craft our policy agenda for 2021.
January 26th 6pm-7:30pm
Join us for a timely discussion, led by Peer Scholars throughout the network, on a range of time sensitive topics related to the COVID-19 vaccine and maternal and child health, topics related to lactation support, engaging in case-study based learning, and professional development for lactation counselors.
January 27th from 5:30-7:00pm
Save the date for our first Boston Breastfeeding Coalition meeting of the new year where we will return to continue to craft our policy agenda for 2021.
Will return January 7th, Thursdays at 3:30
From your computer or smartphone!
Families with young children are invited to Children’s Mental Health Virtual Storytimes co-hosted by the Vital Village Network Mental Health Committee and Boston Public Library. We will bring families together for book readings, activities, and resources focused on Social-Emotional Learning.
Call or email the Warmline:
Community Events
Join Vital Village Network partners and other community organizations at these upcoming events. Click event to RSVP or learn more.
Workshop hosted by Mother's Raising Black and Brown Boys, the workshop will support parents and caregivers with school-aged children. This workshop will be facilitated in Spanish & Cape Verdean Creole. You can register HERE
Check out job, volunteer, and grant opportunities available in our
Ideal candidates will have interest and experience in public policy and antiracist research or advocacy.
The Community Organizing and Family Issues (COFI) is seeking a manager for their new Center for Action and Learning. This Center looks to build a national network of organizations around the country to develop their ability to build and engage in parent leadership.
The Center for Early Relationship Support (CERS) at the Jewish Family & Children’s Service (JFCS) is searching for a new Division Director. JFCS is dedicated to aid parent-infant mental health.
The Boston Public Health Commission is seeking a contractor guide and build foundational structures to better integrate health equity into City of Boston policies.
The Patient Navigator Network at the Boston Medical Center is looking for a Program Manager to work with pediatric providers to help families overcome barriers to health. We encourage BPOC and bilingual/bicultural in Haitian Creole or Spanish to apply.
This is a full-time, 14-week training program for non-native English speakers. Program Start Date: January 11th, 2021
This is a full-time, 12-week training program with job placement support. Program Start: February 22, 2021
This is a full time, 8-week training program with job placement support. Program Start: January 2021
Resource Connector
Learn more about resources relevant to children and families in our community from our community.
VVN Wellness Bank Resource Guide
The Wellness Idea Bank is a comprehensive and community-driven guide for those in the Greater Boston Area that helps collect events, idea, and resources for supporting wellness and social connections. Please visit our community-created guide here.
Connections and Healing:
The Community Advocacy Program provides support to survivors of intimate partner violence remotely; carefully and safely providing crisis intervention, safety planning guidance, emotional support, referrals to community resources and advocacy via hotline. If you are a provider or an agency that feels it could be a mutually beneficial connection with our program, please reach out to us at 857-303-9047.
Lawyers for Civil Rights connects affected workers with volunteers who can help complete the unemployment application in English and Spanish resources available here and free legal support to small businesses affected by the pandemic located here.
In this article, American Academy of Pediatrics offers tools on how you can improve you and your family's health amid the current COVID-19 pandemic.
For Children:
CreatedBy e-Festival 2020: Video Library In 2020, families are searching for content that they can fit into their schedule. The video library below has been graciously created by amazing educators, creators, makers, artists, and do-ers from the Greater Boston Area and beyond. Please enjoy! – The Boston Children’s Museum Team
Check out the NEWEST ADDITION:
Updated meal pick-up sites throughout Boston that are available for everyone 18 years and younger!
Scoop on the Stats
Explore data related to voting rates across the United States
Sharing Technology
Explore technology related to child and family well-being.
The Abundance App 3.0.1 is now available on iOS and Android devices, as well as on desktops. Abundance empowers Boston residents to easily access affordable, high-quality food resources. Download the FREE app today!
CONtexts aims to promote positive outcomes between caregivers and children by sharing weekly resources through a FREE text service and interactive resource sharing map. These resources are ideal for anyone working with or caregivers of children ages 0-5.
To subscribe, text KIDS to 8-8-5-8-8
Once you're subscribed you will receive 3 weekly FREE text messages:
Monday: Nearby community resources
Wednesday: Wellness tips
Friday: Family-fun events
Our Mission
Vital Village is a network of residents and agencies committed to maximizing child, family, and community wellbeing.
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Share with Us
Have an event, job opportunity, or resource to share with the network?
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