December 2020 Newsletter
LC3 Behavioral
Health Collaborative
Building the Ideal Behavioral
Health System Together
Check out the NEW LC3 Facebook page!
LC3 meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month from
11:30-1:00 via Zoom.
Next meeting: 
January 19, 2020 (Zoom link)
Contact Information:
Rose Ann Vasquez-LC3 Collaborative Coordinator 575-644-6260
Jessika Romero- LC3 Collaborative Community Organizer  575-800-4839
LC3 Highlights 2020 Video
Thanks to all for a successful "State of Behavioral Health in Doña Ana County" event with about 100 participants!
Special thanks to New Mexico Lt. Governor Howie Morales, NM CEO of Behavioral Health Collaborative Bryce Pittenger, Dr. Rachel Boren and Germain Degardin from NMSU SOAR, Eric Gomez, MS LMFT, A New Hope Therapy & LC3 Co-Chair, Maria Bagwell, CSW, LADAC LCDF & LC3 Co-Chair, Al Galves (and the Strategic Planning Committee) for their presentations. NMSU SOAR's presentation of the Community Needs Assessment lays a solid foundation as we continue to move forward in our plan of action for Year One in 2021.

Congratulations to our LC3 Logo Contest winner, Carlos Sandoval.
Below you can read the meaning and description of the logo he designed.
We would like to thank all participants for sharing your talents and beautifully created logos, they were all wonderful!
In addition, we would like to thank Maria Bagwell, Alicia Blasingame and the LC3 Communications and Board Development Committee for creating and organizing the contest!
LC3 Training Opportunities
Collaboration Corner
Resilience Leaders
(LC3 serves as the BH Sector):
Strategic Planning Session 1/29 9am-12pm.
Contact: Shannon Hernandez

Mayor's Suicide Prevention Taskforce:
Meets the 3rd Wed. of each month.

UP! Coalition:
Work session in Jan. (Date TBD)
"Talk. They Hear You" Campaign launching soon!
Contact: Alyssa Myrick
Collective Impact Information
Resources for YOU!
In the news...