The Inside Scoop
December 2020
Thank you for reading Youth Pride, Inc.'s December edition of The Inside Scoop!
Within you will read about our upcoming virtual party, our two new programs launching in early 2021, information about our Basic Needs Pantry and other locations around the state offering food, the newest queer-corporative exhibit and café in Providence, and RI's first black and queer senator!
We hope you have a happy and safe holiday season!
YPI's Virtual Annual Celebration & Party
There is still time to register for YPI's upcoming virtual party and celebration! To ensure we still get the opportunity to come together this year with our community and supporters, we're planning a Virtual Annual Event Party and Celebration to be held on Thursday, December 17th from 5-6pm viz Zoom!
We are making this event free to remove as many barriers as we can, but donations are welcome when you register! All donations will directly fund YPI's programs and services.
We would like to extend a huge thank you to our event sponsors; Amica, Hasbro, IGT, Open Door Health, RI Public Health Institute, and UNFI! If your business or organization would like to sponsor our event, email [email protected] to review our sponsorship packets.
New Spanish Speaking Group
YPI is launching a Spanish Language Support and Connection Group for LGBTQQIA** Spanish speakers age 14-23 years old in early 2021. This group will be facilitated by a Spanish speaking YPI staff member and partners from the local Latinx community.
On Wednesday, December 16 from 5-6 PM there will be virtual brainstorming session with the facilitators so that youth can have a say on how the group is run, who it is for, and what topics and issues will be covered during the groups! If you are interested in having your voice heard or just want to be in the know for when the group starts up, email us at [email protected] and we’ll get you connected!
YPI se complace en anunciar que estaremos facilitando un grupo en español para conectar y proveer soporte para la comunidad LGBTQQIA** de habla hispana entre los 14-23 años. El grupo será facilitado por personal Latinx y que hablan español.
Los miércoles 16 de diciembre de 5-6PM se estará realizando una grupa virtuales para generar ideas con los facilitadores. En esta sesión usted podrá proveer ideas y conocer sobre cómo se dirigirá el grupo, para quién es y qué temas son importantes para ti. Si es algo que te interesa y que se escuche su voz o desea conocer cuándo comenzará el grupo, envíenos un correo electrónico a [email protected] y le contactaremos.
Basic Needs Pantry: Clothes, Food, Toiletries & School Supplies
YPI is home to a Basic Needs Pantry (BNP) that supplies youth up to the age of 23 with food, clothes, toiletries and school supplies. To keep things safe and socially distant, youth, or anyone in their household, have the option to pick up a premade bag of BNP items from our space after completing our brief Panty Access Form.
While we would love to provide these much needed items to everyone who inquires, we want to ensure our limited stock goes directly to youth. If you fall outside of our age range (up to the age of 23), or simply cannot make it to YPI, below is a link RI locations that are providing food.
Community fridges are trending in RI (and all over the world!). The concept of a community fridge is to leave what you can and take what you need. Most community fridges are volunteer run and operated at a store/restaurant willing to oversee the fridge and occasionally stock it. The newest Providence community fridge is only doors down from YPI at New Urban Arts,705 Westminster St. Providence 02903. A secondary fridge is operating our of Small Format; 335 Wickenden St. Providence 02903. A third community fridge, named Providence Community Fridge, is ready to launch, but just needs a hosting location! If you are interested in hosting the fridge at your location, you can reach them on Instagram here.
Little Unicorns Launching January 2021
Little Unicorns is set to launch in January 2021! This new YPI program provides space for LGBTQ+ youth ages 5 to 9 to gather and socialize, while families can connect with each other and receive relevant information, resources, and support. Interested families can fill out our Little Unicorns Interest Form below. We will reach out to everyone who submits the form after the new year.
We are also still accepting artwork for Little Unicorns! YPI staff is challenging 13 and Under youth to create a mascot for Little Unicorns! If youth want to participate, please have them create an original character, image, or other design they feel could represent Little Unicorns, and by extension those who will be the youngest members of the YPI community, and send it to us! We will display all submissions in a virtual art gallery, and the creator of the submission we choose will win a prize!
Photo above was submitted by Noel, age 11!
Racial Equality Resources
YPI stands with youth of color and are committed to deepening racial equality within our organization and our work. We will provide resources in our newsletter to continually educate, mobilize, and engage our readers in racial justice matters.
#BlackLoveLetters is BLM's first economic justice campaign that aims to to spread love while funding the USPS. The federal postal service is one of the first and largest economic opportunities for Black and brown individuals; with nearly 50% of postal workers today identifying as such. "Write Black Love Letters is a creative intervention encouraging us all to FUND the USPS by buying stamps and sending Black love letters and postcards. We are centering love, connection, and beauty in a time of isolation, tension, and change."
RAHEEM is the first online, independent police abuse reporting service. RAHEEM has created a robust, nationwide database of police conduct. After a report is made on the website, RAHEEM will assist with filing a complaint against the officer, connect reporters to a free lawyer or local advocacy group, and/or publicizing the story in local media. This database is a tool for backing policies that defund the police.
Are you really missing drop-in hours? Need someone to talk to? Are you experiencing crisis? Have concerns, fears or mental health needs that you need to express to someone? Here are a couple of resources for you that were compiled by YPI staff.
Essential Resources During COVID-19
Other Resources from YPI
Monthly Spotlight
Small Format & Homo for the Holigay Artisan Market
Opening it's doors on October 16, Small Format is the newest queer-cooperative open-air gallery, exhibition room & mood-bar located in downtown Providence!
Stop by to admire an exhibit, order something off their robust tea menu, or just hang out with the plants! No matter how you utilize Small Format, you're giving back to a wonderful small business.
Small Format is also home to Community Freedge PVD; a refrigerator that holds food for community members to freely take or get delivered by request! The initiative can be found on Instagram with this handle: @communityfreedge. They can also be reached by email at [email protected]
If you plan on shopping at Small Format anytime soon, they are currently running a special; for every $35 gift card purchase, shoppers receive an additional $5 gift card and for every $50+ gift card purchase, shoppers receive an extra $7 free gift card AND a handmade gift from a local artist or maker. Also, don't forget to bookmark their upcoming Holigay Market event happening this weekend from December 12-13th. This first annual "homo for the holigay" artist and makers market will feature a variety of different items for purchase from local artists.
Black Queer Candidate Unseats Longtime Incumbent RI Senator
Tiara Mack is the first black and queer state senator in the state of Rhode Island. The 26 year old Brown University graduate, volunteer, and advocate grew up in Georgia and South Carolina with first hand experiences of poverty and inequality.
Mack won the November 3, 2020 general election in a landslide against long time incumbent Harold Metts (D) who held the District 6 Senator seat since 2005 and served in the RI legislature in different capacities since 1985. Mack won 88.8 percent of the votes in the general election. Metts was openly anti-LGBTQ, which makes this win all the more ironic.
The biggest priorities for Mack while in the senate are the state's Green New Deal, housing, criminal justice reform, and a livable minimum wage.
Youth Pride, Inc. is dedicated to meeting the unique needs of youth and young adults impacted by sexual orientation and gender identity/expression while working to end the homophobic and transphobic environments in which they live, work and play.
LEADERSHIP: YPI is committed to creating the leaders of today. Youth voices drive our process, and we seek to develop the leadership skills necessary both within the organization and outside of it.
AFFIRMATION: YPI believes all youth must be affirmed for who they are and how they express themselves. We are committed to making that a reality in all of the environments in which young people live.
COMMUNITY: YPI believes building strong connections is essential to youth success and empowerment. We strive to create a caring, respectful and diverse community of young people and adults.
Your tax-deductible donation helps YPI continue to do the important work we do in accordance to our mission. Your gift would be directly investing in our state's LGBTQ youth so that they may have a chance to share their gifts and light with the world.
Our Programs and Services
Youth Pride, Inc. serves over 700 Rhode Island LGBTQ youth and their straight allies a year through a variety of programs and services.
Our Center, located on Westminster Street in Providence, primarily serve as a drop-in and programming space, and is currently open to youth ages 13 to 23 on Tuesday and Wednesday from 3-8pm and Thursday from 3 to 5. Youth ages 9 to thirteen are welcome at our exclusive 13 and under drop-in time on Thursdays from 5-8 pm. All YPI Center services and activities are free to youth. YPI youth get to attend events, workshops, cultural, educational, social, and wellness activities at YPI and around the state.
Our center is home to a Basic Needs Pantry, open to youth in need of food, clothing, toiletries, and school supplies. We offer one on one counseling with in-house clinicians. Our clinicians facilitate and supervise three peer-support groups.
YPI also offers support to those who work with youth through policy and advocacy, and by providing professional development workshops and technical assistance to service providers and educators.
For more information on getting involved with YPI as a volunteer or if you or someone you know is in need of our services, contact [email protected]
If you have a story you feel should be included in an upcoming newsletter, email [email protected]