Volume 27 | Dec 2020
December 2020 Spiritual Message
Suzanne Hunt, Clairvoyant, Healer, Spiritual Teacher
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Peace begins with me
I choose a serene way of life.
Peace begins with me. No matter how others behave,
I keep peace in my heart. 
Louise Hay

It's true. I am the only one who can create the experience of peace in my life. For it begins in my own heart and mind.

I can look to the situation, people and events in my life and find validation to confirm just about anything I am thinking or feeling. And that becomes my reality. If I am in a sour mood, the world looks back at me in tart shades of grey.

If I am worried or thinking fearful thoughts, I don't feel safe and the world appears as a vague, low-grade threat. Maybe I am afraid for the country, my loved ones or the future. This kind of pervasive energy seeps into my nervous system, and becomes active or dormant depending on what is happening in my world.

On other days, I am joyfully living in a colorful motion picture and everything is falling right into place. My life is pleasant. I feel peaceful. And I am happy. Things don't look so bad and I look to tomorrow with a cheerful heart again.

If we look to the outer world to set our mood and perspective, these shifts between highs and lows will be common. Our space will change as the world ebbs and flows. And we will always be bouncing along the rougher waves of life.

Why not decide in this moment to create something different? As Louise Hay says, the only way to experience true, lasting peace is to generate it from within. When we choose to see the world in the best possible light, our nervous system relaxes and we naturally move to a more grounded and peaceful space.

I believe in there is a certain oneness of energy. I see it having an all-encompassing and enveloping kind of capacity. And by this I mean:

  • What we are experiencing tends to be what we unconsciously perceive the world to be.
  • And what we perceive the world to be, tends to be what we are creating more of in that moment.
  • So our life experience is largely built moment by moment with our thoughts.
  • The good news is, we can change our experience and affect the energy we flow into our bodies and out into the world around us.

While there are many aspects of life of which we do not control, our intentions have a significant impact on our experience. Our thoughts create intentions (conscious or unconscious) and help define who and what we attract into our space. Peaceful thoughts attract more peace. Loving thoughts attract more love. Our reality becomes created by the thoughts we choose in each moment!

If we want to live in a peaceful world, we can look at the world from peaceful eyes and choose to let go of how others are behaving. We know we can't change them. It is good to remember we can only change the sphere of energy that begins in our own hearts and minds.

Are you willing to see life from a more positive perspective? Choose more peaceful thoughts? To let yourself be drawn and connected to like-minded, positive people?

There are several offerings in this month's letter to help you shift your thoughts and create more of the reality you would like to live into. Why not step into fresh energy for 2021!

1) Join me for a new 7 week Healing Meditation Zoom class opening up Saturday mornings on January 16th. Yes, it is about meditation. However, it is really more about discovering active and empowering tools to enrich the quality of your life. Put yourself back in the drivers seat with this creative energy class in 2021. See more info below.

2) Check out the Light Warrior Program at the Ajatakasa Institute, which is one year long interdisciplinary spiritual study combining metaphysics, spiritual development, self-development, Shamanic practices, holistic health, dreamwork and so much more!  I'm thrilled to teach clairvoyance and healing spiritual anatomy in February and June. Want to meet the staff, learn more about the program or ask questions about any of the amazing curriculum? Join us for a complimentary Zoom call tomorrow - Thursday, Dec 3rd at 4:00pm MT/6:00pm ET.  More info below.

3) Join Althea Center for the Spiritually Engaged in their annual fund raising charity event Legends and Luminaries, a Transformational gathering for a new year and a new world, on Dec 10th, 6:30-8:30mt on Zoom. You won't believe this extraordinary guest list! Gregg Braden, Joan Borysenko PhD, Matthew Fox PhD, Alberto Villoldo PhD, Tami Simon, Mirabai Starr, Jonathan Ellerby PhD, Stephen Mitchell, Byron Katie, and Neal Donald Walsch will be offering their insights for 2021. More info below

Blessings to each of you on your journey,
Upcoming Events
Althea Center for Spiritually Engaged presents:
Legends and Luminaries:
Transformational Gathering for a New Year and New World 

There is no doubt. The world is changing.

While we have all faced great uncertainty, stress, and even chaos and loss in 2020, most of us sense or hope that this is all a part of something much bigger: a change for the better. Have you had the time and clarity to digest the lessons of 2020? Have you felt the glimmering light we sometimes catch glimpses of, guiding us into a new way of relating, living, and loving? Is your path for 2021 clear?

Join Althea for an absolutely unforgettable online, live broadcast, as we hear and feel the deep wisdom of nine extraordinary teachers. Both live, and live recorded, and never before seen, our host, two-time bestselling author Jonathan Ellerby PhD will interview each luminary to capture and explore their most precious lessons from 2020 and their most powerful paths and visions for 2021. Each wisdom-keeper brings decades of study, leadership, and practice to their message; each a great master in their field.

An extraordinary guest list for the program includes Gregg Braden, Joan Borysenko PhD, Matthew Fox PhD, Alberto Villoldo PhD, Tami Simon, Mirabai Starr, Jonathan Ellerby PhD, Stephen Mitchell, Byron Katie, and Neal Donald Walsch.

Thursday, December 10th
6:30 - 8:30 pm MST on Zoom
Tickets $50

Note: 100% of ticket price supports Althea's non-profit work, online events, classes, workshops, and supporting programs like Denver Women's Homelessness Initiative, Sister of Color United for Education, Mariposa LGBTQ Programs, AA support groups, St Francis Center for the Homeless, as well as many incredible evens that help lift up ecological, inter-racial and social issues.
Healing Meditation 1
Saturday mornings for 7 weeks, 10:30 am to 12:30ish pm MT – over Zoom!
Jan 16th - Feb 27th 
Facilitated by Rev. Suzanne Hunt
Energize your spiritual path. Reduce stress.
Find more clarity, peace and contentment.

Enter a journey of self-discovery. Create more of the life you want with these active, energizing tools. Bring healing into your space and open up more clarity. Great for empaths and healers!
Starts Saturday, Jan 16 – over Zoom

      Connect with like-minded souls in a small group limited to 8 people
      Saturday mornings for 7 weeks, 10:30 am to 12:30ish MT
    Jan 16th - Feb 27th  
      Early registration $99, until Jan 10 ($125 on Jan 11)
      Facilitated by Rev. Suzanne Hunt

Program topics include:
·       How to ground and clear the energy body
·       Open and expand your intuition
·       Learn about energetic boundaries and chakra centers
·       Release what doesn’t support and create more of what does
·       Manifest your goals and dreams
·       Connect with your own spiritual guidance
·       Learn to receive and give spiritual healing
·       Expand your horizons with growth inspiring concepts

What previous students are saying about Healing Meditation:
"I truly enjoyed the class. [These are] the tools that I had been looking for so long."
"Loved the class. So helpful & practical. Already making a difference."

Did you miss it?
Catch the replay

Honoring Your True Self
If you missed my shows on this topic - catch the replays below!
What is the Ajatakasa Institute?

A one-year interdisciplinary program of metaphysical and spiritual studies and development which includes:  
  • Weekly online courses taught over Zoom with topics to include shamanic practices, holistic health, spiritual anatomy, energy management, Akashic records, tarot, mythology, Jungian and contemporary psychology, metaphysics, parapsychology, dream work, spiritual, intuitive and self development.
  • A light library of meditations, presentations, and spiritual development available during your year of study.  
  • Weekly support hours throughout the year where students can pop in for questions or help with any class or topic in the program. 
  • Faculty members: Lisa Gunshore, Julie Hoyle, Suzanne Hunt, Sheryl Garcia, Julie Ware, Marlena Leonard, Sienna Castinado 
  • Program starts January 2021 with various installment plans for tuition.

Begin 2021 with an incredible one year in-depth program focused on your personal growth and spiritual expansion. With this powerhouse of amazing teachers you will learn fascinating healing modalities, new and ancient mystical techniques, current psychologies and metaphysics to connect more deeply with your heart and truth in a fresh new way.
Want to meet the staff, learn more about the program or ask questions about any of the amazing curriculum?
Join us for a complimentary Zoom call tomorrow - Thursday, Dec 3rd at 4:00pm MT/6:00pm ET. 
Look over the program curriculum details, tuition and register at this link.
I am available to schedule clairvoyant reading and healing sessions. Click on the scheduling link below.

Read more information about services at www.EnergeticHealingArts.com
Contact me at [email protected]
call/text 720.351.3492
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