I wish you all a joyous holiday season! Your service and sacrifice, as well as the support and dedication of your families, are appreciated and remembered by Nevadans across the State.
Robert Gibbs Named Veteran of the Month and the Las Vegas Rotary Club Named Veteran Supporter of the Month
Congratulations to Robert Gibbsof Las Vegasfor being named Veteran of the Month (VOM) andthe Las Vegas Rotary Club forbeing recognized as Veteran Supporter for the Month (VSM) for December!
As we approach the end of year, Wreaths Across America is on the mind of many of our veterans, families, and supporters. However as with all things 2020, COVID-19 is having an impact on this cherished event as well.
Since the signing of the VA Mission Act, the Department of Veterans Affairs has worked on developing a methodology and support structure to support the eventual expansion of the VA Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers.
(Henderson) - At the Veterans Expo last month in Henderson, Nev. with COVID-19 restrictions in place, many government and non-profit organizations offered free services to veterans and their families.
NNSVH Receives Donation from the Carson Country Bowling Association
Thank you to the Carson Country USBC, (Bowling Association), a local affiliate of the USBC (United States Bowling Congress), for donating $2,188 to the Northern Nevada State Veterans Home!
(Boulder City) - Honor Flight Southern Nevada, a local Girl Scout and a number of community organizations, including KTNV-TV's "Hope for Our Heroes" campaign, brought packages of gifts and goodwill to the residents of the Southern Nevada Veterans Home in celebration of Veterans Day Week.
All Services Honored At Veterans Day Boulder City Event
By Chuck N. Baker
(Boulder City) - With strict COVID-19 restrictions in place, the Southern Nevada Veterans Home was able to celebrate Veterans Day this year with a small ceremony, a few dignitaries and lots of appreciation for the veterans in attendance.
The VA offers the Intimate Partner Violence Assistance Program (IPVAP), to help veterans and their partners. The IPVAP section of the VA website provides contact information for support services, as well as the impacts of COVID-19.
By Kim Donohue, NDVS Suicide Prevention Program Manager
As NDVS Director Kat Miller mentioned in her newsletter column this month, the holiday season is here and the pandemic requires ALL of us to adapt in various ways, especially connecting with loved ones; I would like to highlight how we can still stay CONNECTED with family and friends!
(Boulder City) - Former members of the Las Vegas Raiders who were Super Bowl participants took time to visit residents and staff members at the Southern Nevada Veterans Home during Veterans Day Week.