Alumni Association
Forever True
December, 2021
A Christmas Message
Wishing all of our alumni the joy and serenity of this blessed season. Merry Christmas!
Joe Wilson ('91)
Amber Nicotra Morrison ('94)
Tara Nicotra Aiello ('91)
Kasey Jones
Walt Quinn ('65)
Bishop David Zubik has appointed Joseph Wilson (NC '91) as President of North Catholic High School. The Catholic High Schools of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, Inc. Board of Directors along with the North Catholic High School Board of Directors recommended Wilson for the position. Read the press release here.
Teutonia Mannerchor Alumni Luncheon
The Christmas Party will be held on Tuesday, December 21st. It's necessary to get a headcount for the party so call Jim Eberz (412) 321-4145 and leave a message. Spouses and friends are welcome. The luncheon costs $15 (payable at the door) with soft drinks and beer costing extra.
Don Graham Classic
The Don Graham Classic will be held on Saturday, January 8, 2022, at North Catholic High School. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the door. Face masks will be required. The game schedule is as follows:
1pm - 9th Grade Boys vs Pine-Richland
2:30pm - JV Girls vs Pine-Richland
4:00pm - V Girls vs Pine-Richland
5:30pm - JV Boys vs Pine-Richland
7:00pm - V Boys vs Pine-Richland
Thank you to all who attended the Military Alumni Brunch on Saturday, Nov. 13, at North Catholic. It was a great turnout with more than 60 people in attendance. This was the 9th year for this special event. Thank you to ALL of our alumni who served in our military...we are grateful for your service!
We were thrilled to welcome our oldest veteran in attendance from the NC Class of 1947 and the youngest veteran in attendance from the NC Class of 2005 ... and everyone in between!
An NC Military Challenge Coin is presented to all those who attend the brunch for the first time.
Nominations are open for the Hall of Fame Class of 2022
The Hall of Fame is always seeking nominations for induction. Do you know a classmate who has done charitable works that deserves recognition? Someone who is worthy of accolades for their work in the community? Someone who has done a lot for North Catholic?
We know there that there are distinguished graduates who deserve a place in the school's hall of fame. Please nominate them. Remember that this is not just a sports hall of fame. You can go to the school website for complete details. If you have questions contact us here and we will pass it along to the committee. Please note that nominations are only good for three years, but they can be renewed. Nominate someone today.
Note: nominations received after May 15th will be considered for the 2023 induction class.
Alumni Spotlight
This Month's Featured Alumni
Here Comes Santa
Over the eighty plus years of its history, North Catholic students have sat on Santa's lap and asked for many things and have been photographed thousands of times during their visits with him. Here are some photos we collected over the past few months.
The Velarditas: Joe ('76) and Joyce ('78)
Here's Al Young ('67) with Santa.
The Hartman Brothers: Barry ('73) and Bruce ('71) Added bonus - their senior pictures
The Zeis children: Matt ('04) and Shannon ('01)
It's the Nicotra sisters: Tara ('91), Christa ('88), and Amber ('94)
Alex Kline ('10) and his tentative smile for Santa
Here's 5 month old Heather Zahurak ('97) on Santa's lap
This is Heather's son Tyler Zahurak ('16). Heather says, "He was never a fan, so this is the best I can do."
Maggie Kutschbach ('04) gives a kiss to Santa (that's Jimmy Marak ('79).
Once again Jimmy Marak is Santa holding Katie Kutschbach ('99) and her sister who doesn't seem to be very happy.
Joey Spehar ('01) seems to want off of Santa's lap while brother Bob ('99) appears to be pondering what to say to Santa.
The Hartman siblings: Matt ('04) and Jess ('09) They are Barry's children
That's Wayne Byerly ('65). He adds, "I was 3-1/2 when this was taken and it was probably Rosenbaum's Department Store where my dad worked.
Northway Mall 1980 - Dave Eichenlaub, Shari Brown Butler and Kevin Klinvex (shaler) Class of 1982
Here's Mike Quinn ('95). Picture taken at Ross Park Mall.
Here's 4 year old Sheri Wedrick ('89) with Santa taken at Kaufman's downtown.
The Quinn boys: Wayne ('70) and Walt ('65)
The Butler kids - JD '22, Michaela '23 and Mackenzie'23
Tom Winner ('75) poses with Santa.
The Namisnak sisters: Leigh ('98) and Stephany ('92)
The Lyons girls: Colleen ('92), Michelle ('89), and Maureen ('95)
That's Elizabeth Sweeney ('87) and Becky Mazza ('87) on Santa's lap.
And then there are these Santa photos:
Santa is with the women of the Larkin family:Megan Larkin Waskiewicz ('86) Amy Larkin Palmer ('83) Molly Larkin Rottmann ('89') Carol Larkin (Bill '81), Samantha Larkin (Matt '85).
That's R.J. Rakow ('97) sitting on Walt Quinn's ('65) lap in a December, 1996 photo.
Interested in being a featured alum in the coming months? Just let us know by clicking here.
Transcript Information
Alums who need a high school transcript should note that the process has changed.
Alumni from 1939-2013 should contact Diocesan Archives at (412) 456-3158 for a copy of your transcript.
Alumni from 2014-present should go to under the Alumni tab and download the request form.
Memories Available
The alumni office has some past editions of the yearbooks. If you can't find yours from senior year, we may be able to help. Not all years are available and supply is limited. Contact us here for information. NOTE: while there is no charge for the yearbook, we do ask that you make a donation to the school.
Some people who have requested yearbooks in the past year have never followed up when informed that a book was available. Those books have gone back into the archives. If you were one of those people, you will have to ask us to pull it back out of the archives.
Congratulations to Molly Nicotra ('95) on her engagement to Tony DeCarlo.
Congratulations to John Chunko ('02) and Kimberly Timmerman on their recent marriage.
Congratulations to Josh Haefele ('12) and wife Amber on their recent marriage
Congratulations to Shawn Tunstall ('13) and wife Lynzi Mueller Tunstall ('12) on the birth of their daughter, Sofia Rose.
Congratulations to Hutch Bailie ('08) and his wife, Bethany on the birth of their twins, Jack and Lucy.
Rest in Peace
Request for Prayers
Continued prayers for the following alumni:
Ken Marx ('59)
Denise Enzerra ('82)
Connie Cahill ('59)
Bob Rathke ('59)
Bill Niederst ('59)
Jan (Dan) Gross ('57)
Gary Tevis ('68)
Fred Arden ('59) and his wife
Bill Biel ('70)
Don Lewis ('57)
Fr Bill Siefert ('57)
Art Heiles ('64)
Joe Hutter ('49)
Frank Mayer ('44)
Stanley Lozowski ('53)
Frank Balestrieri's ('73) wife Suanne
Fr. Michael Caridi ('86)
Dan McCann ('53)
Dave McNally ('81)
General Michael Hayden ('63)
James Brennan ('46)
Harmer Weichel ('48)
Barry Thomas ('63) is battling ALS
Fr. Michael Ackerman ('02)
Dick Scherer ('53)
Dan Straka ('58) and his wife
Bill Miller ('93)
Brooke Sturgis ('20) who recently had a heart transplant, is in need of a kidney and many others are in need as well. Anyone interested in organ donation please go to to help Brooke and those in need.
Let us know of any alumni who should be included in our prayers by sending us an email by clicking here.
Flashback Photo
Last Month's Flashback
This a picture of Scott Bly taken for the 1981 yearbook. He is dressed as a police officer for the mock trial held during Mr Tom Murtagh's Business Law class. Each year he assigned roles to various members of the class. In this case Scott, as the bailiff, oversaw the swearing in of witnesses and other courtroom responsibilities.
Here are the responses to the photo. Allen Goetz ('80) knew it was Scott. and so did Laurie Santa Williamson ('83), Dan Brierley ('81), Joe Sukitsch ('81), Marty Mueller ('81), Leslie Hosac Gavita ('81) all recognized their fellow classmate.The most enthusiastic comment came from Maura Parks DeRiggi-Dickey ('84), "THAT'S SCOTT BLY IN MR. MURT'S CLASS! I remember this & I now work with Scott's wife!"
This Month's Flashback
Take a close look at this picture. Who are these guys and just what is the story behind this picture?
Help us out by sending your guesses here.
Class Notes
The display case just inside the entrance to the school houses memorabilia from the school's history. There is also North Catholic apparel available.
You can check out the NC gear in the spirit shop by clicking here.
Calling all North Catholic Hemingways, Shakespeares, and Christies
The school library has been gifted some books written by NC alums. If you are an author and would like to donate a copy of your work to the school, let us know here.
Congratulations to Vinnie Borrelli ('91) for writing a book Personal Prosperity Blueprint. Vinnie gifted North Catholic with a copy of his book.
Many thanks to Maj. Gen. William J. Mall, Jr. ('50), Denny Cribbins ('65) and John Mikulan ('65) for sending copies of their books to North Catholic.
Class of 1957
That's Bob Meinert officiating at the wedding of his grandson.
Class of 1973
Jan Rittle and his wife celebrate their anniversary.
Class of 1981
In case you missed the reunion, Dede has posted a slide show here.
Class of 1986
Ken Staresinic proudly stands with his son, Robert ('24), at the Military Alumni Breakfast.
Class of 1989
Mike Sparrow is all smiles as he stands next to Gus Kalaris (of Gus & YiaYia's Ice Balls) as Gus's cart becomes part of the Miniature Railroad and Village at the Carnegie Science Center. Mike was a long time employee of Gus and still chips in to make an ice ball or two.
Michelle Lyons O'Leary and her husband celebrate their 15th anniversary.
Class of 1990
Dave Mazza and his wife are getting ready for the Penguin game.
Class of 1992
Myles Rooney is with his dad Jamie ('62) enjoying an evening at the Monterey Pub
Class of 1994
George Nowack gets some help running the store.
Betsy Duckett is thankful for her daughter.
Class of 1995
Bob Sobehart and his wife enjoy their time together.
Class of 1996
Lynnette Sobehart Machinski (on the right) is in the pilot's seat for her last flight as she retires from the Navy.
Class of 1997
Gerald Stevens puts on his happy face at his job.
Class of 1998
Lauren Cutuly Campoli was featured in the magazine Attorney at Law. You can read it here.
Class of 1999
Phil Balestrieri celebrates with the love of his life.
We are on double secret probation and ready for punishment for this egregious error.
Apologies, apologies to Matt Costigan for misidentifying him in last month's newsletter. Old age has crept in on the editor as he forgot one of his favorite students especially after talking with his father at a recent football game. Please forgive us Matt.
Class of 2000
Maggie Stotler Atkins and her family are out and about in their formal attire.
Class of 2001
Doris Harvin is all about her family in this photo.
Class of 2002
Matt Jessop is out in Colorado revisiting the places he loves.
Jon Chunko and his bride, Kimberly, are married by former mayor Luke Ravenstahl ('98). A surprise visit from Pittsburgh music legend Donnie Iris capped off a memorable day.
Class of 2003
Bea Tipler Riesterer shows off a new look.
Maria Laughlin Coon and her family show us their latest family portrait.
Class of 2005
Vicky Pagano and her family pose for a fall family portrait.
Ali Rittle Leonberg and her family celebrate a family wedding.
Alex Dumrauf is a vision in white.
Class of 2006
Shannon Horgan Dietz and her husband have a day date on the beach.
Marc Gonzales and his little buddy are ready for some Pitt football.
Class of 2007
Neissa Valenti Morris and husband Brandon and the kids are ready for trick or treating.
Cara Ontshko Keller and her family smile in a Thanksgiving photo.
Class of 2008
Hutch Baile holds his new born twins. There's a huge smile behind that mask.
Mary Kate McLaughlin Rivas and family proudly show off their little man.
Class of 2010
Congratulations to John Klocko who was nominated for a regional Emmy for Outstanding News Coverage during his time with FOX 13 in Memohis.
Class of 2011
Claire Lamperski knows that any time is a good time for a hike.
Class of 2012
Amber Stark Peters and her husband celebrate a friend's wedding.
Joe Lamb and sister Mary ('06) are all smiles celebrating Joe's birthday.
Jordan Mitrik and his sister Shayla ('10) celebrate their father's retirement.
Tina Ferrari shows us her smile.
Megan Prybyl, Hayley Sullivan, and Becky Stark Tokarski are all smiles before the big game.
Cassie Hollihan and her family are getting ready for Thanksgiving.
Class of 2013
Nick Pietrone and Natalie Nyman attend a friend's wedding.
Class of 2014
Liz Leonard and Nicollette Bilicic enjoy a night at Tequila Cowboy with their friends.
Class of 2017
Congratulations to Sam Breen who was named Atlantic 10 Player of the week in Women's Basketball.
If you know an alum who doesn't get the newsletter and would like to receive it, send us their email address and we will add them to the distribution list. Just send it here.
Thanks to Carmen DiGiacomo ('59), George Bauer ('49), Al Young ('67), Dan Straka ('58), Wayne Young ('65), Bob Gaertner ('67), Megan Prybyl ('12), Bob Gierl ('66), and Dede Reukauf Yoest ('81) for sending information and pictures to us. Special thanks for all of the Christmas with Santa photos.
If you have news/photos you want to share with classmates, send them to alumni news.
ALL reunion updates will ALSO be available on the school's website, or by clicking here!
NC Class of 1986
The Class of '86 celebrated its 35th reunion on Saturday, Nov. 27 at Hal's Bar and Grill in the North Hills. We hope they had a good time. If anybody has pictures from the reunion, please send them to us and we will share.
NC Class of 1990
Martin Miller and Leah Vaughan Quigley are hoping to organize a 30+1 class reunion in late summer. They are thinking about a picnic at North Park. They want your input. So you can check out the Facebook page for the class of 1990. We will get you more details as they move forward. If you have questions you can contact Leah at levaugh22@
NC Class of 1996
Lori Munsch Klein and Chrissy Shraeder are trying to get a 25th reunion together. Unfortunately the response has been slow. They have set up a form you can link to here. Also you can can email them information and questions here.
The classes of 2011, 2001, 1996, 1991, and 1971 will celebrate their 10th, 20th, 25th, 30th, and 50th this year. Let us know about reunion plans so we can spread the word.
Military Legacy Scholarship
North Catholic has a Military Legacy Scholarship in honor of all alumni who have served in our nation’s military forces. The goal is to provide a $1,000.00 scholarship annually. To date we have raised over $30,000 to fund this annual scholarship. The scholarship is awarded annually to the student provided certain benchmarks are met. Every 4 years (or sooner) it is awarded to an incoming 9th grade student. Molly Burke ('24) is the recipient of the scholarship.
If you wish, you may make a contribution in someone's honor/memory. Donations can be made by sending checks payable to North Catholic, write "North Catholic Military Scholarship" in the memo, and mail to:
North Catholic High School
1617 Route 228
Cranberry Township, PA 16066
ATTN: Development Office
The John Latulippe Memorial Scholarship
The John Latuilippe Memorial Scholarship has been awarded to Gabriel Grindstaff - NC class of 2024. Thank you to all who have donated.
Class of 1959 Scholarship
The NCHS Class of 1959 Scholarship Fund has awarded $4,900 to two scholarship recipients for the 2021-22 School Year.
The Fund has awarded scholarships totaling $82,800 to nine recipients since the inception of the Fund. Contributions to the Fund can be made at any time and should be sent to the North Catholic Foundation, North Catholic High School, ATTN: Class of 1959 Scholarship Fund, 1617 Route 228, Cranberry Township, PA 16066.
Class of 1965 Legacy Scholarship
The Class of 1965 Legacy Scholarship continues to grow. To date, our classmates have raised over $35,000 in donations and pledges. Special shout out goes to DAN WOLOVICH AND TOM HENCHAR for their recent donations. Also a big thank you to JOE MCKELVEY for his generous donation.
The award for the 2021-2022 school year have been made to juniors Thomas Zizan and Kaitlyn Kenaan. They are children of NC alums Dan Kenaan ('91) and Julie Rogalla ('87) and received $1,000 to help with tuition. Both students were on the honor roll last year.
We need the help of our classmates to grow the scholarship fund. If we can get more of our classmates to step up and help keep our legacy scholarship fund growing, there is no end to what the money can do to help a student to get the great education that North provided to us and continues to do so today. No contribution is too small. If you have questions, feel free to contact Bob Colbert ( or Walt Quinn (
Some of our classmates are committing to making a monthly donation. JOHN MIKULAN is the latest classmate to set up a monthly contribution. They join a number of fellow classmates including Wayne Young, Walt Quinn, and Bob Colbert who have been making a small monthly donation for the past three years that is put on their credit card. As Bob said, "it's less that the cost of a bottle of wine." If you would like to contribute a small monthly amount via your credit card, contact Amber Nicotra Morrison to set it up.
John Mikulan is also donating 20% of the royalties from his book, The Bark of the Day to the fund.
Kathy Monti Memorial Scholarship
Special thanks to all who donated to the Kathy Hickey Monti (’75) scholarship. More than $20,000 has been raised to help provide financial support for a young woman who possesses the same leadership qualities that Kathy demonstrated in her life. A member of the first co-ed class at North, Kathy was a leader among her peers, becoming the first captain of North's first women's basketball team. Later she was named Assistant Basketball Coach, who along with Coach Don Barth (’51), led the Trojanettes to win multiple state championships. In 2017, just before her death, Kathy was voted unanimously into the North Catholic Hall of Fame. Kathy will long be remembered for her impact on hundreds of lives as a teacher, an assistant basketball coach and female role model for girls. This year's recipient is Dacia Lewandowski, NC '23. If you'd like to donate to this scholarship, please click here or checks can be sent payable to North Catholic with "Kathy Monti Scholarship Fund" in the Memo and mailed to North Catholic High School, 1617 Route 228, Cranberry Township, PA 16066.
Thank you to all who have donated recently in memory of Dave Lyons.
NC Class of 1953 Scholarship
A huge thank you to everyone who recently donated to the North Catholic Class of 1953 Scholarship. To date, $21,234.00 has been raised. Thank you to all who made a generous gift, and in a special way donations received in memory of Richard J. Scheuring ('53) who passed away in October. Read below to hear more about this scholarship from two '53 classmates, Vince Brogan and Brig. Gen. Regis F.A.Urschler USAF (Ret.)
Somewhat recently, an ad hoc group of classmates from the NCHS Class of '53 (Charley Goetz, Bob Muth and Reg Urschler), working with the Alumni office, some survivors of deceased classmates, as well as input from other classes who already funded scholarship programs, concluded our class should likewise fund a scholarship program.
In order to do so, a minimum of $25K would be necessary. Additionally, the alumni office advised that our graduating class consisted of 230 graduates. Deduct from that those already called to their eternal reward (103) together with those with whom contact has been lost (30), results in 97 current survivors. Thus $25K from less than 100 survivors would require almost $260 per graduate. Some have already made contributions reducing the necessary amount to a little over $9000. Thus if each surviving classmate could provide around $100, we could achieve the objective. Think of the impact such a Scholarship Fund would have as a legacy for our class.
I believe it was Chester Nimitz during War II stated about the US military in battle "All gave some, but some gave all". I would encourage all to give some. Keep in mind, that a lot of small drops fill the bucket.
Wishing all best regards,
Vince Brogan, NC ‘53
To read a special message written by Brig. Gen. Regis F.A. Urschler, USAF (Ret.) "Only In America" please click here
Thanks to many of you, our list of alumni who have served in our nation's military services has grown to almost 1,500. We thank all of you who have taken the time to help us with this endeavor. If you know of someone who should be on the list, please let us know. We will always appreciate your efforts to help us update this honor roll of our alumni.
Thank you to all of our alumni for their service to our country!
Mrs. Kellie Makar spent her Thanksgiving weekend in Washington, DC helping the President and Mrs. Biden decorate the White House. This is the second time she has been invitied to decorate the White House. She decorated for President and Mrs. Trump in 2020.
Mrs. Makar said, "I spent most of my time in the library. I also worked on the colorful mantel in the Vermeil room and made the wreaths on the China room chairs. Ironically, the theme in the library was "the gift of learning."
Here are some of the photos she took:
Congratulations to senior Emma Ventresca who was selected as a semifinalist for the 2022 Coca-Cola Scholars Program.
Some NC students participated in Project Giving Tree. This is an annual service project through St. Gregory Parish where volunteers rake leaves for the home-bound.
North Catholic hosted an "Amen to Action" event. Bishop David Zubik, along with 275 volunteers, joined together to pack 100,000 meals for families in the Pittsburgh area.
In honor of Veterans Day, Len Stidle (‘69), created a writing contest for North Catholic juniors and seniors. Students were asked to submit an essay defining American Greatness. Len created the contest in memory of former long-time North Catholic history teacher and coach Dave Lyons (‘62) who passed away earlier this year. Len and fellow NC alums helped select the winner of The American Greatness Essay Contest.
Congratulations to Stephanie Lynch, ('23) who was chosen as the winner of the writing contest and was presented with her award. And a special thank you to Len for this wonderful and generous gift.
In the Classroom
It's Christmas in the Introduction to Business class. Students are prepping for the holidays by creating small business sales such as jewelry, candy grams, bath salts, ornaments, and more.
Students in Mr. Petrella's engineering class have been busy at work constructing their gravity racers. The students need to successfully build a gravity racer that can withhold the weight of a student and be functional to race against the others.
Drama Department
Christmas Ornament Sale
Hard work, perseverance, success!
Celebrate your memories of North Catholic with a replica of one of its oldest symbols
North Catholic Bell Ornaments
This commemorative gift is a custom-created 3 inch 2-dimensional red and gold cast ornament – with hanging ribbon and gift-boxed with a note describing the North Catholic Bell’s storied history.
School pickup $17.00 Shipped ornaments $20.00
Available mid-December
Available from the NC Drama Department.
Limited quantities available so order now while supplies last!
Order today and have it for your tree. Click here to order.
The North Catholic "Fall" play is "Closed for the Holidays" which will be presented in the school auditorium Friday, December 17 through Sunday, December 19, 2021. Tickets will go on sale the first full week of December.
The Drama Department will be selling digital ads. You can check information about that here.
The forensics team earned the 100 Club Award from the National Speech and Debate Association. This award represents the fact that the North Catholic chapter has achieved an above average size and success as a team with over 100 members last year. Sophie Stumm ('22) and Christina Eid ('22) are two active, successful members of the NC team and accepted the award .
Members of the Mock Trial Team went to St. Vincent College for the Oral Argument Mock Trial Competition. It was held at The Fred Rogers Center on the St. Vincent campus.
The team experienced great success as Abigail Sutton ('22) took 2nd place with her closing statement, and Emma Ventresca ('22) took 1st with her opening statement.
Trojan Sports
Trojan athletes took part in a signing day ceremony recently. These seniors are:
Trevor Paschall – Track – University of North Carolina | NCAA DI
Jayden Sharpless, Girls Soccer – Georgia State University | NCAA DI
Nicolas Scheller – Boys Tennis – Belmont Abbey College | NCAA DII
Abbie Sutton – Softball – Chowan University | NCAA DII
Ben Capozzi – Triathlon – Queens University of Charlotte | NCAA DII
Patrick Synan – Baseball – University of Pittsburgh, Bradford | NCAA DIII
The Trojans are ranked #2 in class 2A behind Central Valley.
The Trojans finished with an undefeated record of 9-0 with a 63-17 win over Derry. Joey Prentice accounted for 7 touchdowns throwing for 5 and scoring 2 while Kyle Tipinski scored 3 times. The Trojans had a first round bye in the upcoming WPIAL playoffs. They defeated Keystone Oaks in the quarterfinals. The semifinals match against Avonworth was a hard fought contest with the Trojans defeating the Antelopes 7-0.
In a return to Heinz Field, the Trojans played #1 Central Valley. Unfortunately, Central Valley came out on top. The Trojans finish the season with an 11-1 record. Congratulations to the team on another outstanding season.
Congratulations to Coach Pat O'Shea who was named coach of the year in the Allegheny Seven Conference. Kyle Tipinski was named MVP on Offense, Tyler Primrose was MVP on Defense, and Andrew Stephens was the Most Valuble Offensive Lineman
The following Trojans were all conference first team on offense: Joey Prentice, quarterback; Kyle Tipinski, running back; Tyler Maziarz, wide receiver; Andrew Stephens, guard. The defense included Daniel Long defensive end; Tyler Primrose, defensive end; Kyle Tipinski, linebacker; Joey Prentice, defensive back.
Girls Volleyball
The Volleyball team was the #1 seed in the WPIAL playoffs and defeated Frazier in the quarterfinals 3-0. They defeated #5 Seton LaSalle in the semifinals and played #2 Avonworth for the championship. The team came away with a 3-1 victory for the WPIAL Title. Avonworth lost only three times this year - all to North. You can read the story here.
North opened the PIAA state playoffs with a 3-0 victory over Corry and defeated Bedford in the quarterfinals and Philipsburg-Osceola in the semifinals They played Trinity in the finals, winning the state championship 3-0. You can read the Trib article here.
The team celebrates their championships, and they rang the bell (twice)
Boys Soccer
The soccer team finished the regular season 9-7 and qualified for the WPIAL playoffs. Following an opening round win, they advanced to the quarterfinals against top-seeded and undefeated South Park. Dylan Greggs scored the only goal in North's upset win. The Trojans advanced to the championship game with a 4-2 victory over Charleroi in the semifinals. Unfortunately, their quest for a championship ended with a loss to Quaker Valley.
The team qualified for the PIAA state championship tournament and defeated Richland 2-1 and advanced to the quarterfinals against section opponent Ambridge,
Their victory over the Bridgers led them to a rematch against Quaker Valley. Having lost to Quaker Valley in the WPIAL championship game, the Trojans looked for revenge but came up short again losing 2-0. Congratulations to the team on what turned out to be a very exciting season.
Congratulations to Dylan Greggs and Ryan Shantz who were named to the Western Pennsylvania Soccer Coaches Association's All-WPIAL Class 2A list.
Girls Soccer
The soccer team was ranked #1 in class 2A entering the WPIAL playoffs. The team opened with a 12-0 rout of Waynesburg. They defeated Yough 4-0 in the quarterfinals. They defeated #5 Shady Side Academy in the semifinals 3-1. They played #6 Avonworth for the title. In a match that went into double overtime, North suffered a 2-1 loss.
The team qualified for the PIAA State championship and opened with a 2-1 win over Karns City. After defeating Villa Maria in the quarterfinals, they faced Avonworth in a rematch of the WPIAL Championship game. Unfortunately, the results were the same as the WPIALS - they lost to Avonworth again. Overall, it was another quality season and the team is to be congratulated for their performance.
Congratulations to senior Jayden Sharpless who was named to the all state team by the Pa Soccer Coaches Association.
As they head into the Thanksgiving break, the Trojan Iceman are 5-2-1 in Class A. Their most recent victory was a 5-0 shutout of Beaver.
Cross Country
Congratulations to the boys cross country team on winning the WPIAL Division II, Section 2 Championship this season. They were undefeated against the 8 other schools in the section.
The PIAA Championships were held in Hershey and the Trojans finished ninth in the state. Owen Schessler finished in the strongest position for the men at 36th.
Sophomore Grace Lazzara and senior Alaina Hicks qualified as individuals for the girls state championships. Grace finished 19th while Aliana finished 58th.
Planned giving is a wonderful way to prepare for the day we depart this life and enter into God's kingdom. By planning ahead, you can provide opportunities to young men and women by supporting North Catholic. Planned giving allows us to help continue the work of Christ and pass on our traditions and Catholic Marianist values. Gifts can be specified in one's will as either a dollar amount of a stated percentage of one's estate. A growing number of alumni have taken this step and discovered a great sense of joy and satisfaction that they are helping families. If you are interested in finding out more, please click here or contact Amber Nicotra Morrison in the Development Office at
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Luke 12:34
Online giving to North Catholic is fast, secure and easy!
Because tuition alone does not fully cover the cost of educating our students, we are grateful for every gift made to the Annual Fund, Capital Campaign, Scholarships and various fundraisers. Every gift benefits our students and stays at North Catholic.
Please accept our deepest gratitude on behalf of the young men and women who will benefit most from your generosity.
EVERY gift stays at North Catholic.
Shop Amazon and Support North
Please consider supporting North students while shopping online!
North Catholic High School is now fully registered and eligible for your support through AMAZON!
Just click the link below and choose North Catholic High School
to receive the .5% donation on all of your Amazon purchases.
As always, thank you for your continued support!
Taxpayers can opt to have 90% of their tax liability given to North Catholic High School or the private school of their choice through the EITC (Educational Improvement Tax Credit) Program. Funds directed to North Catholic from this program directly support scholarships for students.
The Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and the Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) are two programs that can make it possible for many students to receive a Catholic education.
Interested in more information? Contact Amber in the Development/Alumni Office at 412-321-4823, x 529 or
Watch this short video to learn more how easy it really is!
Many thanks to our generous EITC contributors:
With over 14,000 graduates world-wide, we strive to spread as much news as we can! If you have personal news, accomplishments, ideas about topics, articles, stories or alumni profiles for our newsletter, please reach out to Newsletter Editor Walter Quinn, NC '65 at or share them with us at
North Catholic High School
1617 Route 228
Cranberry Township, PA 16066
Thank you for your continued support!