Dear Friends and Partners,
As we close out the year and consider the National Homeless Persons Memorial Day today, it reminds us that homelessness continues as the number one urgent issue in our community and nation.
It is critical that we maintain the steady resolve to act urgently with the long view in mind. Resolving homelessness requires building a coordinated and systemic approach to reducing the inflow of those becoming homeless, quickly providing crisis services including diversion and sheltering services, and accessing and improving the flow to permanent housing solutions.
Shelter without a permanent housing option leaves people stuck. There is upwards of nearly 600 permanent supportive housing units on the way, but we will need far more affordable housing options to solve our region’s housing crisis.
We need to be ever mindful that being unhoused is not an individual shortcoming. It is a grave policy and system failure and can only be changed through local, state and federal coordination and community partnerships.
Sacramento Steps Forward stands ready to engage the community toward that goal. Sacramento can benefit enormously by setting up a more coordinated infrastructure where we as a region leverage our assets to create a person centered, equitable coordinated response.
In coming months the CoC will be discussing a coordinated access proposal as a critical system improvement. This proposal will optimize program resources such as sheltering, problem solving and rapidly resolving housing crisis issues for individuals and families.
The CoC will also be hosting the development of a state-required Homeless Action Plan and we will be working to ensure that our resources are invested for the maximum impact possible.
We stand ready to help forge systematic solutions to house the unhoused and we look forward to bringing together all those who care about homelessness to shape system solutions that can more urgently and effectively cut through this continuing humanitarian crisis. There is no better time to do this than now.
Thank you for the hard work from each of you this past year and I look forward to continuing our partnerships in 2022.
On behalf of the SSF team, best wishes to you and your family this holiday season.