Industry News
U.S. Auto Insurance Costs Surge - Report
Insurfy's second annual "Insuring the American Driver" report noted insurance prices increased 12% from 2020 to 2021 and suggests the price will rise an additional 5% in 2022. Many factors are leading to increased rates including inflation, more drivers on the road who additionally are driving more than last year, and rising collisions.
Home Price Gains Slow Down for the First Time Since May 2020
Home prices are still considerably higher but the gains are finally starting to slow down. According to S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller National Home Price Index, home prices rose 19.5% in September year over year, down from 19.8% annual gain in August. This marks the first decrease in the annual gain since May 2020. The fundamental supply and demand still favor an expensive market making it unlikely for prices to drop dramatically.
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ISI is an administrator of Collateral Protection Insurance (CPI) and Blanket Lenders Single Interest (BLSI) for financial institutions. We provide insurance, lending, and marketing products to the financial institution marketplace. Our mission is to deliver the best products and services in the industry through responsive service, comprehensive coverage, and advanced technology. We combine the lender's vision and our proven plan to create a portfolio that matches the lender's needs for a successful program and partnership.