Typically, in a pre-pandemic years, the BCRC phones slow down this time of year, the staff takes the downtime opportunity to re-charge their batteries and start to plan for the new year ahead. This year, however, our phones and emails have not stopped or even slowed down. As as result of a very successful Breast Cancer Awareness month and from all of you sharing our BCRC programs with people you meet, more women have heard about our services and are reaching out. So many of you have offered your support and have volunteered your time, I want to thank you all for reaching out this past year to lend your support. You mean the world to us and we could not have gotten through this year without you!

In honor of our dear friends, Pam and Ashita (whom we recently lost), I ask that you take some time to honor their spirit by LIVING life to it's fullest, being kind (to yourself and others) and try to always remember to have fun. I am hopeful that the new year ahead of us, brings us all good health, happiness, more kindness (for ourselves and for others).

I wish you all a healthy and happy holiday season!

Melissa White-McMahon
Director, Breast Cancer Resource Center

Yes, THE couch is ready to receive visitors! For those of you who have been members prior to the pandemic, you probably know what THE couch is. For those of you who are new or don't know what this photo represents, let me share...

The BCRC has always been a place where you (as a BCRC member) can come to get support. Prior to the pandemic, the BCRC couch was the place where many women found a comfortable place to sit, to rest or reflect. Many of you sat here to receive support; some cried or yelled-it-out; so many of you sat and listed to fellow survivors/thrivers as they entered different stages and phases of their diagnosis. The couch (actually pictured above!) represents who and what the BCRC stands for. Like THE couch, the BCRC staff are here to sit and listen, we are here to cry and laugh-it-out with you, we are here to comfort you and provide you with the support you need. The couch has heard all sorts of stories and conversations. The couch does not judge or try and fix you. It has been stained with some good red wine and tears. It has even been pushed around and moved too many times to count, but know through all of that...THE BCRC couch is here for you, now and forever. We invite you to come sit on the BCRC couch in our new (still a work in progress) home (for now).

Hugs from THE couch,
Melissa & Betsy
The BCRC is proud to provide a new line of support to our community of Metastatic Thrivers. Thriving Together is a group where Metastatic thrivers (Metavivors) can connect with other thrivers to gain knowledge, strength and support. The group will be lead by Alicia (Lisa) Burditt a Licensed Professional Counselor and National Board Certified Counselor.

The first meeting will be held via Zoom on
Wednesday, December 7th from 1:30 pm - 2:30pm
Note: Regular monthly meetings will be held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month beginning in January 2023.

For more information and the Zoom link,
please contact Betsy at [email protected]
or Melissa at [email protected] 609-497-2100 ext 349
Join us for our weekly virtual open house hour. Catch-up with the BCRC staff and meet other BCRC members. We miss you all so much and hope you will join us to talk about anything and everything! We can't wait to see you!

Join us on Zoom every Thursday from 10-11am
*Please note: our Oct 6th C&C has been cancelled*
Support Groups
Get the support you need from others who know what you are going through

Coping & Beyond
Monthly on the first Thursday at 6:30pm

Young Survivors
Monthly on the 2nd Thursday at 6:30pm & meets socially throughout the month

Thriving Together
Monthly (beginning January 2023) on the 2nd Wednesday at 1:30pm
Email [email protected] for more info or to register!
Jazzercise Class with Pennington Fitness Center

Pennington Jazzercise is welcoming us into their weekly Monday classes at 4:30 p.m. and weekly Friday classes at 8:30 a.m.

Let's get fit, move and have fun together!

Email [email protected] for more info on how to join in!
Shop for the holidays and support your BCRC!
Check out our
2022 Beyond Pink Swag Shop!
All purchases go towards BCRC programs!
(click link below)
  • Volunteers needed who speak Spanish
  • Volunteers needed for information/event tables
  • Beyond Pink Art POP UP Art Show needs weekend gallery volunteers for (Saturdays & Sundays throughout December & January)!
Interested in volunteering for the BCRC?
Email Melissa McMahon at [email protected] for upcoming volunteer opportunities!
(i.e. wigs, bras, support group, surgeon, message, yoga, programs)
You will be redirected to send an email to our Support Services Coordinator, Betsy, please share with her, we appreciate your feedback!

Cancercare.org is offering a Reiki Workshop monthly!
For more information:

Multiple Events Available All Month Long!

Dance Exercise for Breast Recovery
Mindful Movement Class for Women of Color

The gift that keeps on giving!
All donations made to the BCRC go directly to serving breast cancer thrivers, survivors and support people right in your community!
Follow along on social media!